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First time on this thread, I don't read the comics whatsoever but have a basic knowledge on most important Marvel characters but is Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver supposed to have accents? In any universe at all? That accent always throw me off like Armie Hammer's Russian accent in Man from UNCLE.
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First time on this thread, I don't read the comics whatsoever but have a basic knowledge on most important Marvel characters but is Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver supposed to have accents? In any universe at all? That accent always throw me off like Armie Hammer's Russian accent in Man from UNCLE.

Magneto recruited them for his Brotherhood directly from their vilage in Eastern Europe so it's a damn surprise that they even speak English
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I have no faith in Marvel or DC providing me with good stories anymore except for 3 or 4 books. Nothing but dumb twists and arbitrarily ******* with iconic characters.

I was reading the new Amazing Spider-Man run where Peter's a CEO in a high tech Spidey suit and it was just yuck. Felt like Lamekilla watching GoTG. :smh:
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First time on this thread, I don't read the comics whatsoever but have a basic knowledge on most important Marvel characters but is Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver supposed to have accents? In any universe at all? That accent always throw me off like Armie Hammer's Russian accent in Man from UNCLE.

Magneto recruited them for his Brotherhood directly from their vilage in Eastern Europe so it's a damn surprise that they even speak English
Makes me wonder exactly how different QS background is in the X-Men movies. No sign of an accent from him or his mother.

I have no faith in Marvel or DC providing me with good stories anymore except for 3 or 4 books. Nothing but dumb twists and arbitrarily ******* with iconic characters.

I was reading the new Amazing Spider-Man run where Peter's a CEO in a high tech Spidey suit and it was just yuck. Felt like Lamekilla watching GoTG. :smh:
You sound like a bitter comic fan b.

I mean just enjoy the stories of not If they're that bad to you. If you expect more trash than good from the big 2 it's time to move on.

I'm still finding good reads in DD, all the Inhuman books, Nighthawk, BP, Squadron Supreme, Punisher, Ultimates, and about half a dozen more. In the mean time (since I barely read DC), I'm going through these Millar trades and am loving MPH, Chrononauts, Jupiter's Circle/Legacy, and I'm about to start Starlight.
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Still salty Iceman is gay, nothing wrong with gay characters but you can't make a dude be straight then be gay just to please people. Thats why they have Northstar and such for that. Really didn't need to make a mutant come out to gain approval from people.
I have no faith in Marvel or DC providing me with good stories anymore except for 3 or 4 books. Nothing but dumb twists and arbitrarily ******* with iconic characters.

I was reading the new Amazing Spider-Man run where Peter's a CEO in a high tech Spidey suit and it was just yuck. Felt like Lamekilla watching GoTG. :smh:

I've actually been enjoying Spider-Man to an extent. Though it has some problems i'm also enjoying the current Thor and Iron man runs, and the first issue of Black Panther was solid.

Iron Man understands the game :smokin
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Been loving the Jane Thor series. It's what the movies should have been but failed to do.

Also enjoy BP 1 and 2, don't really like Iron Man's run.

I thought DC Rebirth #1 was fantastic but none of the books they advertised look interesting to me.

Still ******* with Invincible after 10 years :smokin that's the CBM we need.
I guess I'm luck that way :lol: Every time Marvels pulls these stunts and gimmicks it's on characters I never cared for.

Iceman is gay now and it was executed poorly cuz of his teenage self? So what Iceman has never been developed as a character in a good way ever. Always reverts back to the immature, jokey underachiever.

Cap dead? Eh, he'll be back. Might as well enjoy the replacement.

Cap is in Hydra? Wouldn't be the first time.

Teen Tony? :x Adult him came back. Went on to be even bigger in the comics.

Then when it comes to characters I do like it's either I'm enjoying it or I'm willing to just wait for things to change. I don't recoil in horror or feel like I've been slapped in the face. Bruce is not the Hulk again? Ah well, let Cho rock. Peter is a billionaire tech CEO cuz of what Doc Ock did in his body? Do ya thing Slott.

For all this talk of not recognizing your fav heroes and wanting things how they use to be its like y'all really want the same status quo of Peter loving with aunt May struggling to the pay the mortage while he ******* about his time as Spider-Man messing up his life? Nobody really wants that, besides, that's what back issues are for. I welcome these new directions and different takes.

If you been reading comics for at least 5 years you should be use to the ebbs and flows of the serialized storytelling.
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I just want well-written stories. Thor is one of Marvel's best books right now and it's not because of the drastic change in the character. (Jane giving Odin the smack down all the way to Jupiter :smokin)

I don't care about Peter struggling to pay rent with Aunt May. That hasn't even been status quo for Spidey since the 70s.

I if they want to make Peter a CEO with a hi tech suit, cool. Peter Parker is a Reed Richards/Stark level genius so it make perfect sense.

It's just a whack book.

Sam Wilson spent half of his Cap run being a got damn werewolf. :x
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You must be talking about the recent Sam Cap run which was just the first arc. First run pre-SW was CapWolf free.

I've been and continue to enjoy Slott's run so maybe this direction just isn't for you coming out of Superior.

There's a bunch more quality well written books being offered if you aren't just focused on the iconic Marvel characters.

Besides another go of MARVEL NOW is upon us this fall so expect new books and some creative team shake ups.
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I didn't like the first issue for Nighthawk. BP has been alright. They should re-name it Wakanda though.

Right now I'm really digging Daredevil, Daredevil/Punisher, Martian Manhunter, Doctor Strange, Batman, Spawn, and The Vision. I liked Rebirth #1 too.

I heard Midnighter, The Omega Men, and The Fix were supposed to be pretty good. I only really pick up something new if it's a lean week. I'm about to stop reading this trash X-Men 92 though. Tell you that much.
I didn't like the first issue for Nighthawk. BP has been alright. They should re-name it Wakanda though.

Right now I'm really digging Daredevil, Daredevil/Punisher, Martian Manhunter, Doctor Strange, Batman, Spawn, and The Vision. I liked Rebirth #1 too.

I heard Midnighter, The Omega Men, and The Fix were supposed to be pretty good. I only really pick up something new if it's a lean week. I'm about to stop reading this trash X-Men 92 though. Tell you that much.
I was only reading Martian Manhunter and Midnighter. Both were good. MM kinda dropped in interest once the creative team was told the book was cancelled and not being relaunched with Rebirth. Midnighter ended pretty good. Not coming back either.

I actually liked the first issue of Nighthawk if only for how much Walker managed to fit in 22 pgs somewhat effortlessly; set up a new bad guy, set up the subplot for his secret identity dealing with the state of Chicago (somebody needs to do an ongoing set in Detroit), give the reader the personal motivations of Nighthawk's background. I got use to the art just fine. Quietly inspired obviously. But I've been interested in Supreme Power Nighthawk since JMS created him so I'm probably just more in to it.
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Martian Manhunter is getting the can and I think The Omega Men (still have to check out) is as well. I'm still reeling from Green Lantern Corps getting cancelled too.

I'm afraid to get into Titans and Blue Beetle Rebirth, because everything I like from DC that isn't Batman gets cancelled. :lol: :rofl:

I never got in to Squadron Supreme or any of the spin-off's. I should check them out. I bought Nighthawk #1 because the protagonist is black. Not gonna front. :lol: I just wasn't feeling it with the caricatures of racist villains and the stereotypical angry black man. It just seemed like a bad Shaft satire or how some black superheros used to be written in the 70s and 80s.

The dialog, even for a comic book, was kind of cheesy to me. I was cracking up a little when the contractor wanted Kyle to co-sign his buying of the projects and he says to himself after the guy leaves, "War it is." Or son at the end who's like, "The truth will set you free." :lol:
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