Unusual Food Combos That You Eat

http://s531.photobucket.com/albums/dd353/sevit86/?action=view&current=cheetos200.jpg http://s531.photobucket.com/albums/dd353/sevit86/?action=view&current=Limes2.jpg
raw egg and noodles....

burger king buffalo sauce and EVERYTHING!!! I love these things and i wish burger king would mass produce it and sell it in stores. I've tried to duplicateit with other sauces with no luck..

nestles chocolate chips and hot rice or bananas(prolly not too uncommon)
toasted bread with butter and cinnamon sugar

rice with brown sugar and milk

crackers with peanut butter

mallows in jello

fries in a burger
Maybe I have weird eating habits, but I have read through about half of these and I swear and I have tried almost all of them. Most of them don't even seemthat weird to me.
Originally Posted by TeamJordanKidd532

Maybe I have weird eating habits, but I have read through about half of these and I swear and I have tried almost all of them. Most of them don't even seem that weird to me.

I'm thinking the same thing. Too much food channel and "what can I make for lunch today" in the summertime.
- Really like Lays chips on a sandwich
- Mt Dew instead of water to make pancakes (best pancakes you'll ever have)
- Cinnamon is a food group for me. Put it on rice, bread, unbuttered popcorn, etc
Cheetos and spaghetti. My daughter put me on that $%+%, i'd be damn if it doesn't taste good too.
and i can't stand cheetos, but them togethertaste great.

Ketchup on just about anything is great.
I like to put Parmesan cheese on everything, especially on baked beans. I also put mustard on my salad and on my chicken.
Kim Chi + eggs + this laughing cow cheese + baguettes.

and some simply limeade on the side.

I used to put soda on my rice to make it colder, it tasted pretty good, this was when i was 8

but right now, probably frosties and fries
i mix peanut butter and syrup and dip crackers in it, and i mix bbq with ranch for fries and chicken nuggets.
my dad puts mayo on top of his peanut butter crackers
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