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in A1 it took his suit going for a ride under the propeller of the shield carrier before it got 'run down'

then in AOU, he basically figured out the whole mark 42 problems from IM3 and was able to use the portions of the suit at will (then you have veronica essentially being a flying suit with multiple backup parts)

then the blast emitted from his suit in the end not only helped kill the vibranium bodied version of ultron.. but also helped break down the huge land mass as well as the vibranium holding it together
The biggest piece of trash Tony's used as far as suits go was the Mark 42 from IM3

As for his Civil War suit it's not weak overall, but compared to earlier models it looks kind of weak if Captain America is able to damage it with his blows. Even taking his enhanced strength into account, Iron Man has easily tanked missiles and other large scale objects with past suits. Kind of calls the durability of the suit he was using into question. Though the argument could easily be made that not all of the suits have the same durability and features. The 42 for example was made up of like a dozen smaller pieces, whereas we saw that the suit he was using in this film was one complete set.
I think he fixed the issues with the mark 42 for AOU, which was why he was able to call on pieces in different scenes

and my biggest gripe with this, we obviously see that there are multiple power sources on the suit
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Well to be fair. IM was getting hit really close range. And being hit multiple times by the shield.

By the way itsabout. Do you collect Hot toys or just got the pics to demonstrate?
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His main power source powers the CPU, the small ones just power individual joints.

It's like your monitor has a different power source than your desktop but if your CPU shuts down the monitor is not going to be of much use.

Plus no one has ever focused the chest piece before. The energy blast points are the least protected because they are open so that energy can be blasted out, which means they don't have the regular armour plating that is on the rest of his suit and protected him from propellers in the first avengers.
Was I the only 1 that felt that if Black Widow was ever really in danger of dying soon all of a sudden Hulk was going to land from leaping from some other continent he was in and just smash whoever was about to kill her
I am sure this has been discussed in here, but I am having trouble finding articles on the topic.  Can someone link me or point me in the direction of an article that explains how Spiderman was able to be in a MCU movie, and how this affects future SM or MCU movies?

Thank you in advance.

Saw CACW last night and thought it was very entertaining.
^^^^Sure maybe Falcon could've operated the parachute if he had gotten hit...but that's only if he didn't lose consciousness from the hit itself..

Vision's blasts are super powerful. Maybe his blasts at full power could've killed War Machine.
Well didn't Thor over power the hell out of it with his lightning?

I think a ton of debris fell on I'm as well in CW. When he was under all that junk. And multiple hits to the reactor.
I am sure this has been discussed in here, but I am having trouble finding articles on the topic.  Can someone link me or point me in the direction of an article that explains how Spiderman was able to be in a MCU movie, and how this affects future SM or MCU movies?

Thank you in advance.

Saw CACW last night and thought it was very entertaining.

Sony and Marvel worked out a deal

They'll share the character.

Spiderman can be in mcu movies and Marvel will help produce spider man movies for Sony. Marvel will be in full creative control and everything.

Sony will keep all the money from the Spidey movies.

Marvel will keep the Spidey merchandising profits.

So basically Sony doesn't have to lift a finger to make their own Spidey movies ever again and Marvel will benefit from box office boosts from including Spidey in their films.
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its also not just about the force of the hit but Also the size of the point of impact.

The sharp edge of caps shield with a tiny point of impact will do a lot more damage than thors large fist.
His main power source powers the CPU, the small ones just power individual joints.

It's like your monitor has a different power source than your desktop but if your CPU shuts down the monitor is not going to be of much use.

Plus no one has ever focused the chest piece before. The energy blast points are the least protected because they are open so that energy can be blasted out, which means they don't have the regular armour plating that is on the rest of his suit and protected him from propellers in the first avengers.
he has used the repulsor rays in his hands (the part that goes from his hand to elbow) without the rest of his suit, in AOU.. all the kinks of the mark 42 in IM3, he essentially worked out in that film

in AOU, he got arm piece.. then chest piece.. don't get me wrong the chest piece is vital, but it shouldn't shut the whole thing down if you take out that single power source

we don't know if WM had multiple power sources.. but he was able to use the arm part separately like tony when they were both trying to lift mjolnir
I mean Thor treated his forearm like a can of coke...
that's thor.. who was going hand to hand with hulk
By the way, and I'll find the article later...but it's very interesting that Black Panther in full costume wasn't realized in earlier drafts...

They actually had Spidey having more of an extensive role at first when the Russos really thought Marvel had Spidey in the bag. But then talks kinda died down and so Black Panther in full costume was reworked back into the drafts.

By the time the Russos learned that Spidey was going to be in the film for damn sure, they liked the version of the draft with BP so much that they kept it as is. Then it was a matter of adding on the bedroom scene and working Spidey into the airport scene.

So if the Spidey deal had worked out months earlier... Cw would've been a different film. Crazy how things work out.
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Really would of been dope of Thor was in it. I think hems worth is absolutely killing it as him. Movies are whatever, but I actually do like TDW.

Would of been funny seeing the avengers battle.
The biggest piece of trash Tony's used as far as suits go was the Mark 42 from IM3 :smh:

As for his Civil War suit it's not weak overall, but compared to earlier models it looks kind of weak if Captain America is able to damage it with his blows. Even taking his enhanced strength into account, Iron Man has easily tanked missiles and other large scale objects with past suits. Kind of calls the durability of the suit he was using into question. Though the argument could easily be made that not all of the suits have the same durability and features. The 42 for example was made up of like a dozen smaller pieces, whereas we saw that the suit he was using in this film was one complete set.

I think he fixed the issues with the mark 42 for AOU, which was why he was able to call on pieces in different scenes

and my biggest gripe with this, we obviously see that there are multiple power sources on the suit

That's right, Tony did call seperate pieces of that suit to him in AoU didn't he? Specifically remember him doing so when he had that brief scuffle with Cap while finalizing Vision's creation. So yeah you're right, the 43 (Which makes perfect sense of course) perfected the bugs that the 42 had. And Veronica was then pretty much the ultimate upgrade afterwards. The 45 he was using by the end of AoU was then a similar design to the 42 and 43. Which makes me wonder why he went back to older designs with the current armor for this film, where it's again just one entire suit instead of multiple parts. Kind of going backwards from having the different pieces being functional on their own.
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I'd also think it would be cool if the made WWH. For his solo film. Where banner can't control it for some reason or is controlled or manipulated by someone and the avengers have to try and take him down.

It would be awesome to see all them vs him. Doesn't have to be the event like in the comic.
I really don't see where thor really fits into this other than telling them they need to work it out..

thor before being banished to earth sides with cap.. but now I think his views were essentially covered by vision and BP
I'd also think it would be cool if the made WWH. For his solo film. Where banner can't control it for some reason or is controlled or manipulated by someone and the avengers have to try and take him down.

It would be awesome to see all them vs him. Doesn't have to be the event like in the comic.
I could see it happening after IW.. and maybe marvel gets F4 back by then
Which makes me wonder why he went back to older designs with the current armor for this film, where it's again just one entire suit instead of multiple parts. Kind of going backwards from having the different pieces being functional on their own.
one of my few nitpicky things about the film.. at the end of A1 all he needed was the bracelets to 'suit up'.. after that he was walking in and out of em.. then he had the mark 42 which he could call piece by piece

but in this he has to push a button in the helicopter

and when you think about it, even the glove thing he had was low tech for him considering what he has had
I think it would've been cool if for an end credit scene Thor would've been watching the airport fight with the help of Heimdall and dropped the line : 'These humans are so small...and petty'

At that point of his career he wasn't focusing on upgrading suits anymore. The helicopter suit was probably a side project type model. It all connected together in one piece more like the suitcase suit
see.. but that's not what I'm saying..

if he just uses the technology he has already shown to date, he has no need for that glove thing other than a very very temporary solution

he could just have his regular suit just like veronica, where if shhhh pops off his suit is down there in a couple mins.. and he has replaceable parts on call
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Sorry, bro. I think that's just nitpicking. I don't think he could've had his suit flying to him while he's in a helicopter. :lol:

He probably could've jumped out of his helicopter and had his suit flying to him, but why?
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Which makes me wonder why he went back to older designs with the current armor for this film, where it's again just one entire suit instead of multiple parts. Kind of going backwards from having the different pieces being functional on their own.

one of my few nitpicky things about the film.. at the end of A1 all he needed was the bracelets to 'suit up'.. after that he was walking in and out of em.. then he had the mark 42 which he could call piece by piece

but in this he has to push a button in the helicopter

and when you think about it, even the glove thing he had was low tech for him considering what he has had

Yeah, when I watched the trailers I assumed that the watch/gauntlet combo was so he could have a piece of his suit on him at all times (Which it basically is), but that he still has the ability to basically call his armor to him telepathically (Or technopathically lol) like in Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron. That I could understand, because you can't necessarily carry the entire suit with you everywhere you go, even if you can call different pieces. That makes even more sense, because Iron Man 3 at least had him calling the pieces to him from miles away. Instead, the watch/gauntlet is all there seems to be to it and he's gone back to needing the suit to be attached to him all at once. That's a downgrade, whn since his first film he's been about constant improvement.

And not to keep harping on about this, but tinkering Extremis to the point that it works like it did in the comics seems to be the natural solution to the issue. There the suit and him really were one, as he was storing parts of it inside his body.

I think it would've been cool if for an end credit scene Thor would've been watching the airport fight with the help of Heimdall and dropped the line : 'These humans are so small...and petty'


Spit out my water reading that :lol: Would've been hilarious, but kind of out of character. Would also make him look like a bit of a jerk for not at least warping down to get involved, even if he just wanted to stop his friends from hurting one another.
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