Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

Evan Koslof @ekoslof As we continue to cover the trend of carjackings in DC, here are some numbers: - So far this year - 326 carjackings (Up 27%) - 238 (73%) involved firearm - Of the 91 people arrested, 66% are under 18 including twelve 14-year-olds and six 13-year-olds. @wusa9 -

Yea, I don't think more jail is the answer. :lol:

But we know that convo will end how it normally does.

Also, I love how yall believe these kids have to come from parents that didn't teach them right.

I see kids that act a fool in/around school (and with peers) with "good" parents on a daily/yearly basis.

But we've been down that road before.
They need programs for character building, skill development and some form of ownership in terms of responsibilities. Programs where businesses can bring them in and give them some form of a stipend. In turn, then the government can give the businesses some form of tax credits by participating in said program. If the kids aren't doing well in school, they get bounced out the program until grades rebound.

Then after a certain period, the kids leave whatever business they are with and move to another, almost like a round Robin. That way they get experience in different companies, businesses, and sectors. It would help keep them from being idle and incentivises them into wanting to focus in school to keep their grades up or else they get booted from the program and miss out on the money.
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Yea, I don't think more jail is the answer. :lol:

But we know that convo will end how it normally does.

Also, I love how yall believe these kids have to come from parents that didn't teach them right.

I see kids that act a fool in/around school (and with peers) with "good" parents on a daily/yearly basis.

But we've been down that road before.

I hear ya…….but once again the world doesn’t owe these kids, parents……hell even their grandparents any sympathy. The difference if this were to happen just one state over in Virginia instead of DC these kids would get the book thrown at them and rightly so. We have kids that are literally terrorizing neighborhoods and committing violence acts ago against innocent people. Here’s another local story for below champ……and you don’t want more jails??

They need programs for character building, skill development and some form of ownership in terms of responsibilities. Programs where businesses can bring them in and give them some form of a stipend. In turn, then the government can give the businesses some form of tax credits by participating in said program. If the kids aren't doing well in school, they get bounced out the program until grades rebound.

Then after a certain period, the kids leave whatever business they are with and move to another, almost like a round Robin. That way they get experience in different companies, businesses, and sectors. It would help keep them from being idle and incentivises them into wanting to focus in school to keep their grades up or else they get booted from the program and miss out on the money.

Programs for character building?? Did you watch the video with the kids on the bus?? There’s no program for character building that would help those kids to not throw a grown woman off a bus.

Some of you dudes are naive or truly have no idea how some of the kids/juveniles are these days. Some of these kids have no moral compass, don’t respect authority and don’t want to do anything positive. These kids aren’t going to voluntarily go to any character program on their own accord. These kids are lost and wish to remain lost……I say let them stay lost, but stay lost in jail. You dudes better wake up and realize what’s going on out here. Spar the rod spoil the child.
Programs for character building?? Did you watch the video with the kids on the bus?? There’s no program for character building that would help those kids to not throw a grown woman off a bus.

Some of you dudes are naive or truly have no idea how some of the kids/juveniles are these days. Some of these kids have no moral compass, don’t respect authority and don’t want to do anything positive. These kids aren’t going to voluntarily go to any character program on their own accord. These kids are lost and wish to remain lost……I say let them stay lost, but stay lost in jail. You dudes better wake up and realize what’s going on out here. Spar the rod spoil the child.
Some people are salvageable and just need a change. I'm not going to cast them all away.
Some people are salvageable and just need a change. I'm not going to cast them all away.

You can’t save someone who don’t want to be saved champ. You better read the Serenity Prayer, over and over again…..”and the wisdom to know the difference between the two”.

Better yet……how would you feel if that was your family member that was thrown off the bus?? Would you still be on that character program nonsense??
You can’t save someone who don’t want to be saved champ. You better read the Serenity Prayer, over and over again…..”and the wisdom to know the difference between the two”.

Better yet……how would you feel if that was your family member that was thrown off the bus?? Would you still be on that character program nonsense??
You speak in such definitives. Do you know these children to know if they are truly doomed or lost?

As indicated in the byline, there were children and possibly some adults. Some of the voices in the video shouting for the woman to be thrown off the bus also appear to be adults. A bus driver has to open and close the bus doors and move the bus. He appears to be complicit based on his actions. He could have parked the bus and radioed in for help. I don't condone what was done, but I don't know if enough to talk in definitives. Should the children be punished for their actions? Absolutely, but to sit here and say lost them in the system and move on is a bit extreme in this case considering you don't know all the facts.
Turning juveniles into career criminals by institutionalizing them is a CRAZY solution.

like the US doesn't lead the league in imprisoned mfs already.

about 1/20 people on Earth are American.

about 1/6 prisoners on Earth are American.

a real problem is material circumstances, aka "there's no future in this world for me," but that's a longer discussion.
Some people are salvageable and just need a change. I'm not going to cast them all away.

hypothetically, we tried your solution and found only x% of kids were salvageable.

what would be the minimum % would you say this is a good idea? for how long would we need to try it for?
hypothetically, we tried your solution and found only x% of kids were salvageable.

what would be the minimum % would you say this is a good idea? for how long would we need to try it for?
This concept isnt something new and has been implemented one way or another throughout time in different countries and societies. It may not be the same exact plan that I spoke of, but similar in some sense. Countries use to enlist at risk youth in different programs and that helped cut crime amongst the youth.
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This concept isnt something new and has been implemented one way or another throughout time in different countries and societies. It may not be the same exact plan that I spoke of, but similar in some sense. Countries use to enlist at risk youth in different programs and that helped cut crime amongst the youth.

Which countries and time frame?
Which countries and time frame?
The UK use to have youth centers/programs and then the goverment cut funding to it and it associated programs and now they are surprised that knife crime is high especially amongst the youth. This has been going on for a while, but funding has deceased 74% within the last 10 years which is also when you see a significant increase in killings and crimes amongst the youth.

"It reveals that not only have funding cuts for youth services now reached £1.1bn (a real-terms fall of 74% since 2010/11) but annual spend per head on 5-to-17-year-olds in England has plummeted from £158 in 2010/11 to just £37 in 2020/21."

"Youth violence is an increasing public health issue within the UK and London in particular. This study collected information regarding risk factors from a wide range of sources, uniquely examining them within a UK setting. The review demonstrates the importance of stability for an adolescent during times of vulnerability with each risk factor eroding this sense of security. Although it is important to recognise not all adolescents with these risk factors will commit crimes or engage in gangs or violent behaviour, the identified risk factors can act as warning signs that captures young people before they become victims of violence. This provides essential evidence on which individuals are at high-risk, directing public health interventions to target those most vulnerable to effectively reduce youth violence."

knife crime youth stats.png

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"Recent trends in knife crime have been affected by undercounting in the Greater Manchester Police Force area prior to 2018/19. Increases in recorded offences since 2018/19 are directly related with improvements in recording practices."

What about this? Not saying what you saying isn't true but what you provided isn't strong evidence imo
"Recent trends in knife crime have been affected by undercounting in the Greater Manchester Police Force area prior to 2018/19. Increases in recorded offences since 2018/19 are directly related with improvements in recording practices."

What about this? Not saying what you saying isn't true but what you provided isn't strong evidence imo
There is ample evidence that you could look up that supports this. Here is another

Research published today (Tuesday 7 May) suggests growing link between cuts to youth services and the country’s knife crime epidemic.
Analysis of council youth service budgets and knife crime data since 2014 has found areas suffering the largest cuts to spending on young people have seen bigger increases in knife crime.

Figures obtained by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Knife Crime show the average council has cut real-terms spending on youth services by 40% over the past three years. Some local authorities have reduced their spending – which funds services such as youth clubs and youth workers – by 91%.

The APPG, supported by charities Barnardo’s and Redthread, obtained the figures on youth service budgets using Freedom of Information requests, which around 70% of councils replied to.

There was a 68% increase in knife offences recorded by police in England and Wales over the same period (from 25,516 in the year ending March 2014 to 42,790 in the year ending September 2018).

The new figures come ahead of a meeting hosted by the APPG in Parliament tonight. Young people from across the country will travel to Parliament to debate the effect of cuts to youth services in their areas, and how youth centres and other support for young people can help prevent knife crime, with MPs.

The top four worst hit local authority areas were City of Wolverhampton (youth services funding cut by 91%*), City of Westminster (91%), Cambridgeshire County Council (88%), and Wokingham Borough Council (81%).

Police forces serving these areas have also seen some of the highest knife crime increases – since 2013/14 there has been an 87% increase in knife crime offences for West Midlands Police, a 47% rise for the Metropolitan Police area (London), a 95% increase for Cambridgeshire Police, and a 99% increase for Thames Valley.

The research also reveals a 51% drop in the number of youth centres supported by local authorities since 2011, and a 42% drop in youth service staff over the same period. 88% of councils which responded had seen at least one youth centre in their area close.

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