WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Agatha All Along new ep every Wednesday

Do we know if Luis was dusted?
I imagine a scene of Scott coming out of the quantum realm time vortex and Luis giving him the rundown of everything that's happened since :lol:
Yeah, it’s funny when people get mad at them for just gathering everyone else’s reviews.
Nah it’s not that that I don’t like about them
I know they gather all kinds of different reviews

The thing I don’t like about them is I have seen them randomly remove different positive and negative reviews for movies in the past.
emergency awesome pointed out on the "trust me hand shake" that it wasnt with captain america but it was with ant man. the suit does looks like it's ant-man when you look at it closely
Looking back at all the Infinity War posters and only Hulk was shown, never Banner. Now all these Endgame posters have Banner on it but no Hulk. Hopefully that means we mostly get Hulk this time like we got Banner for IW.
Honestly unkempt feet will ruin the whole equation for me

It's like a game of Jenga. You need to have a solid foundation or the whole structure will come tumbling down.
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