Unpopular Opinion(s) Thread

Chick fil A’s grilled chicken sandwich >>>>>>>> the original.

As a matter of fact, grilled is the only way chicken should be prepared.
Both of these dt max kicks need to retro in modern colorways.



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Id say more so power than attention.

Respect (fear)
All of those all those steam from the desire for attention:
1. Power- "Look at me & what I can do. Follow me."
2. Respect- Being admire for your reputation.
3. Money- This may vary, there's some wild rich person(s) living in the mountains somewhere secluded from everyone else.

Attention & power go hand in hand more than anything else. Think of comedians. Their power is the comedy they seek attention w/. You pay them no mind, they have no power.
Id say more so power than attention.

Respect (fear)
Control. Who stole my cheese? Fake it till you make it! Go big, or go home! Wag the dog! Stimulus plan! The stock market is doing great! I find the latter to be comical, because as soon as Trump says this, people who have no vested interest in the markets, feel good about themselves and the country/ world.
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Considering the society in which we live, and rules that govern such through capitalism? I disagree. It’s all about control.
control is a synonym for power. power is flaunted for attention. jeffery epstein had power in the background and look what he did w/ it "privately."
control is a synonym for power. power is flaunted for attention. jeffery epstein had power in the background and look what he did w/ it "privately."
I hear you, but you are talking about ego here. The thing about power is that it enhances what you already are, warts and all. Take a look at the insecure orange individual who currently resides in the white house, then look at someone like Warren Buffett. The latter does not seek such attention, yet is vastly more powerful in regard to the respect of many, globally. However the tool that is money is what effects both. One handles his power in a vastly different manner than the one who claims to be as such. Trump NEEDS that attention due to his ego.

If this song was released by Beyonce, it would have been a smash hit that we would be sick of by today. I'm talking Aerosmith Dont Wanna Miss A Thing big.

I realize Rhianna, Kanye and Paul freaking McCartney are just as much of the superstars Beyonce is. But it being those 3 together is part of the problem. If this was the song of 1 superstar artists to be performed anywhere at anytime, and that superstar was Beyonce...yeah, smashing success.
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