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They probably also used info like his voting pattern, web history, family ties, etc to see if potentially would be a thread. I saw Insight as the Patriot Act on steroids.

Yeah but that **** couldnt have predicted he would be gandalf

All it said that he was a potential threat. Its why it was targeting random people in the scene before Cap took the system down. It was going to take down thousands if not millions. Not everyone was going to be a superhero.

Yea that **** was targeting millions of people. Not all of them was going to be superheroes :lol:

The whole point of Project Insight was taking out anyone who had any potential to become a threat. It could've been a grocery bagger in Connecticut but if Insight felt like he had a good chance of being a threat to hydra they was going to take him out :lol:

So yea. If you was an evil shady organization and there was a highly intelligent person out there who had the ability to learn anything he wanted to because of his photographic memory and based on a machine it told you he was going to oppose you one day wouldn't you want to take him out?
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Based on the info we have on these people, if push came to shove, would they oppose Hydra in any way? Yes? Kill them.
WS was so dope. So real and I like the grittiness from these directors.

I like that there is not a ton of humor in there films. They will give the Avengers a serious tone.
Nathan Fillons cameo in GotG was Simon Williams as Tony Stark

Nathan Fillion's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 appearance as Simon Williams didn't make the final cut of the movie, but director James Gunn has shared a glimpse of what we missed — and, in the process, revealed a little about how the Marvel Cinematic Universe views the man behind the Iron (Man) mask.

Writing on Facebook, Gunn shared his plan for Fillion's MCU alter ego. "As many of you know one of my best friends in the world is Nathan Fillion," he wrote. "Along with Michael Rooker and Gregg Henry he's been in every movie I've directed — even as a monstrous, perverted voice in Guardians of the Galaxy. I didn't have a good cameo for him in Vol. 2 — and I wanted to bring him more fully into the MCU at some point, so I didn't want to make him Aakon Guard #2, narrowing his chance of a more substantial role in the future. I really do love the character of Simon Williams/Wonder Man in the comics — a sometimes douchey actor/superhero — and could see Nathan clearly in that role (not because he's a douchebag but because he's great at playing one). But, of course, in a movie set 99.9% in space I didn't really have a place for him."

He continued, "So in a small flash to [E]arth I decided to put a theater playing a 'Simon Williams Film Festival,' with six Simon Williams movie posters outside. Obviously, from the posters, he's had a run of B movies. Most of them in themselves are Easter eggs of some sort or another. Unfortunately, the small section of the scene where they appeared slowed down the movie and I had to cut the Easter eggs from the film (along with storefronts named after comic book luminaries Starlin, Mantlos, Annett and others). Equally a bummer was that a lot of people took photos of these posters on the day so suddenly every fan site was reporting that Nathan was playing Wonder Man in the movie. He was even the third-billed actor on IMDB! So that's the full story. Nathan's only cameo in the movie ever were these posters. I'll post them all over the next few days."

Gunn added that the posters "can [be considered] canon for the MCU, and I hold on to hope that Simon Williams will rise again!"

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Jasper Sitwell: Zola's algorithm is a program...for choosing Insight's targets!
Steve Rogers: What targets?
Jasper Sitwell: You! A TV anchor in Cairo, the Undersecretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa city. Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA! Now, or in the future.

Steve Rogers: The Future? How could it know? [Sitwell laughs]
Jasper Sitwell: How could it not? The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it. [Steve and Natasha look at him in confusion] Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, e-mails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores. Zola's algorithm evaluates peoples' past to predict their future.
Steve Rogers: And what then?
Jasper Sitwell: Oh, my God. Pierce is gonna kill me.
Steve Rogers: What then?!
Jasper Sitwell: Then the Insight Helicarriers scratch people off the list. A few millions at a time. [as Sam drives them to Triskelion] HYDRA doesn't like leaks.
Would Gladiator be under Fox or Marvel Studios? It would be sick to see him in the MCU. Guardians is cool, but with Adam Strange Warlock coming, I want to see a more serious cosmic epic.

I hope the Russo's have some surprise cosmic characters in IW. Wet our appetite before the eventual introduction of all the Fantastic Four characters. :nerd:
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What does that post prove? He aid steven strange after he said banner.

So you telling me he just thought of a random name which then happened to be the future Dumbledore?

Cmon yall just being glib now lol
Would Gladiator be under Fox or Marvel Studios? It would be sick to see him in the MCU. Guardians is cool, but with Adam Strange coming, I want to see a more serious cosmic epic.

I hope the Russo's have some surprise cosmic characters in IW. Wet our appetite before the eventual introduction of all the Fantastic Four characters. :nerd:

He might be under Fox since he was working with the Shi'ar, I don't think MCU can use them
Would Gladiator be under Fox or Marvel Studios? It would be sick to see him in the MCU. Guardians is cool, but with Adam Strange coming, I want to see a more serious cosmic epic.

Adam Strange is with DC

Woops. Meant Adam Warlock. *

Would Gladiator be under Fox or Marvel Studios? It would be sick to see him in the MCU. Guardians is cool, but with Adam Strange coming, I want to see a more serious cosmic epic.

I hope the Russo's have some surprise cosmic characters in IW. Wet our appetite before the eventual introduction of all the Fantastic Four characters. :nerd:

He might be under Fox since he was working with the Shi'ar, I don't think MCU can use them

That's what I was thinking. They definitely can't use the Shi'ar because of the connection to the X-Men. But we've got Kree and Watchers in the MCU. Some characters are in this in-between grey area.
What does that post prove? He aid steven strange after he said banner.

So you telling me he just thought of a random name which then happened to be the future Dumbledore?

Cmon yall just being glib now lol

Lol the stephen strange name drop was obviously fan service for us. If he had actually named a random person from Iowa that wouldn't have meant anything to the audience.
I don't think it's fan service, they knew the solo film was coming and it was more of a marketing than anything at that point.

It's only a fan service if he didn't eventually show up in the big screen.
Just saw GOTG2 yesterday. I aint even gonna lie, dawgs. I caught feels during the Gamora/Nebula scene. This whole time all Nebula wanted was a hug
I like Nebula and Gamora's dynamic. I'm truly going to enjoy Nebula getting the gauntlet too.

Still my most anticipated moment since May 2015: Thanos ripping that gem out of Vision's head. Only a year away now.
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