+ + + WDYWT May 2009 + + + DO NOT QUOTE PICS!!!

Clean Spiridons and pics battleground03! Watching the Bulls/Celtics game while waiting for the Pacman fight.

YO! I got reminded that I own those Griffs earlier today... which is funny, I just got 'em last week.
Originally Posted by Purple Sneaks

yo Ant dope !%++. i need to start saving up for a second pair. my current pair is startin to turn into beaters

I love to tell this story... I got those for $35. On that same day, from the same shop... I copped 2 pair of Tiff's for retail.

And this so happen to be the same day Late Registration dropped; my most beloved album of this decade. One of the best days of my life. Seriously.

for today: unDSed 1995 Nike Air Lambaste. Crazy to think these have been sitting in the box for 14 years. Very comfy.
^^^^It literally took me 6 years of searching to locate a DS pair in my size. The lady I got them from came up on an stock room full of old stuff.

BTW - just for reference. 95 all star game
YO! Who the hell is this "lady?" One of my homeboyts had those... can't remember which though. DF!!!
In a display of sadness I refuse to post my fit due to the fact I wore alot of black and red and ended up being upset..some of you may know what I'mtalking about.
Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

In a display of sadness I refuse to post my fit due to the fact I wore alot of black and red and ended up being upset..some of you may know what I'm talking about.
sucks man i was pulling for the bulls even though i'm not a bulls fan. Was a great series though
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