Washington Wizards Season Thread - Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here

don't worry we will go on a small run to end the regular season just to make our draft pick slightly more worthless. Not like if we had a higher pick we would probably draft anyone so.....
Kispert knows whats up, know when to say when

Bless Delons heart though

Shouldnt bring Beal or Kuz back and should really deactivate KP, nuff iz enuff

beal sit.jpg
Draft the cat from NC State who just declared and F**K everybody up next year
hardly played any games at full strength


kp 4.jpg
I don't think we will be in contention next year. And honestly i think if we are lucky we might be in 2 years. The team needs to some how make it through a season without Beal x Kuz x KP missing 20+ games. And up until now that hasn't happened so im not expecting it too change. If it does i think the year following that year....we contend. The analytics about how good we are when everyone is healthy is misleading. They won't keep up that winning percentage for a full year if healthy.

So as a typical wizards fan....i say next year we make the 8th seed. So slightly better then this year....then get swept in the first round.
Flat out, Beal ain’t the #1 guy on a conference finals or above team. I think Kuz still has potential to improve, Deni will be solid if he can knock down an occasional 3, and KP just needs to stay healthy (which he was for the most part this year).

But as long as it’s “Beal’s team”, they’re not going anywhere.

I’ll withhold any excess pessimism until after they announce which Tim Connelly understudy/Leonsis child will serve as Sheppard’s replacement, but it’s fair to say that I’m not getting my hopes up.

Ted’s statement itself inspires no confidence, as it reaffirms that simply making the playoffs is this team’s only goal.

See you on May 16th for our 6.7% chance at relevance.
there is a glimmer...it is small but its a glimmer

If we some how get a decent draft pick (also unlikely) things could be slightly looking better then i expected headed into next year
8th is a bad spot. Gonna end up reaching on Grady D. out of Kansas who will end up being a mediocre wing who will inevitably be traded to a contender who needs a shooter. Bertans 2.0
8th is a bad spot. Gonna end up reaching on Grady D. out of Kansas who will end up being a mediocre wing who will inevitably be traded to a contender who needs a shooter. Bertans 2.0

I don't think they'll be that dumb. That's way too high for anything he's shown or even his "ceiling" or whatever. At least his ceiling as a Wizard.
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