Us Niketalkers Need to Appreciate Our J's Like This Guy

im guessing this is either fake, or he's from an impovershed third world country/ or a country under an oppresive totalitarian regime where he had to risk his life to get these on the black market.
im guessing this is either fake, or he's from an impovershed third world country/ or a country under an oppresive totalitarian regime where he had to risk his life to get these on the black market.
That was awesome.
Audio request. Replace Chris Rock's part in Blame Game with audio from this video!
Audio request. Replace Chris Rock's part in Blame Game with audio from this video!
he look like the type that would strangle a ninja if they step on his shoes....
he cherished them boys like it was his first born
he look like the type that would strangle a ninja if they step on his shoes....
he cherished them boys like it was his first born
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