How am I taking it seriously? How am I attacking you?
You see me losing sleep over these? You see the veins popping out of my cranium as I type?
Always cracks me up when someone posts in a discussion board and someone wants to disagree with them then they get called mad or defending or attacking the op or are too serious?
You quote and reply to me and I am mad/attacking for replying?
I proved you wrong that DC isn't just sitting back and are just failing at putting out products and you have nothing to say than Marvel > DC? True sign of a fanboy. You clearly even said no research necessary, just simply Marvel > DC, if that doesn't spell fanboy then I don't know what does. So no research needed but you bring up box office against DC? Because TDK and TDKR didn't make a billion each?
No ones defending GL or Jonah Hex but those are exactly why DC shouldn't just release films just to release a film, they aren't as capable as Marvel, at least not at their rate.
I mean if box office hits is all you look for then Transformers > Thor, Cap, Hulk, Superman, Wolverine, Spiderman, etc... because T3 easily made a billion on the box office. Whole transformers franchise made $2.6 bil so far with a fourth one coming out this year that'll add to that total.