What are your deal breakers for the opposite sex? vol #dealbreaker

Aug 31, 2006
For me, off the top of my head

She has no ambition
She is ugly in pictures
She has ugly toes
Poor hygiene
Hates dogs
Constant liar
Horrible reputation

there are many more, but what are yours?
not much of anything.....cant be taller than me (6'2).....but reading some of the stuff you listed, I guess I can say I dont hang with any people like that (besides the dog/toe/ugly pic things)
too many to name. im shallow as **%%.

love the Liz Lemon reference tho
-too nice. i like somewhat "aggressive" females, submissive girls are boring as hell.
-the ones that are constantly pampering you. once in a while is cool but too much is
. i can do my own damn laundry and clean my own damn room...
-uneducated. cant get with a female whos not in college or has no plans of attending in the future.
-dumb outside of school. girls who are book smart but are stupid as @#$% in the real world are terrible. This girl I was talking to thought Paranormal Activity was a real home video until a month after she saw it

-wears makeup 24/7. had an ex in HS who refused to be seen withoutmakeup even though she looked decent normally, I hardly ever saw herreal face

-extensions/weaves/fake nails/colored contacts. when i posted "no extensions" before someone called me racist, but i love cute black girls with "nappy" hair. I just hate anything fake
Girls who can't make up their **@%%+# mind. Like they say they gonna do this but instead they decide to do something else and then they dont want to do that so they change their mind again and repeat. f that.

-obsessed with facebook. Like constantly trying to make statuses that people will comment on. And if no one comments acts like its a big deal. yuck.

-too much makeup. I dont wanna wake up in the morning and to turn around and be like "who the hell is this!?" w/o their makeup on.
When you mean dealbreaker, I'm assuming you mean when considering a chick wifey material.
If so:
-No personality/sense of humor
-being taller than me
-ugly feet (word to Mayor)
-bad kisser
-annoying voice
-if she smashed the homie
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

the fact they're the opposite sex
are you gay or just really annoyed by the opposite sex?

anyway....liars(the obvious lies are so insulting), nasty toes, rowdy, doesnt shave legs/arms( no racist but the hispanic and indian girls are the main offenders), bad fashion sense (8 with style >>>>10 without style), book smart but no common sense, promiscuity, indecisive, pretentious w/ no potential (c) Wale ( nose in the air but they're not worth a damn)
Liars, girls whove been around, history of unfaithfulness, loud. Lying is the hugest red light for me. I wont stand for that %%%%. I dont have time for no games and tales.
  • Lying
  • Not funny. I love men with a good sense of humor. And by good I mean the same as mine, lol.
  • Tight w exes
  • No ambition
  • Does any drugs outside of
  • Shorter than 6'1
  • Doesn't take good care of his body. If I'm in the gym every day, you damn well better be
  • Not athletic. I like a dude who will throw the football with me. And play one-on-one and stuff.
  • Ugly shoes/sneakers
  • Dislikes cuddling. I'm a cuddling addict lol I need someone who will provide me w ample amounts of cuddles
-Poor Manners
-Poor Eating Habits
-Poor Sense of Style
-Oblivious or not self-aware
-Fat (Sorry I'm a fit dude)
-Snobby (I don't care about your parents money or the car daddy bought you!)
*A smoker (there is nothing sexy about that $#!*)
*No sense of humor
*Females who front and play the innocent role,but suck **** from here to Japan
*A female with a filthy mouth
*I like women with curves,but some of you broads are big and sloppy and I ain't really feelin' that $#!*
*Too agressive (no means no damnit!)
*A female who doesn't know when to shut up
*A female who feels entitled to respect and not putting any work in to EARN it
I can't think of any others.
*A smoker (there is nothing sexy about that $#!*)
*No sense of humor
*Females who front and play the innocent role,but suck **** from here to Japan
*A female with a filthy mouth
*I like women with curves,but some of you broads are big and sloppy and I ain't really feelin' that $#!*
*Too agressive (no means no damnit!)
*A female who doesn't know when to shut up
*A female who feels entitled to respect and not putting any work in to EARN it
I can't think of any others.
no ambition
emtional...I joke around ALOT get use to it
no opinon...my ex didn't have an opinon on anything. I had to decide e everything even ordered his
food when we went out half the time.
Ruxxx you hit it on the head, especially with this one:

A female who feels entitled to respect and not putting any work in to EARN it

I dont know where this trait comes from, but it needs to go.
smokes me than me
act like they're the baddest thing to ever walk the planet
does more drugs than me
too emotional or gets attached to quick
wack taste in music
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

  • Lying
  • Not funny. I love men with a good sense of humor. And by good I mean the same as mine, lol.
  • Tight w exes
  • No ambition
  • Does any drugs outside of
  • Shorter than 6'1
  • Doesn't take good care of his body. If I'm in the gym every day, you damn well better be
  • Not athletic. I like a dude who will throw the football with me. And play one-on-one and stuff.
  • Ugly shoes/sneakers
  • Dislikes cuddling. I'm a cuddling addict lol I need someone who will provide me w ample amounts of cuddles
you sure? Because it'd be NO contest for me, AND i'm 6'1!
I hope you box out though.


Anyways, alot of these seem ridiculously obvious, such as, "someone who has no ambition and is dumb and is really fat and looks ugly--those are dealbreakers"

uhh yeah, no shhhh... THUS, for me:
--Gotta have good teeth (not perfect, but good, clean to me)
--Dunno why, but women who wear sneakers mostly is a turn-off (with some stylistic exceptions tho). i just dont like @$%@#%, dirty shoes on a person.
--Must be independant (you have your friends you chill with, and I have mine)
--Only looks good with makeup = no bueno
--Smokers, with the latest female, it is verrrrry annoying. makes your breath stink. (back to the teeth issue)
--dont like women who are super laid back/no sprint-to-action-ness (not sexual, just saying) too many guys like their women docile and etc. no I want someone who'll jump and go crazy over a dunk or something too.
--athletic, no superstar but competitive in some way.
--dont like anybody that takes themselves TOO seriously, gotta be able to laugh at yourself & let things go. shows your comfortable/confident/cool

...ive said too much. Ah I love women and all their crazy ways.
^I definitely agree with that last one black.A woman who really doesn't have a good ear for music can %!%% quick!
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

-too nice. i like somewhat "aggressive" females, submissive girls are boring as hell.
-the ones that are constantly pampering you. once in a while is cool but too much is
. i can do my own damn laundry and clean my own damn room...
-uneducated. cant get with a female whos not in college or has no plans of attending in the future.
-dumb outside of school. girls who are book smart but are stupid as @#$% in the real world are terrible. This girl I was talking to thought Paranormal Activity was a real home video until a month after she saw it

-wears makeup 24/7. had an ex in HS who refused to be seen withoutmakeup even though she looked decent normally, I hardly ever saw herreal face

-extensions/weaves/fake nails/colored contacts. when i posted "no extensions" before someone called me racist, but i love cute black girls with "nappy" hair. I just hate anything fake

-stank breath
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