We grown...We buy ART

Luke Chueh
I dont see how art can be an "investment" unless its a big time painter or an emerging great artist. Now if you buy it because you love it thatsdifferent but an investment naa
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by soltheman

Support local artists! If your city has an art show or gallery every so often, go to it. Even if there isn't any advertised selling of art, you might meet an artist that you like. More often than not, if you offer them a fair price on one of their pieces, they'll sell it to you.

You can get some really nice looking pieces for less than $50.
yea...I mean, the auction I went to last night was my no means trendy (no gallery with hardwood floors and dark corners) but I think art galleries could possibly be my thing. How do you find out about art gallery openings and what not....is that something I could just "google" in my local city (Dallas)
You could always google stuff like that. Most major art shows are posted on websites and things like that.

However, to get to some of the smaller artists, you'll have to be somewhat in the art scene. Just go anywhere that you know of for right now, and askpeople about other shows happening in the area. It's not that hard, and you'll make new friends. Facebook is a great place to look as well.
We have a lot of art on our walls at home .

I picked all of them out too ...

They cost a grip .
Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

I dont see how art can be an "investment" unless its a big time painter or an emerging great artist. Now if you buy it because you love it thats different but an investment naa

so you answered your own question--awesome.

facebook, you say? Aiight, I'mma def check it out.
Not to sound too AYO, but when it comes to buying a house, the part I really look forward to is buying some really dope art to set off everything else... Ithink of myself as kind of like a Renaissance man, so art, photography, etc really appeals to me...
I got a bachelors in arts and took like 15 credits of art history... Art is definitely appreciated
i'm a minimalist, i naturally like that style of art. contemporary pieces, simplistic, but i won't start buying until i get a condo.
Well, Here's some of my work, I have much more floating around (most have sold) but here are a few.
You are definitely not alone. I plan to make most of my own artwork for my house since im a ceramics major. Im also into printmaking so I can produce some niceprints. I definitely keep an eye out for other artwork.

Id like to see some other nt artists work maybe im interested in buying. PM me. I want to support other artists as well.
I like some art as well. I only have one piece (paid $50) at a exhibition they had at my mall from local artist. ill post later.
buying art is nice and all but I don't see how it has anything to do with being 'grown.' buying life insurance, a house, a mutual fund, and othersuch boring things seem more along the lines of what 'grown' people do
I'm a fan of the arts.

Had a ceramic class this semester. Not really into paintings, etc., but will start going to the museums.
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