WATCHMEN Movie Thread: Directors Cut is out (updated: deleted scene)

Originally Posted by Falcon4567

"Rorschach's mama was a ho!"

Starting from 3:52, The Totally Rad Show gives one of the most passionate and in depth reviews of the movie I've heard so far.

props on the vid. dude with the black shirt ... dismissed his opinion as soon as he said "i cant be objective" ... dude with the grey hoody,dismissed his opinion as soon as i saw his hair.

dude in the red hoody... guy with the same shirt as your avy...

...i agreed with him 100% ... and the arguments given in response to his comments were terrible. but i think their comments as a whole, REALLY shed a light onthis movie and why its getting such mixed reviews.

they said it was hard for them to gauge how well the story played out, because they know the story. so they couldnt help but focus in on the translation ofdifferent scenes and characters from the comic. if you focus on those aspects, this joint is amazing.

but if you look at the entire cast/story/whatever ... its lacking. dude in the red hoody said ... "lacking soul" ... and that might be the wrongterm. but its lacking something. whatever that is, left me... and apparently a lot of others... out in the cold and unengaged.

also... the guy in the black shirt said that rorschach's performance was better/as good as heath's in TDK ....


he had the best character/performance in watchmen, by FAR. but i mean... i couldnt take him seriously. especially when we was like ... "you're lockedin here WITH ME!!!"

i was like, come on fam... you 5-2. earl boykins towers over this cat... but he got the prison block on smash? right...
Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

it was okay. i guess. 1/2 the theater walked out of our joint too (sunday, 7:30)...

i mean, i just dont like the story too much. the film adaptation from the graphic novel was on point... i just didnt really like any of the characters.

sin city was long and a similar format... but you had a lot of characters that you were engaged with. in watchmen, all the protagonists were pretty lame...
even the antagonists were kind of @%%!@/uninteresting...

one of those rare movies, where you dont root for the good guy OR the bad guy... (in my case, i didnt really give a damn what happened to either)

it got to a point, where i was betting my homie whether or not manhattan would have pants on next time he popped up (pause) ....

personally, i wouldnt recommend it.... the opening titles were amazing though.

The thing is, each character isn't suppose to clearly show who is good or bad. Each could be a dichotomy of another. Like is Rorschach right in being a vigilante and killing people he deemed should be killed? Is Veidt right in killing millions to save billions? Is Manhattan right in killing Rorschach and go along with Veidt's plan? Each character has these things that isn't exactly clear if you do not look for clues or dig hard enough to find out or think about hard enough. That is why I suggest reading the book first to fully understand what it is all about. Of course part of being a great film is making it understandable to everyone and on the surface, it makes sense but it has a deeper meaning when read or know what is going on.

thats my point, though. each character had those conflicts... but I DIDNT CARE... my own intellectual curiosity isnt enough to make me want to dive into the psyche of the individuals. none of them dudes were interesting enough for me to care...


mini bonaduce had a %@!!* mother and got picked on... i get it.
comedian was a douche bag... period.
niteowl 2/the offbrand zack morris was just lame all around.
malin akerman is my girl... but she's eye candy... her character was lame.

the only dude i was REALLY interested in, was the ninja that whooped comedians @%*. and when i found out it was the frail wannabe spartacus ... i lost interest.

dr. manhattan? man... i dont even know what to say.

my interest peaked during the opening credits... and went down from there...
JoeGalvan, co-sign both of your comments. You hit the nail right on the head.
I think you guys are defending the G.N. along with the movie way too much. I've been following Moore's work since '95 and quite frankly, all thoughWatchmen was a good read/watch I still prefer Moore's other works like Swamp Thing, From Hell, LoEG, and some of his Marvel work.

The one thing I give Watchmen credit for is that it was a more "real" super-hero kind of book for me, in regards to emotions, issues...etc.
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

dude in the red hoody... guy with the same shirt as your avy...

Are you insuinating that I'm Dan Trachtenburg?

i dont know who that is.

honestly? i thought that your name might be HURM, and that you were the dude in the video...

I don't think I am defending the GN or movie that much, I just want to provide another perspective so that hopefully the viewer may give it another chance.
I personally like *takes a deep breath* Kingdom Come better than Watchmen.
We just happen to be on the subject of Watchmen and to me it was a good film.
I just want everyone else to enjoy it the way I did.
Hurm would be a pretty cool name.
How cruel would it be to name my kid Hurm?
The gentleman who mentioned Moore's other works was on point. I actually thought this would be the first Moore work the big screen did justice. LoEG waspopcorn fodder (and rather cheesy fodder, at that) and V for Vendetta left a few things to be desired. If we could see Moore's Swamp Thing cometo the screen, then we would really see something.

Actually, now that I think about it, none of the Vertigo/"New Format" comics have translated well to the big screen. Constantinecould've been better, for one. I keep telling myself that 100 Bullets is eventually going to be done justice, but that doesn't seem likely.

And while I don't totally agree with JoeGalvan, he made a few good points. I was discussing the weaknesses in the cast as the whole with some classmatesand they (for whatever reason) actually applauded Laurie/Silk Spectre's performance. Maybe it was all the footage that got left out, I don't know. Ijust never really got into her. (And yes, she looked very in the sex scenes.)
If we're gonna rank adaptations of Moore's work:

V for Vendetta
Watchmen & From Hell
The JLU Episode: For the Man Who Has Everything (the only one of Moore's adaptations that he's seen and liked)
The WildCATS cartoon

And I appreciate that JoeGalvan is one of the few detractors who's coming at this from more than just "This $+*# was too $*%$@*+ slow and boring"
YES, 100 bullets needs to come out on the big screen. I am actually hoping for another Constantine/Hellblazer movie to come back out, I thought the series hasalot to offer.

I disagree with you on V for Vendetta though. I thought it was a great film.
i loved this movie and my chick who likes to be analytical about these movies loved it too . it does not need a sequeland it gave the super heroes more emotionthan most movie have and it wasnt all poorwoe is me stuff. I think the first generation fallfrom grace was really cool and the ending man was heartbreakingbecause the "ends " didnt justify the means as far as getting world peace but what can you do with a secret that big.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

YES, 100 bullets needs to come out on the big screen. I am actually hoping for another Constantine/Hellblazer movie to come back out, I thought the series has alot to offer.

I disagree with you on V for Vendetta though. I thought it was a great film.

I believe they are making another Constantine movie with of course Keanu once again.

I agree, I though V for Vendetta was really good and very well done. I just rarely comment on it as I am biased as I love Natalie Portman too much. I also likeHugo Weaving as V, they couldn't have picked a better man than Agent Smith!
thanks, I liked the movie btw.

still need to think about how I feel about the ending.
Dr. Manhattan agreeing about what's best for the world.

I want to see it again.
Didn't read the novel, and I liked the movie. I'm an analytical as hell though, so these concepts and stuff about humanity kept me intrigues the most.I'll definitely check out the novel.
The visuals were the only part of the movie that I liked. Other than that I thought it was boring and actually feel asleep towards the beginning/middle. Did Ireally have to read the book to enjoy it?? Needless to say I was extremely disappointed
Actually GrimlocK, the more I think about it, V for Vendetta was an excellent adaptation. It made the best translation to the big screen by far...

And like Falcon said, I can appreciate JoeGalvan's analysis because it was more than, "Dr. Manhattan is naked!" or "It was too long."
v for vendetta is by FAR a better movie than the watchmen

watchmen just wasn't meant to be a movie, but hey it's a positive if the movie even got 10 more people to read the book right? It got me to wannare-read it, and I have a new found appreciation for how good it is
having read the book i loved it, i cant wait for the directors cut blu. and my dude Kelly Leak was awesome as Rorschach.
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