Underage Pocession of Alcohol?

Feb 18, 2008
So basically a party I was at got busted and the cops got me. I just had a few drinks but my BA was a .04. I'm only 18. What am I facing? I'm in NoVA.

Thanks NT
Underage Pocession of Alcohol?
Still drunk I see...

Originally Posted by XIIz89

So basically a party I was at got busted and the cops got me. I just had a few drinks but my BA was a .04. I'm only 18. What am I facing? I'm in NoVA.

Thanks NT

i think being an "adult" 18 years of age and older, but under 21 your BAC can be .06, i think you may just have to do some community service, nobiggie.

and next time, dont take the BA test
Hate to be the one to bring the pain, but I caught an underage alcohol charge partying in VA and they had me on probation until i completed 100 hours ofcommunity service. Needless to say i've yet to go back to that state. Oh yea, i had no priors.
All I can say is. At 18, you're drinking, outside you home. What do you expect?

Hope you at least voted at 18.
Step 1 is admitting to NT that you get sauced up at age 18
Step 2 find some kind of program for underage substance abusers
Step 3-12 Good Luck!
Most likely Community Service, a Fine, and possible loss of Driver's License for 6 Months... What County were you in?
Sucks you got it in VA. MD is so lenient when it comes to that. VA you're looking at 50 hours of community service or a 500 dollar fine. They give you theoption of both. Good luck.
The statute has a penalty of Class 1 Misdemeanor - Punishable up to 12 months in Jail and a $2,500 Fine (Maximum Penalty)

I have never heard of the maximum penalty being enforced, but the possibility is there if the judge sees fit.

It will depend on the judge and what he/she decides to be an appropriate penalty.

Comm. Service + Fine + Loss of DL is likely. Good luck.
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