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I have vudu, amazon prime, hulu, netflix

I appreciate the disney movies being on netflix cuz I think it runs smoother than the other apps and plus you don't have to pay to stream the movie :pimp:
The potential hype of Cap picking up Mjolnir was ruined by Vision just casually handing it to Thor in AoU
Word :lol: and I'm not even sure how much comic support that has.

I figure Whedon was going for Vision technically being a baby so it was that innocence of a child (pure intentions making you worthy I guess) that allowed him to pick it up.

Honestly I doubt they're going to even give Steve a chance to lift it again. Hell i'd be extremely surprised if it became a regular thing for Vision even. Cap's greatest moment of using the hammer, in my opinion, was in the 2099 line Marvel was putting out years back. After being frozen in ice a second time and waking up in the titular year he proved himself worthy and used it to fight in a battle to save the planet alongside numerous other heroes, before he died. Beyond that he's actually lifted it two times in the main comic universe that I know of and not for long. And against Thanos it really doesn't matter who has the hammer, because he'll still get washed :lol:
Miss Bewbs2Big might be headed to Netflix? :nerd:

Netflix and Marvel have proven to be a match made in heaven. With ‘Daredevil’ and ‘Jessica Jones’ quickly punching above their weight, the hype train for all future Marvel/Netflix partnerships has certainly set a pretty high bar.

With recent announcements that ‘Luke Cage’ will be premiering this year alongside news that ‘Punisher’ will be getting his own series, it’s pretty obvious this has been a fantastic partnership that both parties are looking to expand.

So the timing couldn’t be better for ‘Agent Carter,’ recently cancelled by ABC for low ratings, to perhaps turn to Netflix as a possible savior. While sources close to the streaming service wouldn’t reveal any specifics, we’ve heard “there are definitely some phone calls being made” and “Netflix and Marvel are exploring all expansions of their current partnerships” (that last sentence coming with a bit of a wink and a nod). It also seems likely that it could be included as part of the Netflix and Disney (who owns ABC) deal that’s rolling out this year. Serendipitous, certainly.

Ok, get excited for a split second! But also keep a level head, because here are a few “back to reality” details that will need to be addressed:

This would not likely be a direct transfer of goods. In other words, we’d likely be looking at an entire re-do of ‘Agent Carter.’ It’s not impossible that Disney would hand the entire series over to pick up where it left off, but that’s considerably more complicated than just a restart.
Hayley Atwell (Agent Carter herself from the ABC rendition), has already signed on for new ABC television series ‘Conviction,’ and it’s unlikely she’d star in two shows at once. This probably just gives more strength to the argument that any re-launch would likely be a complete refresh.
Now that’s out of the way, there’s just something lingering about the potential of a Netflix reboot of ‘Agent Carter’ that we could certainly see happening. Most of the current Netflix/Marvel partnerships have had extremely dark and brooding undertones, so in some ways it would make sense for Netflix to look for a lighter new original superhero series; ‘Agent Carter’ fits the bill here perfectly.

Disney, who owns ABC, has also signed a mega-deal with Netflix, meaning perhaps they could get their cut signing the rights over to Netflix as well. The streaming service is expected to stream dozens of titles from the Disney library in 2016. ‘Agent Cater’ is distributed by Disney, so it seems like there wouldn’t be any owners’ rights issues in the way.

So what about those low ratings? Towards the end of ‘Agent Carter’s’ run on ABC, it was averaging a rating of around 2.9-3.0, which definitely doesn’t cut it for network television. However, there’s no doubt that a service like Netflix could certainly work with those numbers if it meant bringing in new subscribers. The streaming service has said numerous times it is less concerned with traditional ratings, as they feel those don’t necessarily correlate with new subscriptions.

We have reached out to both Netflix and Marvel’s official press contacts for comment and will update you here if we hear back. Stay tuned…

Not really interested in an Agent Carter show on Netflix

But if they can bring AoS over to Netflix...

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Miss Bewbs2Big might be headed to Netflix? :nerd:

^ Man we aint even see the MW pilot yet and ya ******** on it. I like Bobbi enough to want to see what it would be like.

But besides with the 6 month timeskip I'm betting she's back on the show.

As for Agent Carter on netflix, cool but only 2 more seasons just to wrap up the founding of Shield. However, if it's a complete refresh with a new cast and a sort of new status quo I'd be down to check that out.

Also leading 2 shows shouldn't be a problem like premium cable series I think they film all the episodes first not like network where they film a handful to get a lead but then are still filming while the show is on air (usually cuz its a 20+ ep season and that can take 5 months with a break). So they'd. Just need to find that 3 or 4 month time to film the 13 eps.
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Show Agent Carter forming Shield and I'm down. If it's about this other ****, I could care less.
Miss Bewbs2Big might be headed to Netflix? :nerd:

Get out :smh:

I've seen the Most Wanted pilot and am completely fine with it having been scrapped.

Got to watch it for a paid survey last month. Was actually fairly surprised as that's maybe the first time one of those has let me see a show I was somewhat interested in beforehand.

That being said, I wasn't even fully certain that it was Marvel's Most Wanted until the title came up at the very end, because they do an excellent job of keeping it completely seperated from the rest of the MCU. Not a single reference to superheros at all. The two things that tip you off to the show not being a traditional spy/assassin type deal is that 1)one of the antagonists had metal legs and 2)Adrianne Palicki's character had this kind of staff (Which reminded me of Nightwing's Escrima sticks, save they could be connected to then form the staff), with 2 glowing ends that made this sound that implied they had some kind of technology in them along with the lights. The way she threw them when the staff was seperated was then not that different from Captain America throwing his shield, in that they kind of defied the laws of physics.

Entire episode left me with a "meh" type feeling. Wasn't necessarily terrible, but it also didn't grab my attention and make me want to see more. A good portion of the episode was spent on flashing back to the past to show how the 2 leads had first met and I assume that further episodes would've gone more in-depth, as the last flashback didn't really explain how they got to where they were at the start of the show (About to get married, for the second time if I remember correctly or that they'd tried getting married once before and had been interrupted, before assassins burst in and ruin their current wedding anyways). The assassination attempt on the wedding is then what pushes the plot forward, as they're trying to find out who put the hit on them. This isn't solved by the end of the episode and it was clear that that was going to be the basis for the first season at least, and in the meantime they'd be working with an old ally (Delroy Lindo's character) and helping him with any number of missions to save people in danger.

EDIT: Shield was also mentioned once in the episode.
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Miss Bewbs2Big might be headed to Netflix? :nerd:

Get out :smh:

I've seen the Most Wanted pilot and am completely fine with it having been scrapped.

Got to watch it for a paid survey last month. Was actually fairly surprised as that's maybe the first time one of those has let me see a show I was somewhat interested in beforehand.

That being said, I wasn't even fully certain that it was Marvel's Most Wanted until the title came up at the very end, because they do an excellent job of keeping it completely seperated from the rest of the MCU. Not a single reference to superheros at all. The two things that tip you off to the show not being a traditional spy/assassin type deal is that 1)one of the antagonists had metal legs and 2)Adrianne Palicki's character had this kind of staff (Which reminded me of Nightwing's Escrima sticks, save they could be connected to then form the staff), with 2 glowing ends that made this sound that implied they had some kind of technology in them along with the lights. The way she threw them when the staff was seperated was then not that different from Captain America throwing his shield, in that they kind of defied the laws of physics.

Entire episode left me with a "meh" type feeling. Wasn't necessarily terrible, but it also didn't grab my attention and make me want to see more. A good portion of the episode was spent on flashing back to the past to show how the 2 leads had first met and I assume that further episodes would've gone more in-depth, as the last flashback didn't really explain how they got to where they were at the start of the show (About to get married, for the second time if I remember correctly or that they'd tried getting married once before and had been interrupted, before assassins burst in and ruin their current wedding anyways). The assassination attempt on the wedding is then what pushes the plot forward, as they're trying to find out who put the hit on them. This isn't solved by the end of the episode and it was clear that that was going to be the basis for the first season at least, and in the meantime they'd be working with an old ally (Delroy Lindo's character) and helping him with any number of missions to save people in danger.

EDIT: Shield was also mentioned once in the episode.
Damn doesn't sound good.

I knew at best the show would be half bad cuz I dislike Blood Hunter but dann mystery of a hit out on them and flashbacks their wedding :x
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Dann doesn't sound good.

I knew at best the show would be half bad cuz I dislike Blood Hunter but dann mystery of a hit out on them and flashbacks their wedding :x

Yeah. :smh: I don't want to say that a show can't pick up in later episodes and become great, but it just didn't look like it was going anywhere I cared about. Sharp drop in quality from something like Daredevil. And honestly, the first episode completely failed to get me to care about either main character. I really only continued watching because I was getting paid :lol:
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