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I thought this whole Captain Nazi thing and the wild Cap character assassinations was just to gas up the Team IM vs Team Cap rivalry
 nothing serious.
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I thought this whole Captain Nazi thing and the wild cap stretches was just to gas up the Team IM vs Team Cap rivalry
 nothing serious.
it's just so lazy though 

like at least come up with something based on reality

it would be like trying to insult tony by calling him a communist, its so blatantly untrue that you would question the intelligence of the person who came up with it. 
it's just so lazy though 

like at least come up with something based on reality

it would be like trying to insult tony by calling him a communist, its so blatantly untrue that you would question the intelligence of the person who came up with it. 
but but but Tony has facial hair and so did Stalin

They look the same therefor they are
MBJ will probably be paid more than boseman

so I guess we know who the real star of the movie will be 
My blackness trumps my fielty to Team Stark.

I hope BP does numbers but I don't think it will :smh:

The potential is there and we've reached the point where MCU films just can't fail. Think Marvel's set the character up perfectly with his appearance and feats in Civil War. The fans are ready :smokin
cant wait for the china movie poster where frozen bucky takes up 80% of the poster and BP and the rest of the black cast are specks in the background 
Who's going to be the token white person in this movie? BW? Bucky? both?
Everret Ross (Martin Freeman).

I think a lot of yall gonna be raising your hopes too high expecting Bucky to definitely show up in a BP movie that's anything more than a cameo or end credit scene.
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Let my mans play the villain and flourish b

But is RDJ in it?
Otherwise the movie is overrated garbage, nobody will see it, and it won't be able to outgross Iron Man 1, Iron Man 2, and definitely not Iron Man 3. Especially in the domestic market.
I'm gonna be the first one to say Black Panther sucks
How much are they even paying Michael B Jordan? If he ain't getting 40% of the profits from the movie then he's a crappy actor

:rofl: At "First off, he's exact description of Hitler's Nazi ubermensch" so uh, every blonde haired blue eyed white guy is a Nazi now? Awfully racist comment, just an oberservation
Godwins Law just proved that Iron Man's team lost.

 Reductio ad Hitlerum is sometimes called "playing the Nazi card". According to its critics and proponents, it is a tactic often used to derail arguments, because such comparisons tend to distract and anger the opponent, as Hitler and Nazism have been condemned in the modern Western world
Pull ya skirt down b.

Your sarcasm and over exaggerating is embarrassing.

Dudes been calling Steve Captain Nazi before this movie even came out and this now comes to mind? :lol: Aint nobody that slow.
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@ Bucky even appearing on Black Panther's film poster :lol: :rofl: Son isn't going to do a damn thing in that film. At best you'll see his frozen body in a cameo. Dude was getting smacked all over the place in Civil War. He has nothing to offer T'Challa.
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maybe iron man will be in BP and MBJ is just another replacement rhodey 
Cheadle is signed on up to the IW movies.

It'd make no sense to replace Rhodey with a guy 20 years younger than the last guy that played him and RDJR.
BP will do numbers. Don't worry about that
Word. I expect the black community to come out and support this more than MCU fans.

I want an all black carpet for the premiere. Straight up classy cultural Coming to America garb.
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Doesnt seem to me that BP will have the humor that other MCU movies have had. Not sure how the critics ane fans will respond to that. BP in civil war was all business
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