Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

12 years old and 16. :smh:. Lost hope. What happened in their backgrounds.
Awful stuff man, damn. This world is a trip on how there’s danger at every corner and you never know what the person next to you is thinking 🙁

The NOPD said her arm detached from her body just more than a block away on North Pierce Street, freeing her from her SUV.

Should we blame the parents?

The NOPD said her arm detached from her body just more than a block away on North Pierce Street, freeing her from her SUV.

Should we blame the parents?
There's a multitude of variables that causes kids, teens, and young adults to get this twisted. I just we had universal free therapy and more programs to help some of these at risk youth out.
So who got these kids doing this carjacking? Or its on their own will? In dc they doing it almost every other day

Once I saw a bonnet on two of the suspects heads I already knew what time it was. Yes the parents are to blame……..and that’s just on the bonnets alone we haven’t even gotten to their criminal activity. Sooner or later WE are going to have to deal with the negative effects of single parent households, a significant rise of crimes committed by juveniles, and folks wasting their time talking about “mentally health” or “guidance counselors” as a way to deter kids from engaging in criminal activity.

WE have to get back to the way of things in the past……which is spare the rod and spoil the child. Parent/Parents need to go back to putting a foot in their kids asses when needed. There two ways you learn in life………pain and motivation.

There's a multitude of variables that causes kids, teens, and young adults to get this twisted. I just we had universal free therapy and more programs to help some of these at risk youth out.

See this is the nonsense that I was talking about earlier with folks talking about “universal free therapy” “mental health classes” and other foolishness. As long as you have a cellphone and WIFI you literally have access to all the mental health services and outlets you can imagine, zoom conference calls included. A lot these kids that people like danikerhino danikerhino and countless others make excuses for simply don’t utilize the internet and countless other resources for their betterment. They would rather scroll Instagram or make pointless beef videos with folks that live around the corner from them. The harsh reality that a lot of folks are going to have to recognize and understand is that kids are not going to have a Help Center on every corner or right next to where they live. Instead folks need to start thinking about building more youth detention/jail centers nationwide with the way some of these kids are being raised…….or rather not properly being raised.
So who got these kids doing this carjacking? Or its on their own will? In dc they doing it almost every other day

More like closer to EVERYDAY champ. Another thing folks need to realize is that there isn’t some organized group that got these “kids doing these carjackings”. It’s simply on their own. They aren’t taking there vehicles to chop shops or nothing like that. They are taking these vehicles on joy rides…..crashing them up and waking up the next day to do it all over again. The kids doing it are getting younger and younger. There’s simply no “mentally health class” or “school-based timeout session” that’s going to help kids like this. It’s a waste of time and effort to even be discussing that.

Take a look at the article below……14 years old connected to MULTIPLE carjackings. I wonder if the folks talking about guidance counselors would talk the same if they or one of their family members where the victim of an act like the one that just happened above in New Orleans. Let’s see how quick they are to try and have a sit down session if that were to happen.

Imagine if your family member was dragged by their own vechile until they arm ripped off. Then we’ll see if you would be advocating a light sentence followed by some mental health treatment.
Imagine if your family member was dragged by their own vechile until they arm ripped off. Then we’ll see if you would be advocating a light sentence followed by some mental health treatment.

Exactly. Folks think saying the term “mental health treatment” is some type of get out of jail free card…..and it isn’t. Everybody needs to be held accountable for their actions……doesn’t matter if it’s a so called kid or not.

It’s all fun and games with this mental health nonsense until it’s you or a family member that dies or has a body part removed from the actions of a kid trying to enact Grand Theft Auto. Dudes need to take that mental health nonsense talk someplace else. The kids are the way they are because there’s a lot of weak parents out here.
I can empathize with mental health, kids growing up with no guidance or structure and all of the above, and all of that is unfortunate if we’re being honest here.

But if you try to rob me and I have one of my guns on me. I’m going to defend myself and deal with whatever reprecussions (likely none) after the fact. And in the moment, I’m not thinking about the other person(s) age, mental health problems, or any other stuff. Would I feel bad about it after the fact? Yeah, even if they deserved it because I would hope to never be in that situation in the first place.
So who got these kids doing this carjacking? Or its on their own will? In dc they doing it almost every other day

those effers got me in navy yard too a couple months after the ubereats driver in pretty much the same exact spot. left my phone in the car though so we were tracking it with find my iphone. ditched it eventually in some neighborhood uptown. parked it and seemed like they were gonna come back for it later once stuff cooled off, but since i got it back right away, they couldn't.

police said it happens there daily. they can drive by and see a group of kids and just know they're sitting around waiting for someone to slip up and take their ****.

it's funny when they got my uncle we were all like why didn't he just let those girls take the car...it's insured just let them take it, etc...but when i saw them driving my truck away, my first instinct was to immediately take off after them. thankfully i'm fatter and slower now, but if i had the opportunity i'd still **** those kids up.
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So who got these kids doing this carjacking? Or its on their own will? In dc they doing it almost every other day
Opinions about a vaccine. [Shut it down asap.]

The most popular genre of music of the world that promotes & glorifies such violence. [Leave it up, spread it to multiple streams, it keeps our jails full & law enforcement busy.]

In the early 1900's those girls would be competing their education levels amongst their peers.

Today, they condone & compete fatuous acts like in the posted links.
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