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Watching WS.. and I always wonder why cap still wears his helmet

But after dude jumps from the elevator and makes a break for it to grab a motorbike, dude throws on his helmet

Really don't get why marvel is still holding onto that aspect of things.. but you got everyone else running around sans helmet

Expect the the obvious: IM who takes it off frequently, antman and IM.. then you got starlord who also takes his on and off frequently

And there is BP

Figured they would treat dude like hawkeye, SW, BW and his boy falcon.. and I assume now WS if he comes back around
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We still don't know why Starlord wears his helmet. He's half celestial so I'm guessing he doesn't need it for space. What's the view like from inside?
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Saw it this morning, wife and i both enjoyed it.

Yondu :pimp: then :smh: I'm Mary Poppins y'all was great.

I was the only one in theatre that laughed when they gave Starlord the Zune.

Interested to see Rambo and Ving Rhames in the next one.
We still don't know why Starlord wears his helmet. He's half celestial so I'm guessing he doesn't need it for space. What's the view like from inside?

He does need it he almost died when he was in space with ole girl in Vol 1

Also he needed to be connected to the light of ego to tap into his powers
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This movie was great. Probably one of the best space adventure flicks I've ever seen. 7.8/8

I loved just about everything about it.

Credits are rolling now and idiots are still leaving :lol: :smh:
Russell played Ego very well. Not all villains have to be menacing and physically imposing. He was great because he was cold. An additional 10-15 minutes of the film would've been good.
saw GOTG2 last night... it was awesome. loved it just as much as the first one. i did think the pacing was a bit too fast but its whatever.
Movie was great! pretty much how sequels should be handled, really liked Yondu A LOT in this, his entire arc was great and I only say this because I really found the character annoying in the first.

so much in this movie I don't know where to begin. Think the only thing I didn't like was that they were separated for most of the film, I get it, just hope they're all together for volume 3.

-Opening was great
-Rocket and those traps were amazing
-Yondu whistling that entire ship literally to death :wow: :pimp:
- Nebula explaining what was done to her and why she felt the way she did(Need scenes with her and thanos in IW)
- Kraglin was another character I found annoying, I only saw Curt from Gilmore Girls, but in this he turned it around, just like Yondu.
- Sly slurrin his way through the role :lol:
-Teenage Groot :lol:
- The whole Zune bit :lol: 300 songs!!!( was wondering if he'd get another tape or not)
- seeing Spiderman: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok , Star Wars: The Last Jedi all on an IMAX screen :pimp: and all in a row right before the movie :pimp:
- random shot of Quill and Rocket flying had my entire theater dying :lol:

movie delivered for sure and it was nice to take a break from the buildup to IW, knowing they wouldn't even touch on it, I didn't find myself over thinking the film

on to Homecoming now
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I felt the majority of the laughs in the movie landed. There was nothing forced.

"I'm Mary Poppins yall!"

"You're hideous"

The mocking of Taserface

"My nipples are sensitive"

Hasselhoff cameo

"We're a family, nobody gets left behind! ...... Except maybe you."

Even the "it's not ripe yet" joke had legs. I could go on.

Baby Groot was adorable throughout and hilarious with the bomb joke and the get my fin breakout.

Another thing, I hope Ayer takes notes on how to properly use songs to nail scenes and emotional parts. Gunn was looking masterful in that dept and it really comes down to song choice. Not one song overpowered a scene despite the amount of songs he used. Had it at the right volumes at every moment.

I almost caught full feels during Yondu's funeral with Peter's speech and the Ravagers showing up.

I can see myself watching this a lot more. Liked it better than the first.

See guys, Master Zik Master Zik shares my opinions. He just likes being anti.
:rofl: This from the guy now getting on board with what Gunn has done with Guardians. Oh please.

Russell played Ego very well. Not all villains have to be menacing and physically imposing. He was great because he was cold. An additional 10-15 minutes of the film would've been good.
I mean yes and no. Yes, in the sense th3 movie was so good you don't want it to end but no just off this had beginning, middle, and end.
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Dude was about to be down with his pops and then they mention... his mom :rofl:

Not as terrible as BVS, but would of liked to see something more.

Rocket traps were definitely good.
What Peter and Rocket flying scene are you guys talking about?
When Ego is taunting him and his energy thing is going through Peter, then Peter is at peace and remembers his real family (The Guardians)
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After some reflection, I think this bests Vol. 1.

There were a lot of parallels to Empire Strikes Back
What Peter and Rocket flying scene are you guys talking about?

When Ego is taunting him and his energy thing is going through Peter, then Peter is at peace and remembers his real family (The Guardians)

Damn I don't recall...time to watch the movie again!

I laugh out loud at that. It's when Yondu tells him he doesn't control the arrow with his mind but with his heart. Also peeped the scene of Yondu teaching him how to shoot.

Quill had a rough day. Lost his Father and his Dad.

Loved the jokes. The nipple joke, Mary Poppins and Mantis being ugly were my fav ones. Also loved all the callbacks to the first movie.

Props to Gunn on the characters he fleshed out and added so much depth too.

Nebula :wow: Son made Nebula a compelling character in layers b. Layers. This is a true feat. Nebula is gone dead and forgotten in comics. Gamora barely sees her as a sister. Her claim to fame is the few seconds she wore the infinity gauntlet. In the MCU though, man that relationship with Gamora:smh: Those two working out their feels was great.

Then Ego. Kurt was a great villain. Gunn really picked stuff from the comics that can be overlooked cuz it's comics and made him a real threat to the Galaxy. I see he took things from the not so good Marvel event, Maximum Security for his threat but really hammered home how warped Ego is due to being alone and finding no interest in other sentient beings.
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Going to see this again tomorrow. I really enjoyed it. Reminded me of when I first saw The Fifth Element and of the Heavy Metal cartoon movie that predates it as far as the visual style.
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