what are the chances of having people follow me?

Dang OP, so lemme get this straight.  Its been determined that you are at NO FAULT and the other person is totally at fault?  So basically, your attorney is going after the other driver's insurance company for upwards of $100K+?

Its possible that they wouldnt be following you, especially if the car was a total loss.  Then again you can never play it too safe.

I've been in a similar situation as you, but it was for smaller potatoes.  I got rear-ended on the freeway with 3 passengers in my car.  Anytime I'm in a car accident (4 so far... knock on wood) I immediately call up my attorney and let him know what the deal is.  That one time I got rear ended I was a bit shaken up, a little bit sore for a day or two but I felt fine afterwards.  My wife was kinda in the same boat as me and nothing too major.  Two of the wife's friends were in the backseat and got some whiplash and were in some pain.  I honestly don't even know how much my attorney was suing for or what the deal was.  He just takes care of everything and tells me when and where I have to be somewhere (like doctors appointment, or his office to sign some paperwork) and then after several months he settled with the insurance company and cut me a check.  Between the 4 of us, we netted out something like $30K, not much, but considering I wasnt really inconvenienced THAT much, it was well worth it to me.  That $30K really was $90K though since my doctor got his 1/3 cut, my attorney took his 1/3 cut, and then we got ours.
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by Diego

They also check internet history.
Might as well just go to the gym cause they got all the evidence they need with this thread.

i know firsthand that some law firms hire investigators to follow ppl around.. that's for a FACT. don't go to the gym, man. go jogging around your bathroom or something.
I just pictured this
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