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Someone who thinks ASM2 is a masterpiece and another who has standards as high as BVS hating on IW :rofl:

ASM 2 and and BvS ironically have conviction in their deaths and how the movie ultimately got to those deaths. People turning to dust made you feel something though right? Lol

Is this the official suit or some fan-made garbage?
You're going too far now saying BvS did something better than IW

If you hate the movie that much why you even in this thread?

I’m going to far saying BvS did something better than IW? Lol are you threatened by facts? IW is the better film but not by much. As someone who hates BvS I can say the Batman warehouse scene is a better action scene than anyone in this movie. Sad but true.

And this isn’t an IW thread Amel, this is a Marvel cinematic universe thread. A thread that I’ve been a part of since it’s inception. Good movies and bad. You have been in this thread too since then. And you’ve always had you own identity. Now you’re trying to be part of the attack mob cause Zik thinks you’re cool and likes your post lol. Don’t be like that Amel. That’s the wrong person to want a co-sign from. Go back to being yourself, your post were appreciated.
I’m going to far saying BvS did something better than IW? Lol are you threatened by facts? IW is the better film but not by much.

You've officially gone out to lunch.

My post has nothing to do with Zik, by the way.

You're just being crazy.

I really hope you are trolling, I can't even process what you're saying right now.
You've officially gone out to lunch.

My post has nothing to do with Zik, by the way.

You're just being crazy.

Ok Amel. By the way, I’ve mentioned plenty of times why I have a disdain for IW ad nauseum. I would like to hear from you and others what makes IW great in your opinion. There is no right or wrong answer of course, it’s all subjective. But I’m curious as to what about this movie have people so enamored.
I agree with what he says here on the ending (yes, I know it has been posted before.. and I have posted it before, too)

I get it too, but I also know if he was attractive to her it wouldn't have gone down like that.

We're in the social media and "street harassment" era. You can't cold approach a woman anymore and try to get the digits without her 1) feeling some type of negative way about it and, 2) putting it on social media for the militant feminist amen corner to co-sign her views.

You pretty much have to get seen in a womans DMs to get a date these days, or get hooked up by a friend.

Now if you're a celebrity, athlete, or a millionaire, none of the above applies.
Box Office: Marvel's 'Avengers: Infinity War' Tops $1.8 Billion Worldwide
Scott Mendelson, CONTRIBUTOR
May 20, 201811:05 AM4

Walt Disney

‘Avengers: Infinity War’

Walt Disney’s Avengers: Infinity War earned another $28.7 million (-53%) on its fourth weekend, bringing its 24-day domestic total to $595m. The MCU epic should cross the $600m domestic milestone sometime this week, perhaps as early as Wednesday. That would be its 27th day of release, still right between The Force Awakens (12 days) and Black Panther (31 days). Speaking of which, its fourth weekend was just barely above Black Panther’s $26m fifth weekend. So, yes, Avengers: Infinity War’s domestic total will eventually start trailing Black Panther’s. At this juncture, it’s still looking like Infinity War will end its domestic run with over/under $655m.

Ironically enough, it was Deadpool 2 not Avengers: Infinity War that (relatively speaking) took Black Panther down. The MCU flick (which has been on DVD and Blu for the last week and on VOD for the last two weeks) lost 435 screens and dipped below 1,000 theaters for the first time in its now-94-day run. The film earned $823k (-60%) over the weekend for a $697.78m domestic total.

Oh, it'll still top $700 million domestic at this rate, and it lasted 13 weekends in the top ten. And, having caught some of it at a relative's house last Sunday, I can confirm that it still holds up, even if it really doesn't need either of its post-credit sequences. Maybe, if Disney wants it badly enough, it can cross $700m on Saturday, which would be its 100th day of domestic release. I have an idea about that, but that's for a later post tomorrow or Tuesday.

Fun fact: My son now (rather surprisingly) wants to see Infinity War (neither of my two older kids are pop culture junkies, alas), and judging by his questions it's mostly because he saw and enjoyed Black Panther (and wants a Thanos LEGO set). We'll see if he was merely bluffing, but of course, he expresses interest right after the movie leaves IMAX theaters.
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I think this Captain Marvel addition could be an L (relatively speaking...)

I mean Gal Gadot looked imposing and believable as Wonderwoman. This bish looks like she works in HR :smh:

I could understand if she was a role player like Scarlett but she going to be the one to lead the charge with offing Thanos?

Looks aside why would you develop the core characters of the Avengers over the span of 10 yrs and have some unconvincing new addition come and steal the show??

I want to see the remaining characters come through the adversity some how.
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Looks aside why would you develop the core characters of the Avengers over the span of 10 yrs and have some unconvincing new addition come and steal the show??

On a macro level, we have to look at Capt Marvel being the one they are passing the baton to for the future of the MCU. Her along with BP, and any unannounced characters they have in the works. We've grown to know and like the characters we've known and liked for 10 years now (Cap/Evans, Stark/Downey Jr, Thor/Hemsworth, etc.). Those actors are probably rich as rich can get and ready to move on to other projects and the studio is ready for more stories and more characters. At some point we will have to start getting ready for this future from a fan standpoint and begin to disengage from the core team.
Have to at least watch the movie before you judge it. I wasn't looking forward to Captain Marvel but after Infinity War, I'm all in and I want to see Ant-Man and Wasp even more than before.
I thought she was soft for posting that tweet...but it still doesn't damper my excitement to see her as Captain Marvel. I think she will do a great job.

My problem is a few of us are making judgments on her casting based on unofficial set pics. We haven't even seen the final costume yet. Footage is months away...

Marvel has a 99.9 percent hit rate when it comes to casting... They understand how big a role Captain Marvel is.. They wouldn't give it to just anybody.
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