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How does old man Steve end up in the same reality

The moment he goes back in time and chooses to stay with Peggy that's a new reality, no?

He didn't change anything by going back, so no alternate reality was created. Cap was always destined to go back in time, marry Peggy and stay there. You can tell this because when Old Cap shows back up he doesn't come through the machine. He just shows up at the time and place he left from originally.
How does old man Steve end up in the same reality

The moment he goes back in time and chooses to stay with Peggy that's a new reality, no?
Not necessarily.

The fact that he shows up there simply means a second Steve was ALWAYS around aging over the decades.
When Thanos was fighting Captain Marvel with the glove on was that the same glove that professor hulk used?

The Stark glove.
The stones almost killed him when he destroyed them and he didnt care anyway.

He won.

No way he did that.

He only looked in the future when he was on Titan. Its more likely when he was brought back he opened a portal to Manhattan and contacted Wong to get everybody for the battle.

Would’ve been awesome as a side story for Wong since he peaced out in IW :lol:
Loved RDJ’s range when he was turning up on Rogers in the beginning. The I told you so’s were flying out the ***. Boy was going so hard he passed out :lol: “I got nothin for you Cap!”

They did Emily VanCamp so wrong in this movie. She should’ve been in the funeral scene but they didn’t want viewers thinking about Cap dirty mackin on Peggy’s niece but still running back to Peggy when he had the chance. Ironically the music that Cap and Peggy are dancing to at the end is the same music Sharon Carter has playing in Cap’s Apartment :smh: :smh: :smh: Steve is lowkey a dirtbag forreal
NY was attacked by (illegal) aliens in real life and society was able to galvanize and live normal. Being dead for 5 years and then just walking back in the crib and making a sandwich suspends disbelief a little too hard.

Talk to us big guy. The movie is special ain’t it :blush:
Ain't ever clapped in the movies. This wasn't one of em days.
When Thanos was fighting Captain Marvel with the glove on was that the same glove that professor hulk used?


Knowing how Tony thinks, he made sure he was also capable of wielding the stones as a contingency plan. His armor was modified to handle that circumstance. Although he probably wasn’t sure how dangerous it was but I think he was prepared on making that sacrifice.

Knowing how Tony thinks, he made sure he was also capable of wielding the stones as a contingency plan. His armor was modified to handle that circumstance. Although he probably wasn’t sure how dangerous it was but I think he was prepared on making that sacrifice.
Yup Tony learned its damn near impossible to take the glove off of Thanos hand if that situation reoccur like in IW
I see a lot of Steve slander, unlike the other movies at least in this movie he wasn’t getting his *** beat to near death and needed other avengers to come rescue him.... never mind >D

I kid :lol:
How does old man Steve end up in the same reality

The moment he goes back in time and chooses to stay with Peggy that's a new reality, no?

Steve was always there in the background getting old with Peggy we just didn’t see him...

He didn’t interfere with anything over the years to specifically ensure the timeline stayed intact...So he couldn’t run off and save Bucky back in the 50’s or tell anybody that Shield was being infiltrated by Hydra...

It’s either that or...

Him going back and being with Peggy did create an alternate timeline but he traveled to that lake side scene we got at the end after he’d lived his life...Remember since he was there as a young man, even though he went back in time and lived a full life, that scene in 2023 would’ve been him essentially returning to his past even though it was technically the future...

Time travel in this movie is a bit muddled :lol:...
Would’ve been awesome as a side story for Wong since he peaced out in IW :lol:
I assume in those 5 years Wong was training new sorcerers and building an army.

It would've been nice just to see him in the conference with Captain Marvel, Rocket, Okoye, and Rhodey.

But others have mentioned it and yeah, they weren't trying to expand that cast budget any further :lol:
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I assume in those 5 years Wong was training new sorcerers and building an army.

It would've been nice just to see him in the conference with Captain Marvel, Rocket, Okoye, amd Rhodey.

But others have mentioned it and yeah, they weren't trying to expand that cast budget any further :lol:
It was real cool Wong went and pick up Valkyrie, Okoye, and Howard the duck..

I really was looking for Deadpool.. :rofl:
I assume in those 5 years Wong was training new sorcerers and building an army.

It would've been nice just to see him in the conference with Captain Marvel, Rocket, Okoye, amd Rhodey.

But others have mentioned it and yeah, they weren't trying to expand that cast budget any further :lol:

That’s what I was saying where was Wong in the conference? I guess Bruce didn’t make them link up.
I need release info for the gauntlet :nerd::pimp:

If they drop the version of Iron Man when he does the snap
Did i miss the explanation of the multiple time jumps by Tony and Cap?
I thought tony said the tech he built could only provide two time jumps (round trip). But Tony and Cap actually did three time jumps???
Steve was always there in the background getting old with Peggy we just didn’t see him...

He didn’t interfere with anything over the years to specifically ensure the timeline stayed intact...So he couldn’t run off and save Bucky back in the 50’s or tell anybody that Shield was being infiltrated by Hydra...

It’s either that or...

Him going back and being with Peggy did create an alternate timeline but he traveled to that lake side scene we got at the end after he’d lived his life...Remember since he was there as a young man, even though he went back in time and lived a full life, that scene in 2023 would’ve been him essentially returning to his past even though it was technically the future...

Time travel in this movie is a bit muddled :lol:...
Damn! It's torture in and of itself to know $@#! about to hit the fan but you can't do squat!
And who thought up The Dude Odinson deserves a raise.
Too many epic moments... Hammer scenes, cap doing his thing with it, Hobo Thor going super Saiyan.... And Bulimic Tony with that delivery!!...Where to even start..?!!
Did i miss the explanation of the multiple time jumps by Tony and Cap?
I thought tony said the tech he built could only provide two time jumps (round trip). But Tony and Cap actually did three time jumps???

Instead of taking the 2nd Pym Particles from 2102 New York to get back to the present, Cap and Tony took em to Jersey in 1970.
Did i miss the explanation of the multiple time jumps by Tony and Cap?
I thought tony said the tech he built could only provide two time jumps (round trip). But Tony and Cap actually did three time jumps???

They went to the 70’s to get the Tesseract that they messed up on getting in 2012 Battle of NY and to get more Pym Particles
Can someone explain the multiple snaps?

I get what professor hulk did..
I get what iron man did..

I thought the stones was destroyed after the snap but that's clearly not the case..

My main question is the glove they were using.. I thought the glove get destroyed after each snap for sure..
Gauntlet got damaged when Thanos used the stones. Still useable. Then he used the stones to destroy them.

There was only one Stark glove when they got the stones from the past. Hulk used it and it wasnt even that badly damaged. Then they played keep away during the battle.
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