**WASHINGTON WIZARDS 2012 Off-Season Thread ** Welcome to DC, Bradley Beal!!

Crawford is trash... for all his points he had ZERO FTs => he had a lucky night and isn't actually a consistent scorer. he'll come back down to earth soon (but not without stagnating our offense in the process).

man, i would love to see Blatche get packaged out of here soon.. would probably be my happiest day as a Wiz fan since Gilbert took us to the playoffs.
I don't think Crawford is trash, just a role player. He could be a decent scoring option off the bench, but he doesn't particularly excel on either side of the ball to the point where I could see him as a starter. Not on a legitimate team anyway.

Not worried about Wall walking away. There will be plenty of time to build up the team with him as the centerpiece, and he almost certainly will sign an extension to his rookie deal (probably with a player option). But seriously, if the front office can't build a squad around during the plentiful time he's under contract, then we don't deserve to keep him anyway. I'm pleased with the strides he's taken recently; just picking his spots better, and learning to reign in his explosiveness. Indeed, Wittman has done good work in his brief tenure.

Regarding the draft, it'll all come down to position, really. HAVE to go best available talent, and then use FA to fill out the team. Grunfeld simply can't afford to mess this one up, too.

Recently, I've found myself spending portions of my work day just watching Anthony Davis clips. What a talent.
A downtrodden fan can dream.
games like this make me wonder why Wall would even consider staying. other than maybe Booker, there is literally no one on the team who makes a net positive contribution.

McGee is just atrocious on the low block, my goodness
For every one good game Crawford has shooting the ball, he will put up three like this.

The worst kind of player there is, especially on a bad, undisciplined team.
exactly.. and after the good game he'll start thinking he's Kobe and will chuck with no regard for team offense. Nick Young is the same way.

if we just had ONE decent scorer who wasn't a knucklehead.. how has Grunfeld failed to provide this.
The bench's plus/minus

Wall shot 70% from the floor...had 20/14 with 2 TOs...and they still got blown out.

Can't believe folks here on NT REFUSE to acknowledge that he's working with one of the worst overall units in the NBA (save Charlotte).

Chris Singleton has been @+!...dude looks so passive out there.
Awwww...poor *Baltche

WASHINGTON -- Andray Blatche spoke candidly after the Washington Wizards' 120-100 loss to the Golden State Warriors about being booed by fans when he checked into the game, when he missed shots and when he committed turnovers. Blatche admitted that the booing really affects him and said he found it "very frustrating."

"It's tough when you're at home and people that are supposed to have your back don't have your back," he said. "Instead of encouraging you to get better, they actually push you down and make you worse. In the long run, it's not only hurting me, it's hurting my teammates."

"That's what I feel most upset about because I can't help out and perform for my teammates, because I'm letting the crowd get into my head and making me second-guess, not let me be the player that I am," he added. "It's very frustrating. Hopefully, I'm just trying to fight to overcome it."

Rest of article in link


Blatche is 75% of why the fans are booing...the other 25% is directed at Ernie Grunfeld. That being said, maaaaybe if Blatche actually took the game seriously and put forth the effort off the court to get himself in shape, fans wouldn't have so muct vitorol(sp?) towards him. I have no sympathy for him...none. He's been a joke ever since he got to DC and he needs to go.
i hate this team.

keep booing that fool Blatche, boo him out of the arena.
I try to watch as many Wizards games as I can because of Wall and it's hard for me to think of any other team I've ever seen with so many low IQ players. It's like they have one of these players at almost every position and to add to it, the veteran presence on the team is Rashard Lewis who is beyond horrible. I think they should put everyone except for Wall on the trading block.
Smh wall is gonna leave us at the end of his contract smh back to the stone ages for the wizards smh
From BF:

Michael Lee
@MrMichaelLee A buyout for Rashard Lewis next season is now worth $13.7 mil, not $10 mil, because RL reached necessary contract incentives in ORL #wizards

It'll be interesting to see if this changes anything or if the Wizards knew this all along. I suspect it's the former. Keep in mind: if the Wizards buy out Lewis, the $13.7 million number still counts against the salary cap. If they choose to use the amnesty clause on Lewis, it'll completely wipe that number off the cap, though the Wizards would still need to pay him.

Only thing is, using the clause on Lewis would mean the team wouldn't use it on Andray Blatche, who has three years and $23.4 million left on his deal after this year. That, of course, assumes Blatche is still on the team past March 15


from the comments section:

Michael Lee: Ernie Grunfeld said #wizards are actively working phones in advance of March 15 trade deadline: "Will anything happen? Only time will tell." Twitter
Posted this in the trade thread....what do yall think about this?


If this goes thru, there's a GAPING hole at the 5...either the Wizards better hope to land the #1, or I'm not sure what they'll do to fill the void at center.

Any thoughts?

HELL of a game from Booker and Seraphin.

They flat out destroyed Gasol/Bynum. Not just destroyed...but bullied them. Wall had a bad game and his teammates picked him up. Loved what I saw out of the squad tonight. They were focused and this is the type of effort they need to put forward every night.

I wish I could say that they'll carry the energy from this game to the next, but two days off along with tonight only means we'll see the lazy wizards Saturday.

But I'm going to savor this win though.
Props to the lineup in the 3rd and 4th quarter that brought us back in the game

And props to Kobe for yet another terrible shooting night
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Props to the lineup in the 3rd and 4th quarter that brought us back in the game

And props to Kobe for yet another terrible shooting night

Gotta give Nick Young his due for the defense he played on Kobe tonight...I just hope teams in need of a SG *Bulls* were paying attention to his rare all-around game...6 assists for him
Good win for the Wizards tonight.

Wall had a poor outing (he needs to slow down and not jump in the air so much), but Booker, Seraphin, Young, Mason and Crawford played very well. McGee only had two brainfarts tonight, which is encouraging.
$@!$%@% figures that the ONLY game I'd want the Wiz to lose this year, the one that I go to to see the Lakers, they come back from 21 down and win
Why wasn't Roger Mason's bum $@@ hitting any of those 3 pters in games that mattered a few years ago? Oh well. Props to the home team I guess.
BTW John Wall needs to decide whether he wants to be a competitor or not. Games like tonight are not at all what you expect from a #1 draft pick. Dude was literally ghost out there almost the entire night. I know he had 9 assists but it felt like he had very little impact on the game. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Props to the lineup in the 3rd and 4th quarter that brought us back in the game

And props to Kobe for yet another terrible shooting night

Gotta give Nick Young his due for the defense he played on Kobe tonight...I just hope teams in need of a SG *Bulls* were paying attention to his rare all-around game...6 assists for him

Career high 6 assists
We'll never see that again

And to the guy above, I was disappointed in Wall's effort as well. It was like he was saying "screw you guys y'all don't appreciate the numbers I've been putting up lately so you gonna have to win without me" and surprisingly they did
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