UFO shotdown over Alaska

Noooo but I did talk to some folks I know in the ISR community about this and here were my takeaways:
  • That NBC News article and the government are some BS. Think of the meme with the character in the burning kitchen with the caption "everything is fine". The fact that they are setting up a task force indicates it's more serious than they are letting on. It was basically to assuage public concern and reduce speculation.
  • Don't be surprised if this fades out of the news or we get a vague report of their "findings".
  • One peculiar piece of the article that flew under the radar is that the first missile fired at the UFO over Lake Huron missed. Those things have an extreme high connect rate and the only way it could possibly miss is if the UFO had some unusual flight pattern or was able to detect and evade the missile. which would mean it was probably not something benign
  • Look for DoD spending to increase in the areas of radars and sensors (companies specializing in those areas may be good buys but it will take time before it gets worked into the budget)
@bonde111 is also right. Apparently after the spotted the balloon NORAD adjusted radars to make them more sensitive. This was also brought up by someone I talked to - one theory is that after the Chinese balloon got shot down, China and other countries used it as an opportunity to see if their platforms could fly undetected in US airspace and/or for how long which is kind of scary when you think about it.

There's just too little information to say anything definitive but my opinion is that the timing after the Chinese balloon isn't coincidental and they weren't up there for pure/"benign" reasons
Appreciate your insight, my eagles brethren
Appreciate your insight, my eagles brethren

Yo - no joke, right after posting that (4 minutes), I "coincidentally" a call from a headhunter about a position running the sustainment of the Air Force's recon aircraft (U2) :wow: :lol: It's about to be Spy Games out here
Best believe if it was a real alien ship they wouldnt tell the public

One day we all gonna wake up to this....

Independence Day 2 - Footage b.jpg

and wonder why twitter was down......
I don't believe any of it. I believe this just a means to try to bring back a level of unity within the country. No other country is mentioning UFOs. What makes America so special?
I don't believe any of it. I believe this just a means to try to bring back a level of unity within the country. No other country is mentioning UFOs. What makes America so special?
Theres no outcry or barely any for disclosure in other countries. Or its possible the US has had the most experience or contact with ufo's which makes sense because of the number of jets, nukes, aircraft carriers and military bases. China and russia would for sure keep it hush hush
I still don’t understand the overwhelming need to keep this all a secret.

I’m not religious but I don’t see how aliens disprove a creator.

If there are aliens I thinks it’s more beneficial to let everyone know so we can move to the next step.

Communication and interdenominational travel.

So I’m also calling ******** on all of this.
I think the reports and news of recent is real. But I also think there is bs behind the government being so forthcoming with info over the years.
I don't believe any of it. I believe this just a means to try to bring back a level of unity within the country. No other country is mentioning UFOs. What makes America so special?

Middle American farmland and its inhabitants

images (1).jpeg

Maybe youre right. Even the aliens know we unite under a common enemy.
Proof of it didn’t happen.

All the alien attacks in movies happen in the states so it makes sense

man this is how i feel if you know the distance to the next closest star you would need some godly tech to come to earth and why waste all your resources trying to figure out how to come to earth to come here for what? hide in the clouds?

we dont have nothing here that powered your ship to get here we dont have any tech that they could come up with that brought them to earth.

they obviously could take over our planet if they created some tech to allow them to get here.

makes no sense i call bs

and im not naïve to think there is nothing else out there it has to be i just dont think they would come here with all the vastness of space millions of more planets to see gotta be something else more interesting than this f'ed up planet.
Or space bending could really be possibility with other life being out there who understand the technology. So going from point A to point B might be faster for them if they able to bend space with whatever technology is out there. And for those who said why would they wanna visit us and not other places? There's probably trillions of intelligent life form out there in this big universe, we are just another 1 out of billions possible being out there that are exploring space as well.
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