UFC 3 vol. It's Tiiiiiiime.

Originally Posted by USAFAnt

Should have known the servers would be trash.....game is fun though. Can somebody tell me how to do that transition when your on top of somebody and you go to do a transition and they completely reverse it and end up on top of you?? A dude online was killing me with that.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]When they scoot to sweep you, you have to fight the opposite way with the right stick. it's all timed so if you miss the window it's done. so as soon as he scoots his hips one way or transitions his hands differently than blocking his face that's when you fight it with the right stick in the opposite direction. also don't forget that the left stick is able to give you position as well, scooting while blocking the sweep can mess up a sweep too. [/color]
Originally Posted by shogun

Glad I purchased from THQ and Ubereem is included.
Sucks thought that us fans have to pay to get fighters like Overeem and Diaz.  Taking as much money as they can from us to get fighters who should already be in the game 

Got the light heavy belt in career mode
I might start over and up the difficulty though. I'm playing it on experienced and it seem like I ran through everybody. Appreciate the tip im that one
Picked up my copy of the game on Tuesday, but I'm still in the States and won't be back home until tomorrow morning so I still haven't played it yet. 

Man I can't wait to play this game.

Just an FYI, in Pride Mode you can have dream matchups with certain fighters that aren't available in UFC mode due to less weight class restrictions in Pride.

I just watched a Grand Prix video where BJ Penn fought Dan Henderson in the final.

You can also have GSP fight the likes of Jon Jones, Shogun, Rampage, Machida etc.
Originally Posted by USAFAnt

Got the light heavy belt in career mode
I might start over and up the difficulty though. I'm playing it on experienced and it seem like I ran through everybody. Appreciate the tip im that one

i find playing on advance/sim is the most balanced 
on ultimate its not even enjoyable for me 
 even tho its a really good challenge 
Finally able to play the game today and it's

Really enjoying Pride Mode, haven't even touch UFC yet.

I have an extra Alistair Overeem code (PS3) if anyone is interested.

First person to reply in this thread saying they want it I'll pm it to them.
I want to pick this up. I've only played the first one at my friends house but it was a lot of fun.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Finally able to play the game today and it's

Really enjoying Pride Mode, haven't even touch UFC yet.

I have an extra Alistair Overeem code (PS3) if anyone is interested.

First person to reply in this thread saying they want it I'll pm it to them.

Toine you know you love me, give me that code!
Got the featherweight title today
. God damn josh grispi it took me like 4 times to beat him
They should've made the middldweight Pride Overeem available also.  He'd be a good addition when doing a tournament.
Making Pride tournaments are fun as hell.  Can't wait for the other fighter packs to drop.  I want to play as The Korean Zombie.
For Pride mode, is the ring announcer speaking in Japanese? And also is the commentary in Japanese?

Is the lighting in the Japanese Arena's that different from those of the American Venues?

Sorry but I am a fan of Japanese Pro Wrestling so that is why I am asking so many quesitons.
anyone else having issues with audio with the contender's pack? whenever i use one of the guys from the pack there is no sound from bruce buffer or goldberg and rogan. same with pride mode. any suggestions? thanks.
Originally Posted by drainthejumper4

anyone else having issues with audio with the contender's pack? whenever i use one of the guys from the pack there is no sound from bruce buffer or goldberg and rogan. same with pride mode. any suggestions? thanks.

this happen to me.. when i used nick diaz.. got to be a bug..
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

For Pride mode, is the ring announcer speaking in Japanese? And also is the commentary in Japanese?

Is the lighting in the Japanese Arena's that different from those of the American Venues?

Sorry but I am a fan of Japanese Pro Wrestling so that is why I am asking so many quesitons.
I havent noticed if he is speaking Japanese but i think he is, they used to in Pride if i remember correctly.. never noticed this for some reason
. No the commentary is in english . Bas rutten and steven quadro do it

yup the lighting is different than in the UFC, its the lighting they used in pride. dark audience with a spotlight on the ring. IMO much better than the UFC
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