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So thinking about the mind stone. The powers of this stone has been a little bit all over the place throughout the films.

Avengers- Loki uses it to control minds (makes sense)
C:WS - Von Strucker uses it to give Quicksilver and SW their powers (?)
AOU: Stark/Ultron/Banner sticks in Visions head for whatever reason, does this give him his phasing powers or what? Vision always blabbering about he doesn't know what the stone does.
CW: Vision uses it to (accidently) almost blow War Machine to kingdom come
A:IW: More blabbering from Vision about the stone, once Thanos has it, he has it and used it to complete the gauntlet.

Be nice to hear from the writers on what exactly they intended the mind stones powers to be, seems like it does whatever the user wants it to.
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So thinking about the mind stone. The powers of this stone has been a little bit all over the place throughout the films.

Avengers- Loki uses it to control minds (makes sense)
C:WS - Von Strucker uses it to give Quicksilver and SW their powers (?)
AOU: Stark/Ultron/Banner sticks in Visions head for whatever reason, does this give him his phasing powers or what? Vision always blabbering about he doesn't know what the stone does.
CW: Vision uses it to (accidently) almost blow War Machine to kingdom come
A:IW: More blabbering from Vision about the stone, once Thanos has it, he has it and not sure he used it while washing the Avengers in Wakanda.

Be nice to hear from the writers on what exactly they intended the mind stones powers to be, seems like it does whatever the user wants it to.

i just accepted the fact that these writers dont really know what any of the stones rlly do and they just give it whatever power to progress the story.

only stone they understand is the time stone cause... time.
I took it as vision is using the power/energy of the gem itself and being able to harness it to make energy blasts etc

IMO the reality gem (illusions) and the space gem (teleportation/space travel) were portrayed correctly too
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visions powerset isn't really that broad, they're pretty simple ans straightforward

C:WS - Von Strucker uses it to give Quicksilver and SW their powers

the scepter just unlocked their powers (not give them some, i believe there was an AoU prequel comic for it), there might be a mental block on the powers and the mind stone removes it, which can be a play-on mutants in a long-reach

AOU: Stark/Ultron/Banner sticks in Visions head for whatever reason, does this give him his phasing powers or what?

phasing could be part of the whole bodies power itself but might require more power that the stone provides to accomplish(?)

CW: Vision uses it to (accidently) almost blow War Machine to kingdom come

it's just an energy blast by harnessing the power of the stone and setting off, not much different than IMs arc reactor in a way
my man nick kroll as a kid
It's kinda crazy how Howard the Duck was the first Marvel feature film.

Howard the ****ing Duck got a feature film before...

The Incredible Hulk
Captain America
The X-Men
Fantastic Four

Actually there was a very early 80's F4 movie. It was so terrible they didn't bother releasing it.
I just watched a looper vid on youtube and the writers said that Bautista improvised the “What is Gamora?” line. The guy is comedy gold.
I hope we see the mind and soul gem used more extensively next film.

I still don’t know how those look while in action.
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