WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Agatha All Along new ep every Wednesday

Thats weird cause most if not all these songs have foubd their way into a movie, tv show or commerical. Hell i hear half thia stuff in grocery store
I've been wondering if other characters get any of his earth pop culture references. Was watching the first movie again and quill said his line about his ship looking like a pollock painting if they shined a blacklight and then rocket replies by saying quill has issues.

Rocket seemed to be very knowledgeable in things in the first movie, I didn't consider it a far stretch. Weird that he wouldn't know what a raccoon was though :lol:
I'm really on my way to work jamming, listening to this Vol.2 playlist. I feel like I have a new appreciation for music after this movie :lol: This is incredible.

I'm in my early 20's so I've never heard a lot of this stuff.

this is similar to those cases where if you listen to the Beatles or Queens catalog of music you'll notice that you've been listening to their music your whole life without even knowing it
Yea. It's cool that this music is out. I listen to a lot of old crap, but still a ton of gems out there
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this is similar to those cases where if you listen to the Beatles or Queens catalog of music you'll notice that you've been listening to their music your whole life without even knowing it

Yeah, I'm starting to notice that as I progress. A couple of these sound familiar, it's half and half.

It's funny how it takes a certain something, to make you pay attention to things.
Speaking of the Zune scene in VOL. 2,,,, is it me or was Quill legit surprised there were over 300 songs on that thing? After all the sh*t he's seen over the years, a gadget that holds hundreds of songs is surprising to him?

That's me being nitpicky but again, I could be remembering the scene wrong.
Given that he's spent 20 or so years in space and still had the walkman kinda proves why he was shocked.

In all that time he couldn't steal or buy something better.
Character wise Vol 2 was fuego. Rocket Racoon is an amazing character and I had no idea.

Also the costume design might be GOAT for any CBM.

Double Toasted kind of echoes my issues with this flick

Too much Looney Tunes, even during scenes when it's pretending it's not being Looney Tunes

Chris Pratt not being too stellar with serious dramatic acting

Some of the emotional stuff is just corny and overdone

And most importantly the "freshness" factor of Vol 1 no longer exists, which is a common issue with sequels but can and has been overcome
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Lol Quill being fascinated with the zune was fine. He hadn't been on earth in 30 years so he has no idea how technology progressed there. He wasn't even that hung up on the zune either.
Earth is like the rural south and Midwest of the Universe. So Starlord may be thinking oh wow, they finally have something better than cassettes. [emoji]127997[/emoji]‍♂️
One minor criticism I have with VOL 1 and VOL 2 (and i've noticed occasionally in Tim Gunn's films in general) is the way he undercuts a dramatic scene with a joke at the end. I get the tone he's going for and 99% of the time, I think it works. But when it does fall flat, it kills the scene.

For example, when Nebulla is swearing vengeance on Gamorra and Kraglin responds by suggesting she buy a necklace,,,, I kinda let out an inner groan.
One minor criticism I have with VOL 1 and VOL 2 (and i've noticed occasionally in Tim Gunn's films in general) is the way he undercuts a dramatic scene with a joke at the end. I get the tone he's going for and 99% of the time, I think it works. But when it does fall flat, it kills the scene.

For example, when Nebulla is swearing vengeance on Gamorra and Kraglin responds by suggesting she buy a necklace,,,, I kinda let out an inner groan.

I loved that because Its almost how anyone would respond after someone goes on that type of rant. Well not the exact words but the "okay...." expression
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It works most of the time but I could sense the joke coming a mile away. I thought his "I didn't want to mutiny" scene was really good though.
GotG is what it is. It'd be a drastic tonal change for them if they kept some of those scenes super dramatic with no relief at the end.
People half a block away be shocked when they find out how the other half eats their grits, I don't see not knowing earth tech as a prob.
Tropic Thunder is easily a classic. RDJ would've won the Supporting oscar if it didn't come out same year as TDK.

Remember being hyped because both TT and Pineapple Express came out the same summer and they were 2 drastically different but awesome comedies
Tropic Thunder was funny that one time I watched it. I never saw it again and I don't really feel the need to watch it ever again either
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