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that dual fist shield design looks dope

I dont see them using it in the live action movies unless they fight an army of robots again since he would just be tearing through everything 
I think so because I noticed on Caps new series that it's called Steve Rogers: Captain America #1.

I could be wrong though, I don't really keep up with the comics much these days but I assume they put Rogers name int he title so that people won't be confused.
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They're taking away Cap's round shield? :rolleyes


Anyway, about Spider Gwen...

If Gwen Stacy is in Homecoming, I hope they throw in a quick dialogue where she goes 'Can you imagine me in another universe swinging around like you do?' and then they look at each other and laugh lol
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That's the dumb thing about making another character take over the mantle. They always bring the original character back.

So right now in 616 Universe Marvel we got two Captain Americas each with their own series, two Spider-Men each with their own series, and I'm pretty sure eventually male Thor will come back and get his own series to run alongside Jane Thor :lol:

The Sam Wilson Cap book was whack anyway
isn't sam just a regular dude? He would be way more effective flying around than running around with the shield 
Wesley Snipes [emoji]10004[/emoji] ‎@wesleysnipes

When it comes to another BLADE, there's always a possibility. [emoji]128513[/emoji]#SharpeningMyTeeth
11:59 AM - 24 May 2016

Wesley Snipes [emoji]10004[/emoji] ‎@wesleysnipes

Balls in Marvels court...
12:08 PM - 24 May 2016

As long as they dont water it down to match the rest of the Marvel movies.

Keep it R rated. :pimp:
Slim chance in hell they'll release a movie with an R rating. They'd just put the project on netflix along with the edgy shows.
50% of chicks at conventions are Spider-Gwen, I can see that happening too. I'm not against it either, but give me an Agent Venom movie first. An actual soldier/military-style movie from the MCU would be a good look.
I wouldn't mind an Agent Venom at all.
They should've made Bucky the other Cap

They should've never had him stop being the other Captain America to begin with if anything.

Jane becoming Thor remains something I don't really care about, but I consider Marvel to have ****** up by still not revealing why Thor is no longer worthy of his hammer. Or at least, why he wasn't worthy until right before Secret War.
Y'all think there will be any GoTG cameos in Ragnarok?

I would think so. Its about time they start tying it to everything else. If you didnt know any better, you would think Marvel making a GotG movie was random as hell...
They're taking away Cap's round shield? :rolleyes

:lol: I can tell you're not keeping up. Steve ain't have the round shield for like 2 years now. Sam had it.

Not to mention that new shield is referencing his OG shield before he was even a part of Marvel.
Agent Venom>>>>Spider-Gwen
Eh, Agent Venom is barely an "agent". Hasn't been once since he was showing up in ASM and Secret Avengers.

The Remender solo was probably when the character was at its best and some of the Bunn run. Now he's just off in space.

I'm enjoying the Carnage book more at this point. They need to do something interesting with Venom again.

As for Spider-Gwen, meh not a whole lot of side characters introduced in Spidey comics that deserve solo movies. I assume her, Miles, and Venom will get some but still it ain't like there's a ton of great source material demanding it.
They should've made Bucky the other Cap

They should've never had him stop being the other Captain America to begin with if anything.

Jane becoming Thor remains something I don't really care about, but I consider Marvel to have ****** up by still not revealing why Thor is no longer worthy of his hammer. Or at least, why he wasn't worthy until right before Secret War.
Just another mystery b.

They didn't tell us right away who Red Hulk was. Just another part of telling the story.
isn't sam just a regular dude? He would be way more effective flying around than running around with the shield :lol:
Don't forget he can control and see through the eyes of all avian creatures and fly.

They make it work with the shield somehow by just continuing to defy the laws of physics.

They should've made Bucky the other Cap
They did that like 5 years ago b :lol:
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This dude Evans is begging to do cameos in GotG and the Spidey movie.

Son feeling insecure with that trilogy being up :lol:
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He seems like a cool enough guy but dude want that cameo money. Talking about being in GotG :rofl: Of all movies! Is son gonna escape to space to avoid the Sokovia accords?

Cap is an outlaw, so unless Spidey about to arrest him he don't want any of that poor wartime/depression era advice or guidance.
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