What are some of your weird habits?

Bite my pointer finger knuckle when I'm sitting down or at a restaurant, when I see someone and I mean anyone fall down or trip I yell out Ooy! then laugh. And when I'm in front of a mirror I start dancing! LOL
-I like to smell armpits
- I pee in everyones sink, everyone!
- When I'm drunk and look in the mirror I start cracking up cuz I know I'm drunk
-I like to eat Boot E.
-I like to brush my teeth in the shower
Kind of off topic.......but has neone ever tried to pee with an erection but you had to think of something nasty so you could get it down enough to aiming position?
^^ I just pee in the shower and wash it down with some water.
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Kind of off topic.......but has neone ever tried to pee with an erection but you had to think of something nasty so you could get it down enough to aiming position?
i just take a couple steps back

When I'm in a relationship I have a thing about sticking my tongue in my girls nose at random times.
My girl and I do this...in ears, as well.
I can only move my bowels in the nude. Unless I'm at work, and that's only because of the hassle of putting my uniform.

I gotta have a bottle of water next to my bed, I may only take 1 sip, but is has to be there.

I sniff new kicks right before I UNDS.

I hate having copper change in my pockets.

I make it a point to track how far I shoot my "kids" after sex. 7/10 I rub in what hits the chick.

All shoes have a particular place that they have to be in.

I have to watch SportsCenter before I go to sleep & soon as I wake up.

I eat my meals by each type of food (all sides first before meat)

The dual climate control in the whip has to be on the same temp, no matter what.

I have to rock my foot to fall asleep, but on my toes, not heels.

I watch like 5 porn scenes before I fap.

If I fap next to the wife, I can't watch anything.

I lie to random ppl when they ask where I get my shoes, unless I think you're already in the know

I don't shake hands with men unless its necessary, only pounds

I almost never watch the same porn scene twice. Feels like I already smashed the broad.
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wow i thought i was weird until i read some of these replies but i feel pretty normal now lol..some of my weird habbits are i have to sleep with socks on , have to be covered to sleep, all lights must be turned off and noise and closet doors, i put lime on everything ex: soup, rice and everytime i use a cup i have to rinse it before using it
I drive on the left hand side if the road
I use my hand as a turning signal
I don't like knowing the time
I put 70 instead of a 1:10 on the microwave
I have to watch one movie everyday
I rock back and forth a little when i'm sitting, or I sort of sway a when I'm standing.  Cant stand or sit still unless I notice i'm rocking and tell myself to stop.
How would one squat on the toilet?......I remember that one NT post\pic but it was over a lower toilet....

P.s. will post weird habits later
I squat when I poop
I can't drive if the front passenger seat in my car is sitting higher up than the driver seat
I smile at people a lot, just to see how they respond.
Every night when I get home from work I stare at the night sky for about a minute and think about the universe
If I'm at home alone eating some good food I will dance like a r&b singer while eating and drinking
i sleep on the opposite side of my bed, just to do it. i don't even remember what it's like facing the right way lol.
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