Was this dude being mad paranoid or just crazy?

Jul 24, 2012
So, basically a bunch of us were chilling and having drinks tonight and an alum from our fraternity has been back this summer for around 2 weeks now. He graduated around 5-6 years ago and said he's "in between jobs". I guess he's not at the highest point in his life but whatever...everyone has their ups and downs. We've met this guy a bunch of times years past but his behavior was a little different this time. Mind you he's been blazing this whole time which might add on to paranoia but as the night progressed, it seemed like he would take offense to random jokes that we made as if we directed it towards him...even though the jokes had nothing to do with him.

Is this just paranoia or is dude losing his ****?
Send him this video , dude's obviously not based worthy .

lol @ being sensitive , based god and his task force can help him cure that little rowdyness he's got in him .

Send him this video , dude's obviously not based worthy .

lol @ being sensitive , based god and his task force can help him cure that little rowdyness he's got in him .

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uh oh, some one just discovered lil b

sounds like my hommie who went off the deep end

he would think lil jokes we made was bout him and what not

its like he feels guilty bout something

you never know what he was doing or even thinking "between" those years

just becareful

these people are very unpredictable

one minute chillin...next minute stalking some chick on campus creeping in her window
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