US and Isreal disagree on Iran becoming "inpregnable"

Aug 8, 2007
Israel’s defense minister, Ehud Barak, coined the phrase “zone of immunity
Obama actually doesnt want to war with Iran right now, its the Zionist controlling the theatre... I actually gove props to Obama for not succumbing to the madness that is Israel...
Israel has been a problem and will continue to be a problem. They are a very capable nation militarily, it may be time to simply say, out loud, we do not support your stance. If you look up videos and such about Iran, it's a nice looking place, why tear families apart and ruin peoples lives? Who are we to say they can't make nuclear power bc there is a chance they'd make a nuclear bomb. It's so aggravating. Also realistically, if we stretch ourselves thin and go to war w/ Iran, who's to say this isn't the moment China/Russia, whomever, decides to strike and take over the world. In 2012, there is no need for wars. The access to information really changes the dynamic of political impasse. Instead of Occupy Wall St, we need a no more War movement. Enough is enough.
I agree with you guys, no more wars unless we're provoked. No one wants another Iraq where there is no clear meaning behind it. A small part of me thinks that we should just leave the middle-east alone after Afghanistan, but, because of Israel, this might not happen for awhile. How much of Iran is a real threat to us, honestly. I think it's more about national pride and global respect rather than an issue of them attacking Israel. We just need to continue communications with them and make sure they have those nuke(s) in secure areas.

On the side-note, I honestly don't see why Israel won't let the Arabs have a piece of Jerusalem. But, that's a whole other issue....
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

On the side-note, I honestly don't see why Israel won't let the Arabs have a piece of Jerusalem. But, that's a whole other issue....

Because they want to make life so miserable for the Palestinians that they'll eventually just leave and never come back. They don't want to give them any amount of land, let alone a piece of Jerusalem.

My father who was born in Jerusalem cant even go back and live there if he wanted to.

Sorry don't mean to derail this thread.
^ Let's see what Obama has to say about Israel employing a sworn US enemy to carry out their dirty business.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

BREAKING: Israel teams with terror group to kill Iran's nuclear scientists, U.S. officials tell NBC

@#$% Israel.  Too bad more people can't speak out against that bull @#$% country without fear of being called anti-Semitic
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

@#$% Israel.  Too bad more people can't speak out against that bull @#$% country without fear of being called anti-Semitic

seriously tho, its their go to statement. "your just a bigot anti-Semitic"
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

@#$% Israel.  Too bad more people can't speak out against that bull @#$% country without fear of being called anti-Semitic
Isreal, believe it or not, is our most valuable ally. 
The situation in Iran right now is eerily similar to what was going on in the world around the 1930s. The US had just come out of a major war (WWI and Iraq) and it's citizens were disillusioned with war having been misled (sinking of the Lusitania and "WMDs".) The US public was staunchly anti-war and wanted no parts of a war on foreign soil that did not concern us (Europe/China and Iran.) I truly believe that the only way the US is going to get lured into another war, at this moment anyway, is if there is a direct provocation (attack on US soil such as what happened at Pearl Harbor) or if US trade/the Open Door is disrupted (this is the one thing that has consistently brought us to war... time after time.) When Iran attempted to block the Strait of Hormuz, the US sent a battlecruiser within the week. An attempt to stop the cogs of US capitalism is the only thing that we as a country will surely fight for.

I really hope that Israel doesn't do anything stupid. Iran is not the same as Iraq, Syria, or Lebanon. They have a MUCH larger population and are a much more established power. I hope the US does not support Israel if it decides to provoke a conflict.
imo Iran has shown tremendous restraint in the past few years to not retaliate for all the provocations, threats, secret killings of its citizens and scientists, sanctions, and accusations. The policy towards Iran would be laughable if the potential consequences weren't so serious. Threatening someone is the worst way to deter someone from attacking you.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

@#$% Israel.  Too bad more people can't speak out against that bull @#$% country without fear of being called anti-Semitic
Isreal, believe it or not, is our most valuable ally. 
so we're basically trading one group of fundamentalists for another just to gain a strategical "foothold" in the middle-east?
welp, at least Israel doesn't have nukes. oh wait....

welp, at least they're not on some jihad steez. oh wait....

welp, at least they're not a military super-power like us. oh wait....

damn...we dun goof'd
It's funny though. We're mad at Iran for wanting nuclear power when Israel has a hundred nuclear warheads on deck aimed at them. Iran is going to "destabilize" the region. Word? Let's take a step back and see who's really destabilizing the region.
edit: I want to make clear I'm against ALL nuclear armament. 
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

It's funny though. We're mad at Iran for wanting nuclear power when Israel has a hundred nuclear warheads on deck aimed at them. Iran is going to "destabilize" the region. Word? Let's take a step back and see who's really destabilizing the region.
edit: I want to make clear I'm against ALL nuclear armament. 
Statements like that are for public consumption imo. In actuality there's a lot to gain from this conflict and an unstable middle east in general for them. 
It's so ironic about Israel, because if you look back at what they've done - it would be classified as terrorism.
Look up the attack on the King David hotel, Deir Yassin massacre, Stern Gang, Sabra-Shatila, Gaza wars + attacks on Palestinians, etc.

Israel is worthless to America as an ally. Their works in hollywood and technology is what keeps them so valuable. Other than that, they're #+#$%%% worthless.
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