Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

I live IN the city.

so the article you linked says that they could even get home release and probation. That’ll really deter SOME kids in dc 🙄. Doofus.

If anything, this would make kids want to do this **** more for the “clout”
i assume they'll probably be on probation for awhile and any slip up will result in a harsher punishment going forward
is that like monitoring, check-ups, curfews, etc?
so the article you linked says that they could even get home release and probation. That’ll really deter SOME kids in dc 🙄. Doofus.

If anything, this would make kids want to do this **** more for the “clout”

Why do you think it won't deter some kids?

Why are we name calling? I thought we were having an adult conversation.

I love how you just KNOW how all of this will play out.
maybe I’m just caught up in emotions while trying to process all this still.

being out once they turn 21 (and most likely earlier than that) is not punishment enough imo. And most people don’t seem to realize that’s what’s actually happening. They’ve already been offered the plea deal. I’m sure they’ll be advised to take it.

Is this justice? Is that punishment enough to deter other kids in dc to think twice before doing some dumb **** like that moving forward?
Fine you are emotional, cool you think the sentence you will get is not enough, but you are acting like everyone that disagrees with you is operating from a place of ignorance or stupidity. That is not what is happening, rational people are seeing this situation, and coming to a different conclusion than you.

Laws in DC are a response to the tough-on-crime era which resulted in juveniles (especially black kids) all over the country being charged as adults, this was the error when the phrase "superpredator" sprung up. All of over the country draconian laws have condemned tons of young teenagers to life without any sort of redemption. The American Bar association is against life sentences for juveniles. So yes, maybe in this instance DC laws err in one direction and might not give a suitable enough penalty for this crime, but lets us remember that for much of the country, for decades, the opposite has been happening. And we see little outrage for that.

I think what they did was ****** up, think they should face punishment, but I am not gonna indulge in some of the thinking others are doing because they see how it dovetails with some more destructive ****. Your whole deter crime rational sounds right out of the Tough on Crime era. I am especially not gonna do it if it depends on me being reactionary.

Long prison sentences don't deter crime. LINK. So kids in DC, and other places will continue to do dumb things and not care about the punishment because..... they don't think they will get caught. The fear of getting caught is probably a bigger crime deterrent than extremely punitive sentencing.

You want to deter kids from committing these sorts of crimes in the future the harsher sentencing is not the panacea you think it is. You instead should be ranting about improving their schools, community programs, internships, general antipoverty measures, and creating a functional and responsive, make sure their drinking water and air is clean, and overall improving their economic well-being.

Instead of trying to use this one instance as a chance to advocate for bad policy that will not help the other kids in DC.
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I would be careful here, not everyone who thinks these kids should face harsh consequences is white. I would come down even harder if they were white because I KNOW that's definitely a mass murderer in the making. :smh:

Bingo! Dudes playing the race card in this situation are reaching for the stars, if they were white I’d feel even more animosity towards them tbh, because as I said very early on, white kids never had to deal with systemic racism that eventually put them at a disadvantage, the actions of these girls are for sure a reflection of a systemic issue....still they get no sympathy from me, a man lost his damn life, a family is broken and traumatized, his death lives on the damn internet forever now....I don’t give a damn for the rehabilitation of these two idiots...wild to see how sympathetic some of ya are towards that almost no one is even talking about the trauma the victims family is dealing with.
harsher punishments definitely dont deter kids from committing violent crimes.
i think the only thing that would/could is an “eye for an eye” based judicial system, but thats NEVER gonna happen here.
the actions of these girls are for sure a reflection of a systemic issue....still they get no sympathy from me, a man lost his damn life, a family is broken and traumatized, his death lives on the damn internet forever now...
Why does it have to be either or?

Why can't we feel for the girls and the situation they were born into WHILE feeling horribly for the family of Mr. Anwar?
Bingo! Dudes playing the race card in this situation are reaching for the stars, if they were white I’d feel even more animosity towards them tbh, because as I said very early on, white kids never had to deal with systemic racism that eventually put them at a disadvantage, the actions of these girls are for sure a reflection of a systemic issue....still they get no sympathy from me, a man lost his damn life, a family is broken and traumatized, his death lives on the damn internet forever now....I don’t give a damn for the rehabilitation of these two idiots...wild to see how sympathetic some of ya are towards that almost no one is even talking about the trauma the victims family is dealing with.
Is saying juveniles who might not have intended to kill a man should not get the same sentence as if they were adults who planned and intended to murder someone, is being sympathetic?

And I don't think saying that means people don't feel for the victim or his family.
.wild to see how sympathetic some of ya are towards that almost no one is even talking about the trauma the victims family is dealing with.

Talk about it. What do you think needs to be explicitly stated here?

Legit question.
Unless Derek chauvin gets life then I honestly don’t wanna hear **** about these kids should get it.

“Murder is murder” right? Keep that same energy

If had it my way, I’d hand guns to every single person George Floyd left behind heart broken and let them go to work on that piece of **** Derek chauvin and toss that other piece of **** Tou Thaoas a gift too.

The whole “ya wouldn’t keep this energy if these two girls were anything but black” rhetoric really doesn’t hold much weight here tbh....you never gonna get me to sympathize with anyone that murders another human being UNPROVOKED...regardless of the color of their skin :emoji_shrug:
Talk about it. What do you think needs to be explicitly stated here?

Legit question.

For starters ya need to quit making excuses for these two girls, I’ve seen posts in here go as far as placing judgement on the victims actions and how he should have just let the car go.....if that don’t sound like victim blaming, then idk what is....going this far to somehow humanize these poor souls that simply made a “mistake”, I mean victim had insurance! What an idiot! He died for being stupid....smh.

man GT*OH
For starters ya need to quit making excuses for these two girls, I’ve seen posts in here go as far as placing judgement on the victims actions and how he should have just let the car go.....if that don’t sound like victim blaming, then idk what is...

Yea, I personally have already said the, "He should have let the car go" comments were dumb.

going this far to somehow humanize these poor souls that simply made a “mistake”

To humanize means they aren't human.
If they aren't human what are you suggesting THEY are?

I don't want to mix up your words.
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harsher punishments definitely dont deter kids from committing violent crimes.
i think the only thing that would/could is an “eye for an eye” based judicial system, but thats NEVER gonna happen here.

it doesn't deter adults either. For violent crimes I don't view incarceration as an attempt at rehabilitation. I want those people punished for the harm they have inflicted on others.
Well the family has already come to grips with the fact that the kids will get off with a slap on the wrist.

It just enrages me that while the majority of people do seem to agree that they should get some sort of severe punishment, they don’t realize that it’s not going to happen. For killing a man (whether you intended to or not) through wreckless actions, you go to jail for a few years or possibly just get house release and probation and get to live your life as if nothing ever happened.

if harsh punishments don’t deter kids...is this the next best option?
For starters ya need to quit making excuses for these two girls, I’ve seen posts in here go as far as placing judgement on the victims actions and how he should have just let the car go.....if that don’t sound like victim blaming, then idk what is....going this far to somehow humanize these poor souls that simply made a “mistake”, I mean victim had insurance! What an idiot! He died for being stupid....smh.

man GT*OH
Those young girls are indeed human. Irresponsible, reckless, criminal, and indeed murder in regard to their actions. But they are indeed human.

A good question is, why are young women of this age, so desperate to commit such a crime?
Yea, I personally have already said the, "He should have let the car go" comments were dumb.

To humanize means they aren't human.
If they aren't human what are you suggesting THEY are?

I don't want to mix up your words.

I know a bait when I see one :lol:

they are as humane as Kyle Rittenhouse, all three can rot :shrug just to put a swift end to the idea that the way I feel about these girls has ANYTHING to do with the color of their skin...take someone’s life unprovoked, you can rot in hell, respectfully.
Please point out whoever posted that "you gotta feel sympathetic for the kids to be in that situation and have the need to steal that car".

That has to be hands down a troll or the worst post in NT history.
Please point out whoever posted that "you gotta feel sympathetic for the kids to be in that situation and have the need to steal that car".

That has to be hands down a troll or the worst post in NT history.

Dawg it’s literally on this page :lol

“Why can't we feel for the girls and the situation they were born into WHILE feeling horribly for the family of Mr. Anwar?”

I’ll wait for you to spin it since it isn’t exactly what I said but the same exact message
Lots of people sounding sheltered in here. No one is excusing their actions but that's the reality of certain areas in this country. And that's how those in charge want it to be.
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