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Lol who is attacking who here? I offered my opinion and you felt the need to combat it... Plain and simple who is making a killing off of their movies and who is not. If you read it right I like dc as well, but can't help that they are not making box office hits. Your taking this a lil to serious bruh.
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How am I taking it seriously? How am I attacking you? :lol: You see me losing sleep over these? You see the veins popping out of my cranium as I type? :lol: Always cracks me up when someone posts in a discussion board and someone wants to disagree with them then they get called mad or defending or attacking the op or are too serious? :rofl: You quote and reply to me and I am mad/attacking for replying?

I proved you wrong that DC isn't just sitting back and are just failing at putting out products and you have nothing to say than Marvel > DC? True sign of a fanboy. You clearly even said no research necessary, just simply Marvel > DC, if that doesn't spell fanboy then I don't know what does. So no research needed but you bring up box office against DC? Because TDK and TDKR didn't make a billion each?

No ones defending GL or Jonah Hex but those are exactly why DC shouldn't just release films just to release a film, they aren't as capable as Marvel, at least not at their rate.

I mean if box office hits is all you look for then Transformers > Thor, Cap, Hulk, Superman, Wolverine, Spiderman, etc... because T3 easily made a billion on the box office. Whole transformers franchise made $2.6 bil so far with a fourth one coming out this year that'll add to that total.
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Ok bruh. Yes tdk yes but compared to marvel they are way behind the curve. Fanboy? Lol yes I like marvel I like dc as well.... I think your missing that. Dc / wb could have done this a long time ago. They are rushing now cause marvel beat them to the punch. Once again I am all for a good discussion but you try to discredit what anyone has to say. I lose no sleep over anything. I am not going to try and dive into "oh they had this draft for this movie and it fell through blah blah" all that matters is marvel is making good movies and keeping people interested. Really excited to see what both production studios have to offer in the future....
That is 20/20 hindsight. DC been satisfied with one Batman film here and there, even that failed JL film wasn't going to be tied in to the Nolans Batman that was being shot at the same time, nor will it connect to Superman Returns.

You blaming and mad at DC for not having the insight in the first place? Just give Marvel credit for setting it up now and everyone copying them, you can't be blaming everyone else because they didn't think of it first.

No one is saying Marvel isn't doing great work right now, they are practically untouchable at this point, you keep emphasizing it like anyone is disagreeing with that.

I am not going to try and dive into "oh they had this draft for this movie and it fell through blah blah" all that matters is marvel is making good movies and keeping people interested.

I mean if you just want to look at what you can watch on the big screen and keep calling DC out on things that aren't true like just sitting there and not doing anything (but they tried and failed) and blame them for Marvels doing something that not many though of before, then you really aren't a fan now, are you? Like DC wanted GL to be a failure? Like DC didn't want MoS to make a billion?

Plain and simple, you say DC wasn't doing anything with their properties and I proved to you that they were but just failed but you continue to disregard it anyways and say Marvel > DC no matter what? Which no one was denying btw. I mean if you can't accept that then I don't know what to tell you. :lol: I mean I was trying to give you info but you aren't having it because it proved your point wrong but whatever.

Time to move on.
You can't really judge things on movie that's are not made. Just saying! I base things off the end result. We will not see eye to eye on this matter.
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With the context of the discussion, yes you can. Well not judging exactly because the product didn't finish and release but discussing.

Your argument is DC is just sitting on their butts waiting around when that isn't true. DC failed to release films isn't entirely their fault. Superman Returns budget is inflated because of the several failed Superman films including one with Nicholas Cage (yes that tells you how bad DC can be), the JL films and Supers/Bats film were already explained but you choose to ignore them. Failed WW tv pilots, etc.. really feel like a broken record here. Fact is, DC were trying something, they just failed.

It's not like I am saying "DC failed films" > Marvel.
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Hope so the vision is ones of my favorites. Kinda cool the are going to the ig roots with the white one.
:lol: That looks terrible. Head looking like a volleyball.

But that is why they stopped the old Avengers cartoon and made this new craptacular one, to introduce kids to the new heroes that will come up on the big screen in the future.
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The new cartoon and animation style is really lame. I was watching an episode a few days ago and Falcon was nervous because his mom was visiting and he didn't tell her he was in the Avengers. Turns out his mom already knew because Falcon is only 17 and Fury had asked her permission to have him on the team. Good stuff disney.
The new cartoon and animation style is really lame. I was watching an episode a few days ago and Falcon was nervous because his mom was visiting and he didn't tell her he was in the Avengers. Turns out his mom already knew because Falcon is only 17 and Fury had asked her permission to have him on the team. Good stuff disney.

:lol: Just started watching the last episode with the Guardians and it didn't seem too bad. But yeah, I was a big fan of Earth's Mightiest so I didn't really wanna give this show a go.
Earths mightiest heros blows avengers assemble out if the water! I liked how they at least tried to keep some of the original stories alive in it. Sad they stopped.
I kinda like the animation style in Avengers Assemble. It's way better than Earth's Mightiest Heroes but the EMH had some really classic episodes and story arc's. The whole Carol Danvers/Ms. Marvel Arc and skull-Kree arc was very enjoyable
Since I don't know where else to put it. Just got around to watching all hail the king one shot, and wow I wonder how ten rings and the mandarin will play out in the future.
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