UCLA VS BYU Las Vegas Bowl

Sep 1, 2004
ucla beat BYU early this season but they are 2 different teams now. D walker is proably show casing himself for a couple of job opening so we will se how thisgoes
crazy ending..ucla almost goes for the 99 yard drive for the game winning field goal..but BLOCKED
Great. now i'm gonna have to hear about how great BYU is from all the people around here. I don't really like them, but I cheer for them cause their 2minutes away. But all the fans were complaining about playing UCLA again. If they had beat them the first time they probably wouldn't have played them inthe bowl and they barely won tonight.
Thanks for those screen shots of Bruce, the man is a beast. He has more passion for his squad than most people will have about anything in all their lives. Oh,and he basically single handedly beat SC last year, hehe.
did dude really have to cry like that though?
i don't care howwack your squad is. You and your team been taking L's all season, and now you wannna cry? Against BY damn U?! Jog off the field, head to the locker room,remove the tape your cleats (while thinking about the L), hit the showers, and hit the bus
crying like a little@%##. that's not passion, that's called being soft if you dont' know when to control your emotions. he had a goodgame too, i wish he would've acted like it instead of acting like a salty fan.
His college career is over forever and he had to put up with BS all year with this team. Dude was playing with bruised ribs, straps on a flack jacket and canbarely breathe, all to get out there and do what he can to go out a winner. And he has to go out like that. I don't need to defend Bruce, I'm justthankful that he gave everything he had to our university.

Maybe he'll learn to control his emotions and stop being soft in the NFL. Have Ray Lewis give him a call, that is a man that plays with real passion.
Originally Posted by MART1N PAYNE

did dude really have to cry like that though?
i don't care how wack your squad is. You and your team been taking L's all season, and now you wannna cry? Against BY damn U?! Jog off the field, head to the locker room, remove the tape your cleats (while thinking about the L), hit the showers, and hit the bus
crying like a little@%##. that's not passion, that's called being soft if you dont' know when to control your emotions. he had a good game too, i wish he would've acted like it instead of acting like a salty fan.

I'm pretty sure you don't play in the NCAA.
Originally Posted by MART1N PAYNE

did dude really have to cry like that though?
i don't care how wack your squad is. You and your team been taking L's all season, and now you wannna cry? Against BY damn U?! Jog off the field, head to the locker room, remove the tape your cleats (while thinking about the L), hit the showers, and hit the bus
crying like a little@%##. that's not passion, that's called being soft if you dont' know when to control your emotions. he had a good game too, i wish he would've acted like it instead of acting like a salty fan.

Uhh, I think that's even more of a reason to become emotional.

After all the ups and downs you've been going through all year, with unexpected losses, and such.... And now you finally have a chance to somewhat redeemyour season, by winning a bowl game. You drive down the field with less than a minute left on a long passing play, setting up for an "easy"game-winning FG, right down the pipe, just to see it blocked, and ending your whole season in total devastation and shock? I think I'd be rather upset,too. Cut the man some freakin' slack. He lays it all out on the line all the time; of course he's gonna be emotional.

I still can't believe that ending... I was at a bar when it occured. I basically figured UCLA had it on an easy FG, and when it was tipped and ricochetedbelow the crossbar, I yelled out, "NO WAYYY!" in total amazement and disbelief. What a terrible way to end the season for the Bruins.
Originally Posted by MART1N PAYNE

did dude really have to cry like that though?
i don't care how wack your squad is. You and your team been taking L's all season, and now you wannna cry? Against BY damn U?! Jog off the field, head to the locker room, remove the tape your cleats (while thinking about the L), hit the showers, and hit the bus
crying like a little@%##. that's not passion, that's called being soft if you dont' know when to control your emotions. he had a good game too, i wish he would've acted like it instead of acting like a salty fan.

He started crying before the FG at the end. Notice the 3 seconds on the clock. I'm guessing he got emotional because it's been a hard season andhe thought they were going to pull off an improbable comeback. It wasn't because they lost.
@ the BYU fans for storming the field after beatinga .500 team with a walk-on QB.
Originally Posted by Joe McKnight Is BALLIN


it's not that funny. it's actually not funny at all. dude's showing passion, plus he left it all on the field. sometimes i wonder if these people who laugh at players crying after their last game ever playedsports or were actually part of a "team."


Louisiana Superdome January 7, 2008

that's funny. (sorry First Born)
great game...crazy ending, i thought it went in...turned away and then looked back to see byu going crazy on the field.

of course you'd rather win the game in a more convincing fashion...but a win is a win!
Originally Posted by MART1N PAYNE

did dude really have to cry like that though?
i don't care how wack your squad is. You and your team been taking L's all season, and now you wannna cry? Against BY damn U?! Jog off the field, head to the locker room, remove the tape your cleats (while thinking about the L), hit the showers, and hit the bus
crying like a little@%##. that's not passion, that's called being soft if you dont' know when to control your emotions. he had a good game too, i wish he would've acted like it instead of acting like a salty fan.

It was his last college football game. Hell, I got emotionalafter my last high school football game. Pretty dumb that you can blame him for that.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

If Im not mistaken that Pic is of Ray while he was getting looked at by the DRs for his broken hand right before he walked to the locker room for X rays

Haha, that may be true. Google isn't too good about keeping things in context. The photo was just for dramatic effect, the message is still the samefor me. Like I said, you are all free to draw your own conclusions.
Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

Originally Posted by uclakapono

Oh, and he basically single handedly beat SC last year, hehe.

Keep telling yourself those lies.

Who am I kidding, you are completely right. This other dude had a little bit to do with it also:


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