Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

what’s your take on saving the youth? Do you think preventive programs are a waste and rather wait until they go off the rails and then say jail them? Cause some of the individuals in here sound like they are financially involved in the prison industrial complex.

There are plenty of programs out there for kids.

The lack of programs isn't the issue.

People are poor and as long as that is true, folks will live/move as if they have nothing to lose.

Sadly there will always be poor people so I don't see a realistic way to put an end to this. Add that on top of all of these damn guns in circulation, I don't have any answers.
Thats a tough one. Lots of grey area.

My parents each worked two jobs and I barely received any attention since they were never home. Grandparents raised me. There was still love and values/morals taught in the household.

If I did something reckless should that be on them? Idk.

Again, I don't typically trust the government to fairly apply laws across the board so it's tough, but I don't think it's outlandish to hold parents liable for what their kids do in certain cases.

If I'm a minor, driving recklessly, and I injure someone, my parents will be held liable for the damages that I caused...

Both my parents worked too, but they made sure that me and my brother were where we were supposed to be and out of trouble.
If your 12 year old is out committing armed robberies and stealing Kias at 11 pm, I don't think it's out of bounds to question what the kid's parents/guardians are doing :lol:
Gen X / entire generation of "Latch Key" kids:

Again, I don't typically trust the government to fairly apply laws across the board so it's tough, but I don't think it's outlandish to hold parents liable for what their kids do in certain cases.

If I'm a minor, driving recklessly, and I injure someone, my parents will be held liable for the damages that I caused...

Both my parents worked too, but they made sure that me and my brother were where we were supposed to be and out of trouble.
If your 12 year old is out committing armed robberies and stealing Kias at 11 pm, I don't think it's out of bounds to question what the kid's parents/guardians are doing :lol:

Pretty much why I agree you should trial them as adults. If you have the mental and physical capacity for armed robberies and killings, you’re operating as an adult.
My point is your logic makes no sense. Judging whether someone has the capacity to judge the consequence of their actions based on their decision is too reductive. It renders the whole concept of “try as an adult” meaningless. You can make the exact same argument to eliminate the entire notion of juvenile crime or, to my point, crimes involving juveniles inability to consent.
Kids these days grow up way faster. You can probably thank the internet for that.

But these ”kids” that are going around killing and robbing at much higher rates than before, nah they’re not kids. They don’t fear consequences and they know exactly wtf they’re doing.

I don’t know what the solution is though. Probably a mix of both preventative measures and stricter punishments.
There are plenty of programs out there for kids.

The lack of programs isn't the issue.

People are poor and as long as that is true, folks will live/move as if they have nothing to lose.

Sadly there will always be poor people so I don't see a realistic way to put an end to this. Add that on top of all of these damn guns in circulation, I don't have any answers.
Obviously, there is much room for improvement regarding social programs. Some of them seem to prioritize internal accolades and pseudo-awards over the efficiency of their organization. I think it's necessary to reassess and potentially eliminate programs that do not work well or consolidate them with more effective ones. Some of the proposed preventive programs for youth development were met with ridicule instead of serious consideration. Suggestions to criminalize children before they've even committed a crime is insane.
Every race is more likely to kill their own race. So what's the point of bringing up "Black on Black crime".

Is this actually true today though?

If you identify as an Asian are they killing each other today? Jews killing each other? Filipinos? Greeks?

I know there have been religious warfare (Sunnis v. Shiites), what about others?

If you identify as a white person are white people killing each other at a high rate? You can make an argument for Russians and Ukrainians, since they are practically cousins, but this is during an actual war.
Is this actually true today though?

If you identify as an Asian are they killing each other today? Jews killing each other? Filipinos? Greeks?

I know there have been religious warfare (Sunnis v. Shiites), what about others?

If you identify as a white person are white people killing each other at a high rate? You can make an argument for Russians and Ukrainians, since they are practically cousins, but this is during an actual war.
It is true. Go look it up. People are more likely to kill those they're surrounded by. People mainly live in enclaves. Therefore who are the ones they are most likely going to have issues with? The people they are surrounded by. Thus they will likely be in contention with those who are similar to them. Crime stats reflect that. The media doesn't publish that because it goes against the narratives they like to push.
Roughly 230 million white people In US (2020 census)
Roughly 42 million black people in US

I looked it up. It’s a +/- 8% difference in terms of white on white and black on black crimes.

Crazy really. No one reports these white on white crimes. I also live in the most diverse city in the country, so not sure how other states are where it’s predominantly white.


There's too sides to this

1) I do believe that we as a culture are to lenient & comfortable allowing ignorance & dumb behavior to continue to spread in our community
2) The thought that there isn't outrage for black on black killings is a straight up LIE, so many community based groups advocating for a stop to violence in our neighborhoods, programs for the youth, rehabilitation for convicts etc etc. There has always been people in the black community fighting against black on black crime
Funny things can happen when we live in a country where a white ex-con high school graduate has a higher likelihood of being called for a job interview than a college-educated black person with no criminal record.
There's too sides to this

1) I do believe that we as a culture are to lenient & comfortable allowing ignorance & dumb behavior to continue to spread in our community
2) The thought that there isn't outrage for black on black killings is a straight up LIE, so many community based groups advocating for a stop to violence in our neighborhoods, programs for the youth, rehabilitation for convicts etc etc. There has always been people in the black community fighting against black on black crime

Yea, this is how I feel 100%.
There's too sides to this

2) The thought that there isn't outrage for black on black killings is a straight up LIE, so many community based groups advocating for a stop to violence in our neighborhoods, programs for the youth, rehabilitation for convicts etc etc. There has always been people in the black community fighting against black on black crime
Many of these programs are cash grabs and thus need to be restructured or need some form of oversight in order to continue to exist. There is one that I know of that only shows up AFTER shootings take place and they all stand up in one place not doing anything worth a damn playing loud old school rap. The real proper programs that we need either don't exist or they are severely underfunded.
Many of these programs are cash grabs and thus need to be restructured or need some form of oversight in order to continue to exist. There is one that I know of that only shows up AFTER shootings take place and they all stand up in one place not doing anything worth a damn playing loud old school rap. The real proper programs that we need either don't exist or they are severely underfunded.

Playing loud old school rap got me in tears :lol: :lol:

I could see that, what i've come to notice is that those who are trying to make REAL change are the ones who usually under supported. Thing is how do we go about separating the fake from the real on a larger scale?

Like you said, you know of only a few proper programs & i would assume you know of them because they did/do work in your community. But for those who aren't directly in the community & want to at least lend a hand when it comes to funding, how would they know how to separate the real from the scammers.
Playing loud old school rap got me in tears :lol: :lol:

I could see that, what i've come to notice is that those who are trying to make REAL change are the ones who usually under supported. Thing is how do we go about separating the fake from the real on a larger scale?

Like you said, you know of only a few proper programs & i would assume you know of them because they did/do work in your community. But for those who aren't directly in the community & want to at least lend a hand when it comes to funding, how would they know how to separate the real from the scammers.
You would have to check in with local politicians and see what they recommend and even they are in line with the *******. They can be given a budget for funding of these programs and instead of giving an already existing established program the nod/funding, they would rathed tap on their friend or family to spin up some overnight bs program and give them the recommendation/funding instead.
There's too sides to this

1) I do believe that we as a culture are to lenient & comfortable allowing ignorance & dumb behavior to continue to spread in our community
2) The thought that there isn't outrage for black on black killings is a straight up LIE, so many community based groups advocating for a stop to violence in our neighborhoods, programs for the youth, rehabilitation for convicts etc etc. There has always been people in the black community fighting against black on black crime

I disagree with #2, at least to a certain level. The only outrage/advocating I see if a bunch of black folks marching in a circle for about 2 to 3 blocks, ending the rally with some old dude saying “we shall overcome” followed by a bunch of balloons being released in the air at the end and that’s about it. Then the next day…..maybe even the next day after depending on the weather ANOTHER ***** gets shot and dies a block away. Wash, rinse…….REPEAT.

We really have to be honest with ourselves. I know some folks don’t like the term “black on black crime” but no matter what term you use or don’t like to use WE have a big issue with gun violence in OUR community and homicides. Brothas shooting brothas on school buses, at high school graduations, and worse yet funerals now. It continues and continues from A to Z…..mo murder mo homicide.

Just in this area alone……

1. DC on pace for 200 homicides…..vast majority black people
2. PG County I believe is on pace for 100 homicides….vast majority black people
3. Baltimore on pace for 300 homicides….vast majority black people.

If and when a homicide happens in any of these areas I assure you it’s business as usual round those parts. No outrage or advocacy. If these high numbers somehow equal to outrage or result in outrage I wouldn’t want to see what sitting around doing nothing looks like.

Some folks look at the crabs in the barrel.

Others look at the folks who make the barrel, catch the crabs, and put them there.

Some folks look at the crabs in the barrel.

Others look at the folks who make the barrel, catch the crabs, and put them there.

Come on champ. Ain’t no white man, no white entity, no white government standing on trial as the defendant when a black person kills another black person. I know the existence of racism is still alive and well but ain’t no dam white person that dam powerful to make me kill another brotha that looks just like me. White people ain’t got it like that.

Besides, given the example that I just gave between the attempt killing on a school bus, a high school graduation shooting and now a shooting at the conclusion of a funeral that has nothing to do with a barrel or the proverbial crabs in a barrel. Speaking of old school rap songs……”I shouldn’t have to run from the Ku Klux Klan and I shouldn’t have to run from a black man…..cause that’s…..SELF-DESTRUCTION……WE’RE HEADED FOR SELF-DESTRUCTION!!
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