you're baiting but i'll play along
All I want is a good home and a wife
And a children and some food to feed them every night
What I don't want is to giving up privacy and autonomy for "protection" (ie, patriot act, gun bans, etc)...
I don't want the federal government monopolizing law of the land when states should decide what works for them and their communities for a number of things such as local economy, environment, and schooling.
I don't want to pay more taxes supporting others personal and macro issues that don't really impact me. obviously this one becomes a slippery slope when you account for how complex the societal framework is now. eg supporting isreal with free money surely has some indirect impact but i dont have a choice in how money is spent. to me... it's taxation without true representation and it's tyrannical. there are no checks on this runaway government. which is why its shut down with a million people on the verge of losing homes, cars, credit, etc.