WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Agatha All Along new ep every Wednesday

Sliding timescale :nerd:

Magneto has to be a Holocaust/WWII victim forever though, no other way to explain his origin.
It would be weird to have Magneto not have that Holocaust connection. I wouldn't be surprised if they take the angle of where his grandparents were victims, so he's always been angry/upset/passionate about that situation and how it tore his family apart and they're in a bad way currently because of it, and now he sees the direct parallels to the current mutant situation, and goes from there. It'd be different, but I think Disney could do it.

As for mutants in general, especially since as of yet they don't exit in the MCU (I don't want to see any "they've been among us for decades blah blah blah" neither), I feel like they're either go the route of...1) they're a result of messing with time and space from jumping around in EG as we're thinking, and we start this next phase in a world with mutants (though they won't be acknowledged quite yet); 2) a shock wave, explosion, or something similar happens in EG that activates the gene in people, and eventually they start springing up over time, referencing that event that started it all; or 3) Scarlet Witch is going to be the mother of mutants via something catastrophic she does. I could be wrong, but in the current world that the MCU exists in, these ideas make sense to me as ways to explain the introduction of this new species.
I'm betting when they introduce mutants in to the MCU theyre just gonna make them proxies for Muslims and illegal immigrants instead of black ppl and jews.
Mutants still resonate with with all the groups you mentioned, including Blacks and Jewish people. IMO I imagine the MCU will show, or at least elude to, mutants doing everything from immigrating to countries, fleeing mutant hostile places, being profiled and killed wrongfully, to put in camps and branded, just to paint a picture showing parallels between mutant treatment and human treatment of all people.
Need this scene in Endgame



I’ve seen them already. They’re fake. After me and a lot of 4chan got duped by that initial Captain Marvel spoiler I’m screening spoilers more thoroughly. It’s too early for their to be details on who dies and how. The most you can get this early on is action set pieces. We won’t have Endgame spoilers for another 3-4 weeks. But when we do...

“Be afraid”


I know my Capcom heads got that. If not don’t try and jump on the bandwagon cause the Russo’s might make you after this film :nerd:
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