What bothers you, irks you, or what do you hate IN COMPANIES

I hate when people blatenly disregard simple rules. When the flight attendants ask you to put your electronics away and theres always the one old lady whi refuses and acts like she cant 5 minutes without reading her first gen kindle. Put that ishh away lady :smh: :smh:

Yet you're blatantly disregarding the simple rules of this thread which OP has laid out several times throughout the thread :rolleyes

The rule was to keep this about business and what you hate about them, and not what you hate about people was stressed. You hate something that others do, but you are doing it yourself.
Professors who make it harder than it has to be. Wrote a lab report using on the lab rubric, apparently there were two lab rubrics one more detailed. Asked the TA why would they provided two different lab rubrics, "Oh they are like kinda the same, just one is more detailed and was better to use."
This. I always have at least one professor that throws something on the exam that we never covered in class. Dude says, "well you should've read it in the book," and hits us with the 
Rap music after 2003
I can't stand it to the point where I haven't listened to the radio in almost two years. The artistry and purity are gone. The line between rap and pop is gone.  Thank God for underground rap and pandora.

And lastly my 400lb boss coming into my office to watch a movie when he has his own post and the first thing he asks is "So what you guys eating?"
When it comes to giving rides, the person being picked up should be the one waiting. Not the one doing the picking up.
Seems like everybody got a problem/complaint sound like some women at a salon with your issues 
Not really a company thing but i hate the whole concept of tipping. I'm not gonna get into it but i've always hated having to tip someone when they already get paid to do the job they signed up for.
so true, this topic definitely deserves its own thread!
People who smoke blacks and other cheap cigars and try to look down on me for having a Marlboro. Smh
The people who feel they have to post 3 pics a day on IG. Most the time they're memes that ain't even funny. I didn't sign up for this!
I hate when a direct t.v commercial comes on and stars talking about when it rains or snows you wont lose service......its ********!!!!

I'll always lose the service in the 4th quarter.
What grinds my gears is people who love to talk your ear off, but dont listen to you when you want to talk. >:
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