Welcome to our updated site!

Haven't tested it but seen this error for social sharing...



Load time is crazy. I figure that'll work itself out in time, though.

I have two requests.

1. Please extend the aspect ratio to reflect widescreen. Why is this joint 4:3 on my desktop.

2. Please extend the characters allowed for the User Name row. My x being cut off and lonely is not the business.
Although the site is running extremely slow right I will say THANK YOU for bringing back the thread gallery. I know I’ve cried and complained about it since it was removed so I really appreciate you guys finding a way to bring it back :nthat:.
The little popup on the bottom of the webpage where you can click to enable push notifications doesn't actually have anything i can click on for me.
Speed still slow for me but it looks like its catching up for some folks so hopefully it should be resolved soon. I'm looking forward to how the new site will function. Definitely looks modern and we've always adapted and rolled with the new punches. THANK YOU for bringing galleries back!!! No more scrolling through pages to get to pics.

And thanks for continuing to try new things to make this space better.
Liking a post and quoting is still slow.

Yeah I may have spoke too soon. Whole site is lagging again. Started loading like normal for few mins there then back to lagging. I guess it’s because there’s “decades” of pics being loaded like Meth said which is a good thing. I’ll take a day or two of slow loading in exchange for those pics being put back into the system.
New layout is clean so far. Only thing I'm missing so far is the little red dot letting me know which notifications I've opened already
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