Walgreens & Their Theft Policy... What's up w/ it?

This guy tryna set people up for failure. :lol:
My 2nd time in jail I had like 4 diffeerent bunkies back to back who told me the same stories verbatim....they'd steal video games from Wal-Mart then cash em in st GameStop. They'd take books and magazines to Half Price Books. They'd take Baby and children Items to OnceUponAChild. They'd take Women's clothes to Plato's Closet and other consignment shops. They take power tools and accessories to pawn shops. I remember I was brainstorming a $100 day plan for when I get out, and my bunkie (a heroin user) looked over my shoulder and laughed and said he easily made $300 a day on the streets with no trouble, he basically told me to step up my game, go hard or go home. You'd be surprised...alit of these guys make six figs a year and the main reason they get caught is cause their instantly profiled the moment they walk in a store (full sleeve tattoos, dark circles under eyes, disheveled clothes and hair)

People with no good options do……….did the Post Office and or McDonald’s stop hiring all of a sudden?? Also does the no good options theory apply if your home gets burglarized??
Cigarettes cost 7 a pack...you smoke a pack a day that's $200 a month right there. Besides cigarettes you probably drink at least 2 tall boys a day. That's $100/mo. You might smoke a little weed here and there - another 100. While your intoxicated you probably accidently drop your phone on the pavement smashing the screen rendering it unusable, or you might just set it down somewhere and forget about it and next thing you know when you turn around it's gone. So you gotta go to Boost Mobile and MetroPCS and get a new phone every other month. This type of lifestyle leaves you unable to save up money for a security deposit for an apartment so you rent motel rooms for 40 bucks a night. You buy your furniture from "Rent2Own" stores and end up paying 3x the total value of the item over the course of your payments. So this leads to a never ending cycle of you committing petty crimes and stealing stuff to maintain this crazy chaotic lifestyle...
I think we both know boosting from Ross and kicking down somebody's front door are two different options...neither good, one better.

...wait, working at McD's is a good option?

Working at McDonald’s is always better than taking chances of getting arrested for stealing toilet paper and liquid gold (Tide detergent) from CVS or Walgreens champ. See…..I’m trying to keep US out of jail and out of the system from having a record…..while it appears you are accepting of or downright advocating for young brothas to spend a night, two or more at the county jail.

Given your example of boosting from Ross vs. kicking down somebody’s front door ……if neither are good as you pointed out why even make excuses for committing thief. There are more career options for a black man than being a drug dealer and or a criminal in life……..many more. The guy in the posted Walgreens video has a bicycle…….he could easily get an Uber Eats hustle……as long as he doesn’t cry about his tips or lack there of on camera for all to see then I’m good with that. WE have to do a better job of controlling our image, within ourselves and of what is shown.
My 2nd time in jail I had like 4 diffeerent bunkies back to back who told me the same stories verbatim....they'd steal video games from Wal-Mart then cash em in st GameStop. They'd take books and magazines to Half Price Books. They'd take Baby and children Items to OnceUponAChild. They'd take Women's clothes to Plato's Closet and other consignment shops. They take power tools and accessories to pawn shops. I remember I was brainstorming a $100 day plan for when I get out, and my bunkie (a heroin user) looked over my shoulder and laughed and said he easily made $300 a day on the streets with no trouble, he basically told me to step up my game, go hard or go home. You'd be surprised...alit of these guys make six figs a year and the main reason they get caught is cause their instantly profiled the moment they walk in a store (full sleeve tattoos, dark circles under eyes, disheveled clothes and hair)

Cigarettes cost 7 a pack...you smoke a pack a day that's $200 a month right there. Besides cigarettes you probably drink at least 2 tall boys a day. That's $100/mo. You might smoke a little weed here and there - another 100. While your intoxicated you probably accidently drop your phone on the pavement smashing the screen rendering it unusable, or you might just set it down somewhere and forget about it and next thing you know when you turn around it's gone. So you gotta go to Boost Mobile and MetroPCS and get a new phone every other month. This type of lifestyle leaves you unable to save up money for a security deposit for an apartment so you rent motel rooms for 40 bucks a night. You buy your furniture from "Rent2Own" stores and end up paying 3x the total value of the item over the course of your payments. So this leads to a never ending cycle of you committing petty crimes and stealing stuff to maintain this crazy chaotic lifestyle...

Everything you described from the cigarettes, to renting furniture (for suckers only), to smoking weed is a lack of self control and bad business decisions champ. Step your professional game up. There is no social security or pension retirement plan for a former/current thief.

Unfortunately we have a lot of raggedy, dusty, low life individuals such as yourself that think about today but don’t think about tomorrow. You better not be black by the way……get rid of that scamming mentality. It’s cool to be legit and have a job/business.
Read all the posts in this thread.

I have a couple friends who are thieves and do this regularly to feed their drug habit.

One has a rap sheet probably longer than the Bible... seriously.

He was always in and out of jail and then once he started messing with heroin it was a wrap.

Back in like 2011 he had been arrested over 300 times and Rikers and the booking was his second home.

Dude knows exactly what to steal too to make money and was making like $800 a day to feed his drug habit. Hitting up retail stores and selling to ocks at corner stores.

He was actually a well respected OG that taught me to be street wise and was successful in the 90's hustling in Brooklyn.

Still have a lot of love for him now though even though he's washed and finished. The lessons he instilled in me is priceless.
Working at McDonald’s is always better than taking chances of getting arrested for stealing toilet paper and liquid gold (Tide detergent) from CVS or Walgreens champ. See…..I’m trying to keep US out of jail and out of the system from having a record…..while it appears you are accepting of or downright advocating for young brothas to spend a night, two or more at the county jail.

Given your example of boosting from Ross vs. kicking down somebody’s front door ……if neither are good as you pointed out why even make excuses for committing thief. There are more career options for a black man than being a drug dealer and or a criminal in life……..many more. The guy in the posted Walgreens video has a bicycle…….he could easily get an Uber Eats hustle……as long as he doesn’t cry about his tips or lack there of on camera for all to see then I’m good with that. WE have to do a better job of controlling our image, within ourselves and of what is shown.

you raise a few points often seen as valid here, and I thought for a while about how to address this so I appreciate that.

decided the image aspect would be the most fertile field right now.

some people care about their image, some people don't.

either way, you can't eat your image.

after all, that's why we seek out resources, right? work a job, learn a trade, play a guitar in the street, start a FanaticsOnly.

in the end, we're just trying to eat.

so it's easy to say "follow this specific path to the food" when it's open to you.

meanwhile I look around and I see people who were ****** pretty much from birth...there's a whole thesis to be typed out right there, but phrases like "school to prison pipeline" and "66 percent national recidivism rate" should just about cover it.

ain't no "keeping US out the system" for those individuals the system has targeted.

in a society where everything costs, and you'll get more food in the county jail than you do as a "free citizen", how is working at McDonald's an objectively superior option to boosting from a store? at least I can pick my own hours and don't have to put up with some repressed loser's oversized shift manager hat. you even have about the same chance of getting shot dead.

when there is no real incentive to do "the right thing," is it the right thing?

also, who is this vaunted image supposed to impress? the elitist capital class? the systemic imbalance that makes the ZIP code in which you were born a pretty good indicator of your future prospects? what does it weigh? what is it worth to me?

not advocating for anything, I just see the whole thing for what it is...you and I are lucky enough to have "maintaining image" as an option on the way to the dinner table. not everyone is, and they're not gonna starve waiting for images to develop.

what do you do when the music stops and your *** is nowhere near a chair?

so **** it, I'll hustle black market toothpaste on the train if that's what it comes to.

ain't the worst option.
you raise a few points often seen as valid here, and I thought for a while about how to address this so I appreciate that.

decided the image aspect would be the most fertile field right now.

some people care about their image, some people don't.

either way, you can't eat your image.

after all, that's why we seek out resources, right? work a job, learn a trade, play a guitar in the street, start a FanaticsOnly.

in the end, we're just trying to eat.

so it's easy to say "follow this specific path to the food" when it's open to you.

meanwhile I look around and I see people who were ****ed pretty much from birth...there's a whole thesis to be typed out right there, but phrases like "school to prison pipeline" and "66 percent national recidivism rate" should just about cover it.

ain't no "keeping US out the system" for those individuals the system has targeted.

in a society where everything costs, and you'll get more food in the county jail than you do as a "free citizen", how is working at McDonald's an objectively superior option to boosting from a store? at least I can pick my own hours and don't have to put up with some repressed loser's oversized shift manager hat. you even have about the same chance of getting shot dead.

when there is no real incentive to do "the right thing," is it the right thing?

also, who is this vaunted image supposed to impress? the elitist capital class? the systemic imbalance that makes the ZIP code in which you were born a pretty good indicator of your future prospects? what does it weigh? what is it worth to me?

not advocating for anything, I just see the whole thing for what it is...you and I are lucky enough to have "maintaining image" as an option on the way to the dinner table. not everyone is, and they're not gonna starve waiting for images to develop.

what do you do when the music stops and your *** is nowhere near a chair?

so **** it, I'll hustle black market toothpaste on the train if that's what it comes to.

ain't the worst option.

This reply is nonsensical and pathetic at best champ. You are openly advocating/encouraging for individuals…….particularly US to sign up for jail and a lifestyle of criminality. That is unacceptable do you hear me…….UNACCEPTABLE.

For the example that you gave of pushing toothpaste on a train…….that’s not hustling, that’s called being a lowlife and a loser champ. To add to that anybody that purchases said stolen toothpaste from a broke bummy dude on a train is a loser one in the same.

The fact that you even think eating jail food is somehow better than being gainfully employed at McDonald’s or any establishment for that matter says a lot about you and in a negative way. Again, there is no social security or pension later on down the road for being a thief. Just a lifetime sentence of misery and shame and being looked at as a pariah…….and rightly so.

WE as black people can and will do better than just being criminals and being seen as criminals. The same way the clown in this video used his bike to steal from Walgreens his dumb *** could have actually applied himself and used his bike to make legit money, by way of Uber Eats or been a courier in the city. Your statement of “****** pretty much from birth”…….nobody wants to hear excuses and the world doesn’t owe you, I or anyone else sympathy……nor is it going to be given as a general rule of thumb.

The school to prison pipeline theme seems to be cheered on by you. You seem to want US to voluntarily sign up for jail by way by pushing Colgate and Tide detergent on public transportation city to city.

I don’t want to see black men with a one track mentality of being in and out of jail. I want to see black men being leaders in their family household. I want to see black men being leaders in their community and at their job/career. I want to see more black men practicing martial arts in the public for all to see…..shout out to the brothas I was chopping it up with in Navy Yard DC this weekend. I dam sure don’t want to see brothas such as you pushing that “being a criminal and going to jail is our only option” narrative. Get that out of your head champ.
Feel bad for the employees at the stores that closed.
That’s what people don’t realize. They just say “well it’s a big corporation, they can afford it.” But after a while they say **** this and close up.
I forgot what chain store it was, but a big chain store closed all stores in San Francisco area if I remember correctly. That’s a bunch of jobs gone
Here in NYC we have Duane Reade, which is owned by Walgreens. High school kids would routinely go in there and steal in groups. They started hiring private security guards and these dudes were trash. They would harass regular customers (like me) even if we’re in line to buy! But when kids came in and ransacked the place, they would do nothing. The cashiers would be screaming at the guards to do their jobs and they would just stand there like statues. Eventually, the local Duane Reade started using actual police officers in the store to stop stealing. In general that store Duane Reade is trash (the one next to the 7 train in Flushing, Queens). I walked in there one time and this girl got hit hard by a malfunctioning door. I had to yell at the workers to do something, girl just got injured in your store. And they were just standing there like statues.
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Even if they get caught they'll be out again in no time.
This is true...here in Ohio, the felony threshold for a theft used to be $500. Then with the opiod epidemic and recession in 2008, you had wypipo from all walks of life (even the burbs) stealing out of stores. So they raised it to 1000.

My first time in jail back in 2009, I would kick it with this old school crackhead name Mafio. Dude would encourage me and give me tips. He would always tell me "A Theft aint Shh..." (He was missing his two front teeth, so his "S" consonants came out slurred). He would tell me, with all the stuff he stole he should of been a millionaire, but he screwed up "royally". When I asked him what he did with his earnings, dude would front like he just drank beer and wine, but I could tell he was hinting that he was a crack smoker, he was just too ashamed to come outright and say it.

That particular time he was in jail cause he "was on some thirsty shh..." and tried to walk out of Family Dollar with a tub of laundry detergent. He said cleaning products tended to be his most lucrative hauls - within minutes of leaving the store, he could have it sold.

What got him sent to prison was, he would need money in the middle of the night when most stores were closed. So he'd throw bricks through college students car windows, and take their laptops. The only reason he got caught is cause he reached into the window without gloves and got sliced with a shard of glass, and they got his DNA and his story ended up on the news. He also once climbed up to the roof of a 5 story office building, and as he was stripping the copper out of the fixtures, some lawyers that were having a meeting in a building across the street witnessed Mafio doing his thing and called the cops. Next thing he know, he was swarmed by 2 K-9s, one of which bit a chunk out of his leg and he still has the scar to this day.
lol am I the only one who find it interesting that the MSM only focus on the F500 corporations that's experiencing this problem? like the mom & pop spots aren't going through it too. i think we all know why.
Idk how much the mom n pops are being affected, but I would imagine stealing from a big retailer would be way easier and you have more selection of what to steal. And you know that “security” ain’t gonna do a damn thing
Completely embarrassing. Videos like this do a lot of harm in our community. I hope all suspects get caught, prosecuted, and convicted.
It’s Neiman Marcus.. that’s Their community.. we don’t have a community champ. Never did..
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