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Its more like if your goal was to own a home and you bought the home. You've been living in it for years but it is in danger of foreclosing in 2024 because the bank is telling you you're missing payments

In 2014 your past self learns this and decides to kill the whole universe so no one would stop you from owning that home.

The avengers is the bank

Thanos is really a nut job.
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The whole “new timeline” piece is so clutch bc they can literally rely on that and make another movie using a “different timeline”

Like, cap returned the stones and someone else gets the idea to get an infinity gauntlet in another timeline where cap is older etc. new characters etc

Or he returns a stone but puts it in wrong place and someone in 70s uses it to breed new mutant characters. Boom.
if your goal was to bang rihanna

in 2018 you bang rihanna and got chlamydia

now your 2014 self finds out you get chlamydia so you jump to 2024 so you don't have it

did you achieve your goal of banging rihanna?


End of debate
A closer analogy...

Goal is to own a home...You buy Said home then get killed 22 days later...You went to your grave owning the home you set out to buy...Goal achieved...

Years after your death a past version of yourself is able to see the future...That version sees that you died after achieving your goal...But that version of yourself also sees that the bank foreclosed on the house and sold it to people who’ve let it fall apart (Ungrateful people who don’t appreciate it)...

Now you decide your going to travel to that future and completely destroy the house, build a new one, then sell it to somebody you know will appreciate what you’ve done...This is your new goal...Before you can achieve this goal your killed by the unappreciative tenants that the bank sold the original house to in the first place...The past version of yourself failed at the NEW goal he created for himself...
EXPlain for idiots like me please
people were confused
it was thought that he possibly went back in time and stayed and lived out his life in the MAIN timeline that we've been watching
because when he was suppoesd to come back 5 secs he didn't show up at the machine but was already sitting across from them at a bench as old man Cap
old man cap already being there means that there were multiple Caps in our timeline
The cap we see in the movies, and off-screen, time traveler cap living with peggy

so now that they confirmed him going back and staying branched off another universe that multiple caps in the main timeline isnt a thing
he lived out his life in an alternate reality.. but now we ask how and when did he return to the main MCU timeline

The whole “new timeline” piece is so clutch bc they can literally rely on that and make another movie using a “different timeline”

Like, cap returned the stones and someone else gets the idea to get an infinity gauntlet in another timeline where cap is older etc. new characters etc

Or he returns a stone but puts it in wrong place and someone in 70s uses it to breed new mutant characters. Boom.

yeah basically they setting up branch theories means they have the liberty to do virtually ANYTHING that they want
esp with the Fox characters now back in their control
can even go grab another timeline's prime Tony and Cap
Just like I told y’all...Evans isn’t done with the role...He just wants to take some time away from the Marvel life...

That ending gives them an out...
that smile was kind of weird :lol:

i still would have wanted to see ronan get a beatdown from thanos though
Thanos would have killed that dude, he punched the **** out of Spidy and he has abilities.

Someone linked the article however I found this interesting.
"Could you have used any of the characters that Disney obtained from the Fox acquisition, like the X-Men or Fantastic Four?
Legally, not allowed to.
MARKUS I guess it’s done now but it wasn’t done then. They still have an “X-Men” movie [“Dark Phoenix,” due in June]. You can’t reboot them before they’re done. “Sorry to completely screw you.”

Almost feels like a new coach inheriting a team and having the old assistant coaches still on staff. I wonder who he is planning on replacing and who he wants to keep in the X-Men universe. Please replace everyone but Jean Gray, Professor X, and Magneto, then age everyone up by like 3/4 years.
So cap lived his life in a different reality and old man Steve found a way to travel to the main reality to give away the shield?

I will accept that answer.
most of the replies i got when i asked was there were multiple steves running rampant :lol:
Yeah but multiple branches was brought up because it was one of the first things the Ancient One brought up. Twas pretty clear to me but it may need multiple viewings
Wasn't the purpose of returning the stones to there correct place in time so that there weren't alternate time lines? My bad if this has been answered. Thread moves fast. Also only seen the movie once.
That was the goal but you see the thing is that nobody has time traveled before so they don't really know ****
Wait I'm not following. I keep seeing that Thanos' goal was to eliminate half of all life in the universe. Yes, technically. But wasn't the motivation behind that to create balance of resources, land, etc.?

With the snapped people being brought back does that not recreate the imbalance he originally sought to eliminate?
If you want to get technical about it...As everything stands at the end of this movie, there would actually be 4 Caps at the convergence points of 2012 and 1970...

The Cap who was on ice / Battle of New York...

The Cap who is living out his life with Peggy...

The Cap who is on the original time heist shenanigans with Tony and everybody...

The Cap who’s replacing the stones...

Anyway there’s been a ton of Caps running around unseen in all these movies we’ve watched...

That’s assuming of course he was in fact living this whole time in the main timeline and didn’t travel to 2023 from some other timeline...But that’s a whole different discussion...


most of the replies i got when i asked was there were multiple steves running rampant :lol:

Still a bunch of Steve’s running around at the convergence points too...At least 3...Just removes the old man Cap from the main timeline...
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