Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

What is you guys opinion on someone breaking into your house? Would you use your firearm or not since it’s just property? Key here is not knowing if the intruders have an actual weapon or not

Just a hypothetical/convo starter since there’s a discussion about if you’d use a firearm when it comes to protecting property.
What is you guys opinion on someone breaking into your house? Would you use your firearm or not since it’s just property? Key here is not knowing if the intruders have an actual weapon or not

Just a hypothetical/convo starter since there’s a discussion about if you’d use a firearm when it comes to protecting property.
Having a kid in the house I’ll shoot if there is a break In. If the perp is already outside and running away there’s no point in shooting . Let the cops take it from there IMO
The worst break ins however are the armed robbers. Especially for children’s safety. Easier said than done though. At those points adrenaline is rushing so fast through the body who knows what a person would do.
I have essential tremors ; they are annoying as hell to live with but you have to deal with them so when I’m hyper or adrenaline filled I shake even more.so who knows but god forbid that happens to anyone
If you break into someone's home, you might run into a Willie Manchester.

That's on you.

But I know you are breaking into that home for a reason which is probably the result of something out of your control. (Poverty, Living COnditions, Bad Influences, et...)
I was kinda looking at the situations these two presented. frankmatthews frankmatthews

But in general, when it comes to "reactions", I more so believe you can't control how someone else reacts to harm you caused them. Not sure reactions are meant to be "fair" if that makes sense.

For sure, everyone has their own perspectives and reactions. If someone has a gun or even if someone tries to strongarm you it is much, much more understandable to me. But I really cant wrap my head around people saying this 13 year old "deserved" to die and that this is somehow teaching a lesson to criminals as if civilians acting as judge, jury and executioners on the street is not criminal behavior in itself.
What is you guys opinion on someone breaking into your house? Would you use your firearm or not since it’s just property? Key here is not knowing if the intruders have an actual weapon or not

Just a hypothetical/convo starter since there’s a discussion about if you’d use a firearm when it comes to protecting property.

Shoot to kill!!
Y'all definitely need to look into carry insurance. Totally worth it. Basically a no-brainer considering the legal liability. What's the point in protecting our families just to place them in financial ruin. A threat is a threat physical or financial. Mitigate risk in all it's forms as much as you can.
What is you guys opinion on someone breaking into your house? Would you use your firearm or not since it’s just property? Key here is not knowing if the intruders have an actual weapon or not

Just a hypothetical/convo starter since there’s a discussion about if you’d use a firearm when it comes to protecting property.

I'm in college rn, and we just discussed this in one of my law classes a couple weeks ago.

From my understanding, your home isn't legally considered property in the same sense as a car, it's considered your dwelling. There's very different self-defense standards between a home invasion and a carjacking. In some states, if someone breaks into your home, it's assumed that your wellbeing is in danger in that situation. You're free to defend yourself with no hesitation.

But shooting at someone that stole your car as they're driving off is a no-no I think, even in stand your ground states. There's no danger to your person in that situation, and you become the aggessor. Prob gonna be some charges.

I'm not a lawyer tho, so take what I say with a grain of salt. Laws also vary by state.
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For sure, everyone has their own perspectives and reactions. If someone has a gun or even if someone tries to strongarm you it is much, much more understandable to me. But I really cant wrap my head around people saying this 13 year old "deserved" to die and that this is somehow teaching a lesson to criminals as if civilians acting as judge, jury and executioners on the street is not criminal behavior in itself.

If it's teaching them any lesson, it's to use more force, criminal thinking/planning and to up the ante during the commission of a crime so they have the upper hand. For every 13 year old criminal that reads this story and says "I need to clean my act up before this happens to me," there's dozens who will start carrying a blade or a ratchet so it doesn't happen to them.

It's been determined that the death isn't a deterrent to crime.

Criminals will always adapt.

This thread could get a lot deeper TBH. Crime is a lot more complex than cops and robbers.
What is you guys opinion on someone breaking into your house? Would you use your firearm or not since it’s just property? Key here is not knowing if the intruders have an actual weapon or not

Just a hypothetical/convo starter since there’s a discussion about if you’d use a firearm when it comes to protecting property.
I dunno what id do exactly, but if someone were to break into my home while i am there they will 100% regret having done so. I remember being 8 or 9 and our apartment got broken into. I remember being very angry and helpless cuz what can a kid even do? I know one thing, what ever i do will be for 9yr old ahat ahat
I dunno what id do exactly, but if someone were to break into my home while i am there they will 100% regret having done so. I remember being 8 or 9 and our apartment got broken into. I remember being very angry and helpless cuz what can a kid even do? I know one thing, what ever i do will be for 9yr old ahat ahat
Similar story with me except I was 5ish. I remember me and my two brother looking at each other nodding knowing whatever comes through that door ain’t coming into the house. Luckily the chain bolt stopped them.
Similar story with me except I was 5ish. I remember me and my two brother looking at each other nodding knowing whatever comes through that door ain’t coming into the house. Luckily the chain bolt stopped them.
They hit ours during the day when no one was home. I remember coming home from school to a busted door and the apartment tore up.
How do you know that?

How can that be proven?

based on what the court presented and listening to her statement. got the feeling that she was sorry that she got caught and in trouble...not sorry that she killed someone. the other girl though, i felt genuinely was remorseful.
based on what the court presented and listening to her statement. got the feeling that she was sorry that she got caught and in trouble...not sorry that she killed someone. the other girl though, i felt genuinely was remorseful.

Yea, there is no way you can determine how remorseful someone is simply because they aren't SHOWING what YOU deem is the behavior of a remorseful person.

Nah man, that is dangerous as hell.

There is no way anybody can determine that for another human.
Yea, there is no way you can determine how remorseful someone is simply because they aren't SHOWING what YOU deem is the behavior of a remorseful person.

Nah man, that is dangerous as hell.

There is no way anybody can determine that for another human.

did you listen in? Or are you basing this off of what you are imagining in your head?

She sat there blaming him saying if he would have just ******* gave it up his dumbass would still be alive.

Yeah, you can’t really measure how remorseful someone is, but you can get a ballpark idea of where their head is at unless you want to argue just for argument’s sake.
I dunno what id do exactly, but if someone were to break into my home while i am there they will 100% regret having done so. I remember being 8 or 9 and our apartment got broken into. I remember being very angry and helpless cuz what can a kid even do? I know one thing, what ever i do will be for 9yr old ahat ahat
Happened to me and mines when we just migrated to the country. Welcome to America. :smh:
Yeah, you can’t really measure how remorseful someone is

That's all that I have stated.

Yes, I listened in.

And again, we all have different ways of ACTING when the heat/pressure is on.

Some get aggressive.

Some get defensive.

Some get quiet.

Some get annoyed.

It is a defense mechanism.

That isn't a direct correlation to how "remorseful" we are.

Again, it is DANGEROUS for us to make judgements on how remorseful someone is/was and using that OPINION against them.

But we can move on about that.
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That's all that I have stated.

Yes, I listened in.

And again, we all have different ways of ACTING when the heat/pressure is on.

Some get aggressive.

Some get defensive.

Some get quiet.

Some get annoyed.

It is a defense mechanism.

That isn't a direct correlation to how "remorseful" we are.

Again, it is DANGEROUS for us to make judgements on how remorseful someone is/was and using that OPINION against them.

But we can move on about that.
Man this is some Karen level liking my dude. Cmon now. Some “this isn’t the real me” type of excuse
update on kenosha shooting

Thanks for the update. Hopefully the charges against him get dropped or that he’s not convicted if it goes that far. Very interesting that the young girls friend said “she thought it was a joke…..or took the car for a laugh”. The lack of accountability is evident.
Thanks for the update. Hopefully the charges against him get dropped or that he’s not convicted if it goes that far. Very interesting that the young girls friend said “she thought it was a joke…..or took the car for a laugh”. The lack of accountability is evident.
Its always a "joke" or fun and games, til some **** pop off. Ran into someone who was really bout it and didnt give a ****. Always learned from young, you dunno whos who and whos capable of what. So be respectful and dont fw people... unless youre really willing to deal with the consequences.
A lot of people ain’t playing out here. Break into someone’s home, car, whatever. I assume they trying to take my life. Robbery is a gateway into a LOT of things. Steal a few cars or break into a few homes successfully, they might start feeling invincible.

I have a cousin in jail now who basically said he wants to be a “jackboy”
You REALLLY think people gone keep letting you rob or steal? That 10th robbery you attempt may put you in the ground.

Anyone comes into my home or car uninvited, I feel violated. IDC what anyone says. Like someone said earlier, we know poverty, hunger, etc. drives people to do unspeakable things, but you also have to see it from the perspective of the other party, too.
Its always a "joke" or fun and games, til some **** pop off. Ran into someone who was really bout it and didnt give a ****. Always learned from young, you dunno whos who and whos capable of what. So be respectful and dont fw people... unless youre really willing to deal with the consequences.

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