Vid: Kobe w/ Hyperdunk, jumps over moving Aston Martin!?!?

man this thread is comedy
Sorry to jump in so late, but I can't believe Nike is doing this (this for a commercial, correct?) Steve Francis did this for an RBK commercial rightaround 2004 or so, commercial was a minute long and used the William Tell Overture. Exact same thing happened, people went nuts and didn't realize whatreally happened. Just surprises me Nike would copy that
at "the first attempt"
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Listen, I know a lot of you that consistently try to knock Kobe are going to say something like this: "So? Do you know how low that Aston Martin sits?"

How do I know some of you will say something like that? Because I did, and then I slapped myself (not literally, because that would be stupid), and thought 'He jumped over a car moving that was moving towards him.'

He jumped.

Over a car.

That was moving towards him.

Don't hate; appreciate.

It's not just about the height; it's a car. Moving towards him. If his foot catches the top of the windshield, or even worst, if he jumped too late and caught like the front bumper...

P.S. Of course the cynic in me thought about the possibility of some film trickery going on, but this definitely seems genuine to me. Could be fake, but if so, it was very well done.
Wait... you really thought...
kids from the 'burbs...

As fake as Kobes stunt was, the point of it was to obviously sell a shoe. Which it will do. IMO I thought the shoe would of sold itself. Can't wait tosee how it performs.

It definitely sounds like someting snapped.
Listen, I know a lot of you that consistently try to knock Kobe are going to say something like this: "So? Do you know how low that Aston Martin sits?"

How do I know some of you will say something like that? Because I did, and then I slapped myself (not literally, because that would be stupid), and thought 'He jumped over a car moving that was moving towards him.'

He jumped.

Over a car.

That was moving towards him.

Don't hate; appreciate.

It's not just about the height; it's a car. Moving towards him. If his foot catches the top of the windshield, or even worst, if he jumped too late and caught like the front bumper...

P.S. Of course the cynic in me thought about the possibility of some film trickery going on, but this definitely seems genuine to me. Could be fake, but if so, it was very well done.
Wait... you really thought...

... that it was possible? Ummmmm, yes, I thought it was possible. And... so did the folks at ESPN when they showed it on SportsCenter. And so didCharles, Ernie, and Kenny when they showed it on TNT. If it was so lame that everyone could tell it was fake, then it wouldn't have been very effective,now would it have been?

And I already addressed your type earlier.
Something interesting always... and I mean ALWAYS... happens in threads like this one.

In the beginning there are...
... SOME people that believe the video is real, SOME people that aren't sure if it's real or not, VERY, VERY few that say they knew it was fake as soon as they saw it, and NO ONE that proves it's fake.

Then after a good while, after a FEW people have dissected the evidence and provided enough to show that we're looking at trickery, THEN all of a sudden the thread takes a shift, and there are...
... NO people that believe the video is real, NO people that aren't sure if it's real or not, TONS of people that say they knew it was fake as soon as they saw it, and A FEW that provide more evidence that it's fake.


Interesting; threads like these begin with practically no one saying they knew it was fake as soon as they saw it, but then it turns into a thread where every-damn-body knew it was fake as soon as they saw it (meaning: they knew it was fake as soon as they saw it and read the thread).
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