WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Agatha All Along new ep every Wednesday

Screenshot_2019-04-09-21-31-24-1.png Screenshot_2019-04-09-21-29-03-1.png Might get a new shirt or might rock one of my old joints. Wakanda beanie out of respect (if it's cold enough) and to keep the orange and blue theme going (Mets game later in the day).
FYI, there is a new Endgame toy leak out today.... As someone who saw it, it is very likely to be plot related spoiler, so try to stay away from anything toy related. Leaks are getting more serious now in regards to validity. :ohwell:

FYI, there is a new Endgame toy leak out today.... As someone who saw it, it is very likely to be plot related spoiler, so try to stay away from anything toy related. Leaks are getting more serious now in regards to validity. :ohwell:

I've been wondering lately why they can't just drop toys like a week after a movie release

Why does it have to be before? #kanyeshrug
I've been wondering lately why they can't just drop toys like a week after a movie release

Why does it have to be before? #kanyeshrug

I mean, some of the stuff might be intended to drop after.. but they supply it to people who screw things up beforehand
kinda reminds me of

and just like this new one, I'm hyped over whoever CM and IM are fighting
because that fight with Maw and Cull in IW was too dope, and it annoyed me that they barely showed footage from that
but released the Proxima and Glaive fight

it is for a commercial :lol: i guess a fan just created that scene and mixed with the other scenes

Actually, when I think about it more it cant be understated how much of a juggernaut the MCU is.

10 years ago the wide spread rumor was female led superhero movies do not sell so we wont even make them. The ****tiest movies were used to back up that point and Hollywood held on to it.

Now Captain Marvel didnt just do good so it could be a start or even really good so there'd be momentum it ******* made a billion dollars. Literally no studio can make that point/excuse anymore.
Remember when some people tried to say "comic book/superhero movie fatigue" was a thing?

We're two decades into the Superhero Era and these films are still breaking records at the box office!
Random thought but it wouldn't surprise me if Captain Marvel had something to do with leaving the Power stone on that planet Star Lord found it on in the first Galaxy movie
How my 3pm showing be looking. I'm on the very left edge of the 3rd row from the bottom. J26
Y'all with weak bladders; I'm looking at y'all.
Remember when some people tried to say "comic book/superhero movie fatigue" was a thing?

We're two decades into the Superhero Era and these films are still breaking records at the box office!

It’s def real for a small group of people. We’ll watch mcu movies because they’re good. I’m only watching 1, maybe 2 cbm movies at the theater a year. People are giving dc movies a chance again. You get a movie like venom making a lot of money. While there seems to be minimal interest in the last xmen movie. I wonder how hellboy will do. Also consider there’s a ton of cbm tv shows now too.
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