WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Agatha All Along new ep every Wednesday

tony clearly was not properly satisfying his woman

is this a better use of tony's money than MIT students? 

I'm on mobile can someone link me to around the page where you guys started giving impressions of the movie. I just saw it.

I feel like it's a lot of pages back...

not trying to see brokecap mountain and Bucky theories anymore lol
I'm on mobile can someone link me to around the page where you guys started giving impressions of the movie. I just saw it.

I feel like it's a lot of pages back...

not trying to see brokecap mountain and Bucky theories anymore lol

No need to be doing research like that. Just go see the movie bro.
I'm on mobile can someone link me to around the page where you guys started giving impressions of the movie. I just saw it.

I feel like it's a lot of pages back...

not trying to see brokecap mountain and Bucky theories anymore lol

No need to be doing research like that. Just go see the movie bro.

I dunno what that even means. I said I just saw it and wanted to read people's impressions theories and hot takes from the weekend.

I went a few pages back and it was mostly cap vs iron man talk and is Bucky and cap gay.

I'm on mobile so I have to click through every page that's why I asked to be linked
Vision is a computer so he can "die" and come back.

I mean the commonly used thing where someone "dies" but isn't really dead like Fury in WS

I actually heard this was the reason they didn't do cap in with this movie because they just pulled that move in the last CA movie

Yeah that would've been dumb

I'm just guessing they do something really major as a cliffhanger at the end of IW1
I'm on mobile can someone link me to around the page where you guys started giving impressions of the movie. I just saw it.

I feel like it's a lot of pages back...

not trying to see brokecap mountain and Bucky theories anymore lol
No need to be doing research like that. Just go see the movie bro.
I dunno what that even means. I said I just saw it and wanted to read people's impressions theories and hot takes from the weekend.

I went a few pages back and it was mostly cap vs iron man talk and is Bucky and cap gay.

I'm on mobile so I have to click through every page that's why I asked to be linked
everyone liked the movie

90% is cap vs iron man talk 
I'm on mobile too. Almost everyone liked the movie. Like really liked the movie. Only a few ppl who aren't really blown away. A couple DC trolls said the movie sucked. That's about it.
I'm on mobile too. Almost everyone liked the movie. Like really liked the movie. Only a few ppl who aren't really blown away. A couple DC trolls said the movie sucked. That's about it.

You guys can't scroll all the way the way to the bottom of the page and select "desktop"?
Look, let's just get down to basics. Steve Rogers without drugs in his system was what? A guy who looked like a strong wind would blow him over, who got his kicks starting fights in movie theaters, and continually falsified his name on legal documents in order to join an army he physically wasn't qualified to be a part of, which had he been allowed to join would've inevitably required his allies to pick up his considerable slack, placing their lives on the line for his incompetence.

What was Tony Stark without the Iron Man Armor? Genius, billionare, playboy, philanthropist, who successfully took a company his father started to new heights in weapons development, allowing an untold number of American soldiers to survive and come home from the battlefield. I know that some of you Cap fans might not like that, because Lord knows that Old Man Rogers doesn't believe in "coming home" or putting an end to wars. No, he'd rather soldiers just fight forever and never get to see their loved ones again. Screw developing ways to solve conflicts. That man would have you fighting an eternal war all for the sake of his PTSD. Dude's probably going to snap and shoot up a coffee shop full of innocent Wakandians.

The shield he uses? Made by Howard Stark. The home he lives in? Avengers Tower, owned by Tony Stark, Avengers Bunker, owned by Tony Stark, Wakanda, owned by Black Panther and his people. The aircraft and motor bikes he uses? Provided by Tony Stark. The medical supplies, lodgings for his team, that nice ice capsule his old friend Bucky's in? All provided by somebody else. :lol: This is a grown *** man without a job, because he destroyed SHIELD, the world's premier peacekeeping organization, and who therefore likely doesn't have $5 to his name to buy you a cup of cofee and a sandwich if you were starving on the street. :rofl: But hey, if you're in prison he'll break you out...After getting you thrown in there in the first place through guilt tripping you into abandoning your wife and children and then abandoning you in the middle of a battle to run off with the friend who he let fall off a speeding train a few decades back :rofl: Steve Rogers is the greatest villain of this age and y'all want this maniac running loose? He'd probably nuke a city if it meant saving Bucky.

Stark for president
When you see Dr Strange cook this November..just Remember Steve saved that dude's life.

Alexander graham bell discovered the telephone in 1876..

Maybe Steve should have used it and called the smartest person he knows when it comes to that sort of stuff..

I mean it ain't like he didn't give tony crap for hacking into shield's system in A1 or anything
maybe tony should have asked for thor's advice on cosmic gems before messing with something he didn't understand and creating ultron...

what an idiot 
Tony can admit his mistakes though.

Steve's the one to say sorry and not mean it and then go do the same dumb ****. He's low-key this entire time been dismantling the US top defenses and now is going global. Son a bigger threat than Ultron. Straight up gonna have the whole world at war if he isn't stopped.

Ya need to put some Respeck on Captain America's name. Ya just finished watching the GOAT Marvel movie named????


Movie midas well been called Avengers 3 because Steve Rodgers can't carry a solo movie.
cap has two all time great comic book movies though

maybe if tony wasn't so arrogant and actually took time to make friends he wouldn't be stuck with two below average, extra forgettable movies that no one cares about

tony needs more help 

Tony don't emm gotta be in his suit or have other heroes in his movies to break a billion.

Steve literally needs the entire MCU.

Damn Steve is Lebron. :wow:

Tony is Kobe :wow:


damn poor steve, it must suck to always have friends around

if only he was less likeable :smh:
I'll remember this reply next time I see you say LeBron needs more help.

The signs always been there with scumbag being LeBron. All the art with him dressed up like Cap.

I mean we couldn't even go through this movie without visiting ******* Cleveland! :smh: :x

Tony Stank ain't slaying ****, he's still crying and trying to figure out how to win back Pepper, the most average of AWG.

Son really signed the accords just to get her yamz back
And Cap didn't to get Bucky yamz.

Who the top? Steve or Bucky?
they both came out on top :pimp:
Ayo so they vers :x
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Look, let's just get down to basics. Steve Rogers without drugs in his system was what? A guy who looked like a strong wind would blow him over, who got his kicks starting fights in movie theaters, and continually falsified his name on legal documents in order to join an army he physically wasn't qualified to be a part of, which had he been allowed to join would've inevitably required his allies to pick up his considerable slack, placing their lives on the line for his incompetence.

What was Tony Stark without the Iron Man Armor? Genius, billionare, playboy, philanthropist, who successfully took a company his father started to new heights in weapons development, allowing an untold number of American soldiers to survive and come home from the battlefield. I know that some of you Cap fans might not like that, because Lord knows that Old Man Rogers doesn't believe in "coming home" or putting an end to wars. No, he'd rather soldiers just fight forever and never get to see their loved ones again. Screw developing ways to solve conflicts. That man would have you fighting an eternal war all for the sake of his PTSD. Dude's probably going to snap and shoot up a coffee shop full of innocent Wakandians.

The shield he uses? Made by Howard Stark. The home he lives in? Avengers Tower, owned by Tony Stark, Avengers Bunker, owned by Tony Stark, Wakanda, owned by Black Panther and his people. The aircraft and motor bikes he uses? Provided by Tony Stark. The medical supplies, lodgings for his team, that nice ice capsule his old friend Bucky's in? All provided by somebody else.
This is a grown *** man without a job, because he destroyed SHIELD, the world's premier peacekeeping organization, and who therefore likely doesn't have $5 to his name to buy you a cup of cofee and a sandwich if you were starving on the street.
But hey, if you're in prison he'll break you out...After getting you thrown in there in the first place through guilt tripping you into abandoning your wife and children and then abandoning you in the middle of a battle to run off with the friend who he let fall off a speeding train a few decades back
Steve Rogers is the greatest villain of this age and y'all want this maniac running loose? He'd probably nuke a city if it meant saving Bucky.
NT'ers need to take notes on this quality of critical thinking.
I remember a few more CAP stans in here. All quiet and **** now :lol:

They probably realized how scumbag he is
Cap 1, Steve couldn't think of anything else but to crash land a plane.. Didn't even attempt to look for a parachute

Avengers 1, after tony takes a nuke through the portal saving Stevie's precious NY.. Steve gives the order to close the portal before tony is back through

WS, has to be saved from drowning by Bucky

Avengers 2, has to jump to save his own a+]*{*{ while tony and Thor figure things out

CW, Steve has no clue how to use his worlds and possibly come away with a non-violent resolution

A1 - Loki was about to wash CAP during their first encounter but Tony saved him of course. How ungrateful
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Just to switch topics cuz this fits in several threads but this is THE MOST hilarious thing I've come across. This guy is BEYOND DELUDED


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This is why I love the internet. Without it I probably am never made aware of this guy and his delusions of grandeur. Dude is like the guy who thinks he created Deadpool calling Liefeld a thief x10000000000

Parts that had me crying:

12 Mar
Michael Bennett ‎@Owljamesknight
@mrmarkmillar So why did you steal 2008 Owl Unlikely Crusader and 2012 Owl Knight's Quickening instead of just working with me???......
Michael Bennett ‎@Owljamesknight
@mrmarkmillar So why did you hack into my phone at 8:10:05 am GMT on 10/9/12 from Algeria IP instead of just working with me??..
12:35 PM - 13 Mar 2016
Retweets likes


From Owl Knight’s Quickening he stole my new beginning the perimeter wall around Towne City that protects the city from the Monkey People and put it in the movie World War Z as the Israel perimeter wall, built to keep out the zombies that act more like Monkey People than zombies. World War Z was based on a 2006 book but the Israel Perimeter Wall was a Hollywood rewrite. The Movie World War Z was made by the film company responsible for Kick-*** 1, Plan B Entertainment.
He put the Towne City Perimeter Wall around Mega City One in the movie Judge Dredd. Also in Judge Dredd there are arbitrary shots of skateboarding like in Owl.
He also put a perimeter wall around the city in the Fox TV show Almost Human.
It is possible Mark Millar put the Towne City Perimeter Wall in the Movie Pacific Rim as well.

Son said Millar hacked his phone from Algeria to steal more material!

IS THIS REAL LIFE? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Look, let's just get down to basics. Steve Rogers without drugs in his system was what? A guy who looked like a strong wind would blow him over, who got his kicks starting fights in movie theaters, and continually falsified his name on legal documents in order to join an army he physically wasn't qualified to be a part of, which had he been allowed to join would've inevitably required his allies to pick up his considerable slack, placing their lives on the line for his incompetence.

What was Tony Stark without the Iron Man Armor? Genius, billionare, playboy, philanthropist, who successfully took a company his father started to new heights in weapons development, allowing an untold number of American soldiers to survive and come home from the battlefield. I know that some of you Cap fans might not like that, because Lord knows that Old Man Rogers doesn't believe in "coming home" or putting an end to wars. No, he'd rather soldiers just fight forever and never get to see their loved ones again. Screw developing ways to solve conflicts. That man would have you fighting an eternal war all for the sake of his PTSD. Dude's probably going to snap and shoot up a coffee shop full of innocent Wakandians.

The shield he uses? Made by Howard Stark. The home he lives in? Avengers Tower, owned by Tony Stark, Avengers Bunker, owned by Tony Stark, Wakanda, owned by Black Panther and his people. The aircraft and motor bikes he uses? Provided by Tony Stark. The medical supplies, lodgings for his team, that nice ice capsule his old friend Bucky's in? All provided by somebody else. :lol: This is a grown *** man without a job, because he destroyed SHIELD, the world's premier peacekeeping organization, and who therefore likely doesn't have $5 to his name to buy you a cup of cofee and a sandwich if you were starving on the street. :rofl: But hey, if you're in prison he'll break you out...After getting you thrown in there in the first place through guilt tripping you into abandoning your wife and children and then abandoning you in the middle of a battle to run off with the friend who he let fall off a speeding train a few decades back :rofl: Steve Rogers is the greatest villain of this age and y'all want this maniac running loose? He'd probably nuke a city if it meant saving Bucky.

#teamironman :smokin
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