Ultimate Karen Vol. Official I Need to See the Manager Thread

I swear it’s always the stay-at-home entitled Karens that believe they can do and get whatever they want.

Seeing that **** in person is jaw-dropping and ridiculous. So damn embarrassing.
some back story on the post above




We had one come into Lids when I used to work there on Black Friday, throwing a stink that no one greeted her. Mind you, it’s Black Friday and the store is packed as can be. We’re understaffed because the penny pinching company didn’t want to pay for adequate coverage, and even with me getting creative with the scheduling.

Anyhow. One of my employees came to me, saying this lady wanted to speak to the manager. I go see what’s up. She’s irate talking about how no one greeted her, we were unprofessional etc. I just politely told her that maybe she wasn’t aware, but we were packed, it’s Black Friday and she’s interfering with us helping everyone else due to her petty grievance. I sarcastically told her if she wanted the red carpet treatment to come on a Monday morning when the store would be empty.

She made some remarks about my employees and me as a manager. She tried to say I threatened her because I told her I’m not going to let her belittle my employees. Told her to leave, she wouldn’t, literally threw a tantrum talking about suing the mall when security booted her out.

holiday seasons working retail were so trash.
:rofl: @ Suing the MALL
We were in a bar! This woman moved a sign on the table about not sitting there due to social distancing. We told them that they could not do that and just move to the other table. They became argumentative and the management stepped in and asked them either to move or leave and this is what happened!!! Disgusting

We were in a bar! This woman moved a sign on the table about not sitting there due to social distancing. We told them that they could not do that and just move to the other table. They became argumentative and the management stepped in and asked them either to move or leave and this is what happened!!! Disgusting

Son, I would've dropped her..
We were in a bar! This woman moved a sign on the table about not sitting there due to social distancing. We told them that they could not do that and just move to the other table. They became argumentative and the management stepped in and asked them either to move or leave and this is what happened!!! Disgusting

Lmao where is she located so I can make sure to not visit.
I don’t think the white dude was agreeing. I think he was just trying to get on with his day and let management deal with it.
real talk tho? Admin assistant Karens be the worst. Anyone who works in IT and has ever encountered these types know what I mean.

they don’t know wtf they’re doing but their sense of entitlement knows no bounds.
:lol: Man I used to be executive support AND the supervisor, at first getting to know them was pure hell, they really ran the place. I remember one was just so ******* mean out the gate but kinda hot she turned me on a little. Eventually though you stay solid long enough they learn that extra **** unnecessary and they become your mama bear. Learned early you gotta harness the power of the Karen in your favor, because you can't stop it.
:lol: Man I used to be executive support AND the supervisor, at first getting to know them was pure hell, they really ran the place. I remember one was just so ****ing mean out the gate but kinda hot she turned me on a little. Eventually though you stay solid long enough they learn that extra **** unnecessary and they become your mama bear. Learned early you gotta harness the power of the Karen in your favor, because you can't stop it.
Man, I've dealt with one when I was younger working in a kitchen. One was the manager and she was a stone cold female dog man. She would talk to people like they were their children. She came at me like that once and I said, "Can we go in your office for a second?"

I CALMLY told her that she isn't going to talk to me like she talks to everybody else. Basically told her she needed to change her attitude because people are GROWN and not your kids.

Of course she got on the defensive and told me, "Don't tell me how to do my job." ~ :lol:

She never came at me like that again though.

So just be firm with them.
Karens are disgruntled that Connor has to work from home now and her pissy little kids are at home and keep asking them for a snack.

The go to Karen move is walking closer towards you, while simultaneously raising her voice and pointing her arm out and telling you that "you better get out of here", as if youre supposed to be intimidated.
We were in a bar! This woman moved a sign on the table about not sitting there due to social distancing. We told them that they could not do that and just move to the other table. They became argumentative and the management stepped in and asked them either to move or leave and this is what happened!!! Disgusting

na thats on sight right there.
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