Viacom Ends Decades Long Relationship With Nick Cannon Because “White People Are Evil”

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im not saying EYE do
im just making a general point
on why black folks do undervalue themselves
the mind state they be in
just cause me and u and countless others dont feel like that
i know that others do
and thats one of the reasons why

i agree my dude. But what angers me most is when you kick knowledge and tell ya peoples why they should be confident and feel just as equal, it be frustrating when they cant see it
We gotta learn to blend in just like they do. Foolish to make them statements in the public eye. Hoping for more opportunities for him.
I don’t believe them

I’m saying our origins aren’t from this planet, that’s why everything about us is different from all the other races. We weren’t cro magnon men, they were. They evolved from apes, we didn’t. They’re the animals, we are not. They’re attached to animals because they are animals.
im with u
i see where u going
speak on it king
Why can’t “scientists” trace the origins of so-called black people on this earth but they can trace the origin of all the other races to this planet? Why are all the other races are part of the animal kingdom and black people aren’t?

They can't?
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Well there you have it guys, if you're not a fan a Nick Cannon you are a "biscuit boy". Ohh dear, my life is over!
u dont even have to be a fan
but what has he even done to u
to post a gif that says
**** nick cannon
like i understand not agreeing with him or even liking him
but what made u got that extra step
to find a gif that said that
thats very telling
but very on brand for YOU
but that circles back to the racist institution of america
toward black folks
if ur blatantly and subliminally being showed ur not equal
every single day of ur life
of course ur going to undervalue urself
and with in that
take any semblance of value u believe or perceive is worth it

racism doesnt exist in a vacuum for black people

meaning, other brown cultures get treated unfairly too. yet they dont let the unfair treatment and subliminals get in the way of the goals of their culture.

we cant feel we are not good enough
but think we the **** at the same damn time

you cant feel undervalued
but think you’re the BEST

you cant feel ugly, unattractive bc of your dark skin
but believe black dont crack, and black is beautiful

it cant be BOTH

we ignore the racism when its convenient
we pay attention to the racism when its convenient

being equal?
eh, i will never support the energy wasted towards it.
i dont believe they will ever look at us or treat us as equals.

id rather put that energy towards building our culture up to make them have to look us in the eye

i dont believe you can ask the beneficiaries of systematic racism to get rid of it. thats not something you can ask for.

systematic change doesnt come from asking.
it comes from things like Regime change, Genocide, War, Commander change in the military, etc.
meaning, other brown cultures get treated unfairly too. yet they dont let the unfair treatment and subliminals get in the way of the goals of their culture.
so just referring to THIS
black folks struggle
and brown folks struggle in america
are TOTALLY different and not equatable
ur ancestors wasnt taken from their ancestral home
told that they were more than nothing
had systems in place to make sure u had no rights
ur family name stripped from u
ur culture
yall still have yall culture
and name
its 1000% easier
for another minority to come and flourish in america
than for the black americans born here

I will never ever understand it and it never stops being funny.

Dudes putting it all on the line for a goofy *** crack pot ideology.
You finally came out of that NBA thread to make your presence felt, 'eh?

Are you suggesting that Black people have nothing to be angry about?
Nick still has a big following and is good at hosting shows so I’m sure he’ll land more work soon.
I know what Nick was saying when he said they are “closer to animals” and “true savages”. They are animals and savages because they have that in their genetic makeup. Some of them know how to tame the savage within them but they all have it to some degree. Why you think with what’s going on today all of these people are getting caught in public and online acting like savages and animals...

like I said these geneticists can trace every race except for black people back to animals... it’s waaaaaay more than skin complexion that separates us...if u wanna go with that East Indians are the opposite of white people... same features, same straight dog-like hair, no rhythm, and they act like animals and savages too...
Well of course. Homo Sapiens came from Africa, The first modern Humans. I don't know about all that other stuff that you're trying to point out, but it's undeniable that the origins of Modern man is based out of Africa, which quite frankly, isn't talked about enough. There should be way more NatGeo/Discovery/History/PBS Channel shows covering the dawn of men based on AFRICA. I could only think of a few, while there's countless shows on Neanderthals which aren't even ******* people.
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