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Chris Hemsworth Says Everything is ‘Ramped Up’ in Avengers: Age of Ultron

Speaking at Wizard World Sacramento (via CBM), Thor himself Chris Hemsworth was asked if he would be getting more scenes as the god of thunder in the film, and he had some high praise for the sequel.

"Everything in Avengers is ramped up though. It kind of blew me away reading it. I don't know how Joss does it, but everyone has just gone up another notch and the whole thing is bigger and more insane and crazy. Yeah, he's a genius."

Hemsworth also confirmed that the majority of shooting for the film will take place in London and last for four months.

“Yeah, we're going to meet in London and shoot there for 4 months, so I'm excited to get back together with everyone and catch up.”

You can watch the full video with Hemsworth in the player below.

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No Black Panther really?but they added wanda and quicksilver really?hell hulk couldve been villian in this movie that would be the ultimate villian besides Thanos u cant have ultron without ant man...
No Black Panther really?but they added wanda and quicksilver really?hell hulk couldve been villian in this movie that would be the ultimate villian besides Thanos u cant have ultron without ant man...
Yes you can. A good grip of Ultron stories don't even involve Ant Man anymore.

BP gets a solo movie before a bit role in Avengers.

I'll trust in Whedon for now with w/e he has in mind for the twins.
Although I'm not trying to learn too much about this movie, I can buy the fact that Ultron is an evolved JARVIS, especially the way the MCU canon has been so far.
I'd rather Ultron be some type of AI shield makes using stolen tech from Tony Stark and it mimics Jarvis...
No Black Panther really?but they added wanda and quicksilver really?hell hulk couldve been villian in this movie that would be the ultimate villian besides Thanos u cant have ultron without ant man...

BP will get his own movie in a couple years to properly introduce him. Nobody wants to see a film with just Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, especially when they can't even bring up Magneto.
Marvel better be glad superman batman movie was pushed back cause that wouldve took away all marvels buzz even though i dig marvel over dc films
marvels making so much $

they could make another 10 films in between avengers 2 & 3

just watched Thor 2, going to watch captain America again in preparation for #2
Marvel better be glad superman batman movie was pushed back cause that wouldve took away all marvels buzz even though i dig marvel over dc films
Nah Avengers 2 would've still done better. DC is the one that had to push their movie back and have the history of bad movies not named Batman.

Plus when you look at it overall there's way more Marvel movies coming out than DC and that'll continue from here on out.
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Marvel better be glad superman batman movie was pushed back cause that wouldve took away all marvels buzz even though i dig marvel over dc films
I would believe majority of the buzz would be the negativity fans will have with the casting. I really don't think Marvel is worrying about any live action DC film.
Marvel better be glad superman batman movie was pushed back cause that wouldve took away all marvels buzz even though i dig marvel over dc films
I would believe majority of the buzz would be the negativity fans will have with the casting. I really don't think Marvel is worrying about any live action DC film.

Word. Marvel's gotta be feeling like WCW in 97' right now.
Avengers will more than likely have te highest opening weekend ever, they're not worried about ****. Luckily with this Joss won't have that IM3 effect.
Some of you in this thread are just plain dumb 

Get familiar with the back stories before you spew nonsense about things you have no idea about.
I'm reading that they're calling Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch Inhumans. Seems like the most logical way to bring mutants into this universe without being able to call them that.
I'm reading that they're calling Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch Inhumans. Seems like the most logical way to bring mutants into this universe without being able to call them that.
Which is completely fine. Although, I do need to read up on everything related to Inhumans. 
Marvel is killing it right now.

And to think, DC had a jump start on Marvel and should be DEEP into their universe by now. I mean the OG Batman movie came out in 1989. :lol: :smh:

Batman Begins came out in 2005... 9 years ago. :wow:

How did DC **** up their movie universe so damn badly? I don't get it. They had superhero movies on lock for a minute and just kept rebooting. How many Superman movies have they dropped and not kept the story flowing? Some boneheaded boardroom decisions going on over there.
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Marvel is killing it right now.

And to think, DC had a jump start on Marvel and should be DEEP into their universe by now. I mean the OG Batman movie came out in 1989.

Batman Begins came out in 2005... 9 years ago.

How did DC **** up their movie universe so damn badly? I don't get it. They had superhero movies on lock for a minute and just kept rebooting. How many Superman movies have they dropped and not kept the story flowing? Some boneheaded boardroom decisions going on over there.
It's simple: DC/WB had/has no plan.

GL was a flop. They put all their faith in Nolan and that paid off well, but they grasped at straws with Superman.

To be honest, MOS was just decent. The fact that they're putting all their faith in Snyder now is ridiculous; the inclusion of Batman in the new MOS sequel is basically DC/WB trying to maximize box office #s. The casting of Affleck/Eisenberg still has people on edge.

Marvel succeeded because they had a plan (also called Phases). It doesn't hurt that they snagged great actors (RDJ, Sam Jackson, etc.) and directors (Whedon, most notably).

How can DC catch up? To be honest, it'll be pretty tough, but a few ways include:

1.) Grabbing any bankable actors they can get before Marvel literally employs most talented and up-and-coming actors

2.) Drafting up a plan similar to Marvel's: cohesive storylines, targetted directors/industry folks who know the background stories, and efficient execution

3.) Watch the money pile up while building out a universe that makes sense
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DC didn't f' up, they just wasn't thinking about extending their universe. I mean we all know Nolansverse can't have supernatural or magical being in it, it was more "realistic".

Acting like DC had planned a JLA film since the '89 Batman film, hell why not go back as far as 1978 when the first Superman film come out? Superman tv show have been on since he 50's and Batmans since the 60's, DC just never had plans to create a unified world til like maybe a decade or so ago and back then when they started talking about a Batman & Superman film, it just went no where and they tried to just make it to a single hero films but they ended up with Nolans Begins.

And they rebooted Batman and Superman once. :lol: Why does DC get all this crap on them, first people keep saying they keep making bad Superman films as if they make them every other year? Supeman IV and Returns (which wasn't a reboot but a continuation of Donners Superman) were 19 years apart and they eventually rebooted 7 years later.

Now they keep rebooting their films when Batman was just rebooted in Begins and no other time? They aren't even rebooting Batman in the Superman vs Batman film, Batman just exist already. You aren't going to see another origins story.

Seriously, people just want to crap on DC as much as possible. :rofl:
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DC didn't f' up, they just wasn't thinking about extending their universe. I mean we all know Nolansverse can't have supernatural or magical being in it, it was more "realistic".

Acting like DC had planned a JLA film since the '89 Batman film, hell why not go back as far as 1978 when the first Superman film come out? Superman tv show have been on since he 50's and Batmans since the 60's, DC just never had plans to create a unified world til like maybe a decade or so ago and back then when they started talking about a Batman & Superman film, it just went no where and they tried to just make it to a single hero films but they ended up with Nolans Begins.

And they rebooted Batman and Superman once. :lol: Why does DC get all this crap on them, first people keep saying they keep making bad Superman films as if they make them every other year? Supeman IV and Returns (which wasn't a reboot but a continuation of Donners Superman) were 19 years apart and they eventually rebooted 7 years later.

Now they keep rebooting their films when Batman was just rebooted in Begins and no other time? They aren't even rebooting Batman in the Superman vs Batman film, Batman just exist already. You aren't going to see another origins story.

Seriously, people just want to crap on DC as much as possible. :rofl:

Nah. I was a HUGE Batman fan back in the day and I'm not interested in just crapping on DC.

Superman Returns might as well have been a reboot. It's supposed to take place after Superman II, but ignore Superman III and IV? :smh: That's just dumb. And you might as well say that after Batman Returns, the next movie was a reboot. Batman Forever was garbage. Let's be honest. It didn't even feel like the same universe as the first two.

I'm not saying that DC was supposed to have this huge plan mapped out for a universe, but why did they keep ******* with what was working? Batman (1989) and Batman Returns were GREAT movies. If they had followed that formula, one that established a great version of Batman and kept making movies that flowed from that universe, then at this point the progression into a team of characters would have been natural. Now it just feels forced and to play catch up to Marvel.

Now all of a sudden they're dumping all of these characters into one movie? When Marvel took time to develop this universe? DC had all the time in the world. It's rushed and even thought it may work out, given their track record for making dumb decisions to follow up a good one, chances are, their big movie Superman/Batman will be crap too.

Of course it'll do numbers, but where will it leave the story? And Affleck has signed on for multiple movies. So if this one is crap it's just gonna take them farther off track. Because they'll have to wait until this run is over to address the issues and... reboot.

I guess I'm just disappointed in DC. This is coming from a man that wanted to be Batman as a kid after seeing the movie. I was even working on drawings of how to make my grappling hook gun. :lol:
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