Weekly Workout Plan


Jul 24, 2007
So NikeTalk I've stopped going to the gym for a few months now and am looking to get back into it with the weather getting nicer.

I've created this weekly workout plan, curious what you guys think.

Not looking to lose weight. Mainly gain muscle mass and tone up.

Any suggestions or comments are more than welcome! Thanks.

Btw, I'm 19, 5'8, and weigh around 160-165

Monday: Cardio
Do 30 minutes of cardio,

Tuesday: Arms
Bicep curls, 10 reps
Triceps, 10 reps
Shoulder presses, 10 reps
Repeat this circuit two more times.

Wednesday: Abs and Obliques
Crunches, 20 reps
Bicycle crunches, 20 reps
Oblique crunches, 20 reps

Day off

Friday: Cardio
30 minutes of cardio.

Saturday and Sunday rest
you should add legs somewhere there ..

muscleandstrength.com have some good home based workouts to give you a better idea of a more complete workout
You need to completely revamp that. And you need to lift more. Go to Men's Health's website and do some reading today and this weekend. You can findall the info you need on there for whatever goals you have.
Bro...that needs a lot of work.

You got nothing for legs, back, & chest....not to mention your bi's/tri's workout needs to be done over

you can go on BB.com and write in specifications for the type of workout you want. From there, the computer database will try to find a match with what youwant to do...
+1 to what everyone else said AND just for the record its impossible to "tone up" and not lose weight.
Today is my cheat day
hit up BJs pizza... In n out etc
Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

nice frat boy work out
seriously... OP seems like one of those tools who justgoes to the gym to work on their arms

that workout is complete trash.

here's a basic 3-day full body routine:

Day 1: Chest/Tris
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Legs/Shoulders/Abs
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Back/Bis

you can go to BB.com like everyone else said and find exercises/repetitions and routines to fill in for the bodyparts.
i do this workout i got from a arena football player works very well i focus 6 exercises per muscle group and 3 sets of 10 per exercise. The important thing isto switch up the exercises every 4weeks or so drop one of the six and pick up something new that works that muscle group. I do abs every morning the iphone 200sit ups app works well if you have one or a itouch.

sun chest/back
*chest example*
-bench press
-incline press (dumbbells)
-decline press (dumbbells)
-fly's (machine)
-free pick
-free pics

mon biceps/triceps

tues chest/back

wed shoulders/legs
Monday: Chest
Tuesday: Chest
Wed: biceps/triceps
Thursday: Chest
Friday: Traps
Saturday: Chest/back supersets
Sunday: Rest
yeah you need some leg workouts in there.. I've noticed when adding more leg workouts my running routine is a little bit easier. I just did some HIIT todayand i felt like I was going to die.. Sprint full speed in 94 degree weather stop and go stop and go for 15 min, ugh worst pain i've ever felt.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Monday: Chest
Tuesday: Chest
Wed: biceps/triceps
Thursday: Chest
Friday: Traps
Saturday: Chest/back supersets
Sunday: Rest

is this serious?
If your looking to build mass... Compound Exercises.

Military Press
Weighted Dips
Pull ups (weighted if you can)
Chin ups (weighted if you can)
Turkish Getups

Yes, I left out bench press on purpose...I don't recommend it. Build a program around these exercises, 3 days a week for the lifting, do cardio 2 or 3 daysa week...your call.
Originally Posted by kcenaek0rb

So NikeTalk I've stopped going to the gym for a few months now and am looking to get back into it with the weather getting nicer.

I've created this weekly workout plan, curious what you guys think.

Not looking to lose weight. Mainly gain muscle mass and tone up.

Any suggestions or comments are more than welcome! Thanks.

Btw, I'm 19, 5'8, and weigh around 160-165

Monday: Cardio
Do 30 minutes of cardio,

Tuesday: Arms
Bicep curls, 10 reps
Triceps, 10 reps
Shoulder presses, 10 reps
Repeat this circuit two more times.

Wednesday: Abs and Obliques
Crunches, 20 reps
Bicycle crunches, 20 reps
Oblique crunches, 20 reps

Day off

Friday: Cardio
30 minutes of cardio.

Saturday and Sunday rest


scrap that and just start from scratch... make it simple for example:


throw in 20-30 mins cardio 2-3 times / wk after lifting and 20 mins of abs 2-3 times / wk
23MCpizzle23 wrote:
i do this workout i got from a arena football player works very well i focus 6 exercises per muscle group and 3 sets of 10 per exercise. The important thing is to switch up the exercises every 4weeks or so drop one of the six and pick up something new that works that muscle group. I do abs every morning the iphone 200 sit ups app works well if you have one or a itouch.

Whhhhaaaatttttttttt?!? Totally unnecessary.

They hit the chest way better than bench press.
No. They don't.
how is this for a workout...

Sunday- Chest/Tri/Abs

Bench Press
Incline with stability ball
tricep pull ups? (not sure) with stability ball
120 Inclines Perfect Push ups

Monday- Legs/Back
weighted lunges
calf raises
This swimming exercise where u lay on your stomach in a swimming motion
This exercise where u lay on a wall and sit

Tuesday- Bicep/Shoulders

Front/Lateral Raises
Dumbbell neck press

Repeat Wednesday thrusday Friday Rest saturday?

Keep in mind that i am at home with a bench, some weights and a stability ball and perfect push up.
Dudes who are dissing the weighted dips need to step their knowledge up. Do them with a wide grip, leaning forward, in a 10-15 rep range. See how your chestfeels after these compared to the barbell bench press. Their way healthier for your shoulders as well.
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