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just give him a benefit of a doubt, you can't always make the best decision on the spot

is that something you thought of right there and then while you saw it in the film or is it something you thought of afterwards? while waiting for the end credits as the credits roll? or a year later when re-watching you go, "maybe he should have just tortured the doc"?

how many times has it happened to us where "you know what, i should have done that instead of...."

I understand it as a plot point and its part in the "Dr. Strange finally gives up his selfish ways and understands sacrifice" story arc, I just think its weak.

And, yes I was in the theater thinking "that's it? He defeated an immortal enemy that can destroy planets by putting him a Ground Hog Day loop?" I liked the film but that was a weak ending IMO. You're correct that Dr. Strange could've done that time loop for centuries but it certainly wasn't portrayed that way in the film. It looked like Dormammu gave up after 4 or 5 loops.
After thinking about it, it wouldn't be smart to get yourself caught in a time loop with thanos. You give him an eternity to figure out how to get the time stone from you, eventually he'll figure it out

That's probably what Strange foresaw in his fourteen million possibilities
Watching the first avengers in my office.
i meant did you think of that solution (torture strange) while watching the film, not that it was a weak ending because I would assume many would not come p with it on the spot simialr to Dormammu may not have thought of it

and i believe they showed Strange getting killed a lot more than 5 times but you also can't put the audience through 10 minutes of Strange just dying over and over again though it would be a funny troll job :lol:
Anyone follow @mcu.theories on IG?

Got some pretty wild theories on there. Some good reads.

also anyone have one of those "leaked" scripts/plots about IW? Wanna see how much of those were BS
I understand it as a plot point and its part in the "Dr. Strange finally gives up his selfish ways and understands sacrifice" story arc, I just think its weak.

And, yes I was in the theater thinking "that's it? He defeated an immortal enemy that can destroy planets by putting him a Ground Hog Day loop?" I liked the film but that was a weak ending IMO. You're correct that Dr. Strange could've done that time loop for centuries but it certainly wasn't portrayed that way in the film. It looked like Dormammu gave up after 4 or 5 loops.
I agree. I disliked it also because once you make it happen once, every time Strange fights a villain after that ppl will just ask 'why didn't Strange put so and so in a time loop' which is what's happening with Thanos.
but it was understandable in IW though, Ebony Maw was just waiting for Doc to use it and then he trapped him and almost got a hold of it

he may have thought Thanos was also waiting for him to reveal it so he could take it just like Maw
The time stone should have been more powerful imo. It has yet to be manipulated as no time travel exists. Space check, mind check, reality check, power check, soul kinda check :lol:
We don't really know how many times Strange looped back with Dormammu. It could've been a million times, but for the purposes of the length of the film, they shortened it and we the audience figure that they looped back many, many times. Dormammu also isn't bound by time in his realm which is why he was so triggered by the looping.

Also, Strange was in a time loop with Thanos. That's why he said that he tried millions of scenarios and only one worked. We see Strange meditating with the Time Loop locked in and his face keeps moving around.
i've always viewed as equally as powerful, it just depends how the user wields it

though i think i read in passing somewhere that the director said the soul stone was more special because of the sacrifice needed to obtain it(?)
When Tony popped that "let's take the fight to him" Doc shoulda checked the scenarios before they were all committed and ****. The nitpicking is the best things about comic books imo, it's all 'what if' anyway..
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