I hate to break it to yall.
There is a snowballs chnace in hell of a stand alone black panther movie. A supporting character maybe but stand alone nah. The reasons are pretty obvious:
1. A stadalone black panther film woould have to be set jn wakanda and there fore would involve majority black cast.
2. These movies primary value is that these internationally known properties play well international markets specifically china, sad to say but i don't think a majority black film set in Africa is way risker proposition in those markets.
3. Black panther has been a marginalized character in marvel comics, period. There really,isn't a wealth of great material or classic storylines. Latley marvels been working him a bit more but mostly as a supporting character. It would take a director and writer with a really strong vision to create something brand new for film. Given that 90% of the film industry is white i don't think that guy is going to be easy to find that guy unless tarintino wanta to write a black panther film.
4. The cost of these movies really decreases the amount of risk studios are willing to take. Its one thing to make think like a man 2 with a majority black cast but a 200 million dollar block buster set in Africa hard time seeing anyone at disney approving that.
i hate to be cynical but i think there is basically no way.